"Emperor Devil, your time of death has come."

The ruthless man Ling Xu stepped forward, like a god king walking in the sky, flying to the Demon Emperor, and pointed out in his infinitely frightened eyes.

The Great Desolate Prisoner!

One finger confines the world!


Under this unparalleled divine might, the Demon Emperor's body shattered directly, and was rolled up by the platinum holy fire and refined, leaving only a piece of demonic figure that fluttered down and fell into the hands of the ruthless.

This corpse demon seal map is indeed a supreme magic treasure. It has been passed down in the demon world for thousands of years, but now it has been emptied, and there is no demon in it.

Before the ruthless man could investigate carefully, a terrifying magic power suddenly erupted from Moyuan City. To be precise, it erupted from Moyuan City. 20 Novel Network www.20xs.org

This vast and infinite city of Demonic Abyss actually 'stands up' in a tremor, turning into a heaven-piercing monster.

"Zhang Ruren, you broke the Devil Emperor's plan, I want you to die!!"

The huge Demon Abyss City made an extremely gloomy sound, which was somewhat similar to that of the Purgatory Demon Lord.

Lian Shanyi from the rear said in shock: "Be careful, the Duke of Nanling, the purgatory devil forcibly merged with Moyuan City, and his injuries have recovered, and he can mobilize the magic energy in Moyuan at any time, which is endless."

As soon as these words came out, all the holy masters showed a look of astonishment. You must know that the biggest reason for them to dare to fight this battle is that the purgatory devil was seriously injured by Zhang Tian.As a result, not only did they not get seriously injured, but they became stronger, how could they not be frightened.

"Jie Jie, lowly human ants, this is what you forced me to do, even if I try to destroy Mo Yuan, this Demon Lord will kill you!"

The Purgatory Demon Lord was completely mad, and a scarlet glow erupted from his body. He waved the city wall of the giant city and smashed it at the ruthless man, as if the ancient mountains had descended.

This force surpassed the ordinary quasi-emperor level, and was extremely powerful, blocking the void, and no one in the entire battlefield could move.

At the critical moment, the ruthless man could no longer care about other things, the golden color flashed in his pupils, and the golden beginningless bell had turned into a golden gauze and draped over her body.


The huge city tower smashed down, and was directly shattered by the bell without beginning. The power of the quasi-immortal emperor's divine soldiers blessed him, making the ruthless man stronger than ever before, his eyes fixed on the purgatory devil, and his murderous aura rose to the sky.

Fei Xian Jue!

The Great Desolate Prisoner!

The Peerless Battle Technique blessed the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Technique, and the whole sky was cracked, and the ruthless man carrying the bell without beginning was like a peerless female emperor of Gao Ling Jiuxiao.

"Bang bang bang..."

A shattering sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the incomparably huge Demon Abyss City collapsed unexpectedly under this ancient master.

"No, it's impossible! It's impossible! It's impossible!"

The Purgatory Demon Lord let out bursts of miserable howls, his Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa was abolished, his whole body was wrapped in blood mist, his breath instantly declined countless times, but his expression became more and more hideous.

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

The last madness of the Purgatory Demon Lord broke out, and the splashed demon blood all shrank back, arousing the demon soul, rushing towards the ruthless man, wanting to pull her to self-destruct.


The ruthless man's face was as cold as it was cold, and he didn't dodge at all. The golden gauze attached to his body flew up with the wind and turned into a golden bell without beginning, directly covering the purgatory devil.


The power of the Purgatory Demon Lord's self-destruction impacted on the Beginningless Bell, without even a single ripple.

The entire battlefield was silent, and a shocking sensation broke out immediately!

"We won!"

"The human race is invincible!"

"The Marquis of Nanling is invincible!"

The corners of the ruthless man's mouth twitched slightly, just as he was about to put away the Beginningless Bell, he suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure descend from the sky.

"finally found you!"

"The evil thief who stole my Yaochi Immortal Realm Infinite Bell!"

One after another tyrannical emperor shadows came from outside the sky, standing in the sky, and the powerful immortal magic reflected the sky, instantly submerging the earth. , , .

Chapter 744 The Emperor Mark Monument is flickering, the world is eternal!

The change came too quickly, everyone was caught off guard, and even their thoughts could not be changed.

One second ago, the allied army of the human race was still immersed in the fierce battle of the ruthless people to kill the devil emperor and the purgatory devil. .


The void exploded, and the entire earth was submerged in brilliance, and a dimensional space was split open and everyone was involved.

However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a huge roar came from the sky again, and the sky abyss cracked open, flying out one team after another.

"Haha, finally found it."

"I have been wandering in the star field for several years, and finally found someone."

"The golden bell without beginning will definitely belong to our Heavenly Jade Immortal Domain!"

These days, the foreigners didn't even look at the Terran coalition on the ground. They all shredded the space with absolute strength and rushed into the foreign land.

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