Looking at the empty battlefield, the holy masters of the human race coalition army were a little dumbfounded. It took a long time for someone to say: "Those people, what are they shouting from the fairyland, is it from the ninth mountain and sea?"

Zhou Xuan squinted his eyes and pondered: "In those teams, every one of them is led by a quasi-emperor powerhouse. Except for the immortal forces of the ninth mountains and seas, who else has such a hand, I don't know how the Marquis of Nanling provokes these. people."

Tantai Mingyue said softly: "They seem to be calling the bell of the beginningless again. Could it be the one of the Beginningless Heavenly Emperor..." Halfway through, she suddenly realized something and hurriedly fell silent.

Chen Beixuan touched the Zhentian Bow without a trace, and when the ruthless man used the golden bell without beginning, he sensed that it was a treasure that was not inferior to the Zhentian Bow, and it really attracted countless immortal forces. greed.

This also reminded him that without absolute power, he must not use the Sky-Shocking Bow easily.

"I don't know if Senior Sister Zhang can survive this calamity, it would be great if Senior Zhang was here." Ji Feixue muttered to herself, her face full of anxiety.

Let's say that the ruthless person was blasted into the dimensional space. She was shocked but not confused. She had a golden bell to protect her body. Her defense was increased countless times.

However, the grade of this golden beginningless bell is too high, and the consumption of spiritual power is extremely terrifying.

"What magical power is behind you that contains such a powerful devouring law?"

A quasi emperor of the immortal realm saw the clue and immediately asked.

"You'll know if you try it?"

The ruthless man was full of anger at the moment, and he didn't bother to ask about the origins of these people. He twisted his body and directly merged into the void, and appeared behind the quasi emperor across the layers of space.

Eternal sword!

The spirit of the ruthless man has risen to the peak, and under the blessing of the Beginning Bell, this sword emits a dazzling light and shoots straight out, like silver falling for nine days.

"What? No..."

The Emperor Zhun didn't even have time to turn around, he only drank half a sentence, his heart was pierced by Emperor Shuiyun's sword, the blood of the emperor flew, his body was torn apart, and he was thrown into the hell oven by the platinum holy fire.

"Great Void Technique!"

"Eternal Sword Saint Body!"

"The magical power of the ancient devil!"

In an instant, the three quasi emperors called out at the same time, and the audience was in an uproar. The appearance of any of these three things is enough to shake the ninth mountain and sea, and now it is concentrated in the body of a teenage girl?

"Sure enough, he is a daring thief who even stole the "Great Void Technique" of the Jiang family. Let's spit it out together!" Beautiful Novel www.meilixs.com

"How dare you privately cast the Eternal Holy Body, how can this old man tolerate you!"

"It turns out that it is the remnants of the ancient demon gods who are causing trouble, and this emperor will remove a big harm for the nine mountains and seas today!"

After a brief shock, these Immortal Domain powerhouses invariably made a decision - to kill the ruthless!

At this moment, they were no longer even trying to retrieve the Golden Beginning Bell, and it was not because they shouted so grandly, but subconsciously wanted to kill the ruthless evildoer.

"Great Void Technique" is a method of immortal kings that can only be practiced by the arrogant Tianjiao of the Jiang family's Void Taoist body. The Eternal Sword Saint Body is the supreme holy body that can command the entire sword gate. The ancient demon god is an extreme demon who once ravaged the nine mountains and seas. head.

Having these three kinds of ruthless people at the same time made them feel fear.

"People don't offend me, I don't offend others. If anyone offends me, I will cut the grass and root out."

This is the principle of dealing with ruthless people. These people have already violated the killing precepts in her heart, so she has no reservations.

Fei Xian Jue!

A power of flying immortals erupted from his body, and at the same time, the imprint of the emperor was opened, and the ruthless man was like a golden god king. Every punch had the power to crack mountains and rivers, smashing the heavenly talents of the immortal realm one by one, and even the quasi emperor. Don't even dare to stand up.

"No, don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"I am the Holy Son of Heavenly Jade Immortal Domain, you can't kill me!"

The feast of slaughter is still going on, but those Tianjiao Tianjiao have been smashed, they have completely collapsed from the initial calm, to the gritted teeth and persistence.

Ruthless people are not like the natives of Xiaoqianjie that they imagined they could despise. The tyrannical background and the ferocity of supernatural powers make them not even have the courage to look up.

"This, how is this possible..."

Those quasi emperors are also getting more and more frightened. According to their estimates, the ruthless people have motivated so many powerful emperors, even the real Holy Body has long been exhausted, but she is more and more brave.

Even Ruthless Man didn't realize that her body was absorbing the chaotic energy in the void to replenish herself, not to mention the Great Emperor, even a true immortal couldn't do this.

The only thing that can do this is the Eternal Holy Body, which is eternal.


The hell oven refines the holy bodies and imperial bodies of those geniuses, turns them into countless essences and smokes and pours into the bodies of ruthless people, and overbearingly seizes the creation of heaven and earth.

"Eternal Holy Body - Congealing!"

The ruthless man screamed in the sky, and under the horrified eyes of all the quasi emperors, his body burst into a strong light, as if crossing time, space, karma, and reincarnation, tracing back to God and reaching the other side.

Infinite starlight hangs down from the heavens, that is the brilliance of the Dao, and the Dao is using the power of the source to cleanse the body for the ruthless!

In the vast star field above the nine mountains and seas, the Emperor Mark Monument emits a faint white light, reflecting a divine sword that penetrates the sky, burning like an eternal holy fire, standing in the heaven and earth, all the monks in the nine mountains and seas can look up. See.

"This is... Eternal Sword Saint Body!"

"Jianmen ZTE is promising!"

"The King of Swords lives up to the challenge! Finally, another Allah has appeared in my sword gate!"

Under the heavens, countless great powers that penetrated the sky and the earth woke up from their deep sleep, exuding the sword intent of destruction, echoing in the sky, causing many transcendent great sects to change color.

"The true spirit of Emperor Chen Tian appeared in the world before, and now there is the Eternal Sword Saint Body, and the remodeling of the sword gate is in sight. It is really a prelude to the opening of the great world."

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