I don't know which supreme-level character left emotion in the void for a long time. , , .

Chapter 745 Zhang Tian suppresses the Emperor of the Immortal Domain!

The changes in the ruthless man continued. After being baptized by Dao Xinghui, her spiritual power instantly soared dozens of times, and even her major training method "Swallowing the Devil" finally gave birth to a mutation.

This magic art was passed down from the ancient demon gods. It pays attention to seizing the heavens and the earth, refining the essence of the sun and the moon. The more plunder, the stronger the power can be obtained.

Before the ruthless man had devoured many treasures of heaven and earth with the hell oven, the ancient devil had made it reach the first peak, and evolved the platinum holy fire, but he had never been able to break the barrier.

This time, under the scouring of Dao Xinghui, there has finally been a qualitative change and officially entered the second realm.

In an instant, endless insights poured into the hearts of the ruthless people, and the hell oven behind it was also shaking violently. In the end, it was like a silkworm chrysalis breaking out of its cocoon. The black iron on the surface kept falling off, and finally a clay pot-shaped object emerged.

This is the embodiment of the second "Swallowing Devil Art" - the Swallowing Devil Jar!

Although it is a large circle smaller than the hell oven, the breath it emits is more than ten times more ferocious, comparable to the extreme immortal soldiers.

"Next, it's time to send you on your way."

The ruthless man felt a hundredfold of spiritual power in his body, his eyes flashed fiercely, and the eternal sword swept away like a nebula.

"Bang bang bang..."

As soon as the sword light arrived, more than [-] quasi emperors flew out at the same time, a terrifying sword mark split open on their bodies, and the emperor's blood gushed wildly.

"This, this is the power of the Eternal Holy Body, this woman can't keep it!"

The quasi-district emperors of the various immortal domains took their last breaths, condensed the spiritual power of their whole body, and opened the doors of cross-border with the emperor's body as an array.

More than [-] quasi emperors, all made this choice, without exception, this is the criterion for the strong in the fairyland, and everything is based on the interests of the fairyland.

"Boom boom boom!—"

In an instant, more than [-] doors of breaking the world opened, which was extremely difficult for the Dark Demon Emperor, but it was just a small path for the major immortal realms. This is the gap between the two sides.

"Who is it that killed my Holy Son of the Shaoguang Immortal Realm!"

"Seize the treasure of my Yaochi Xianyu, and seek death."

"Killing my elder son of the Heavenly Power Immortal Domain, this hatred is not shared by the sky!"

The voice of an immortal emperor came from the back of the broken world light gate. Even if it was a powerful vibration that made people tinnitus, it was the will of many immortal emperors to fight against the will of the world of Shengyuan, intending to come.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The void was squeezed out, countless black holes stretched out, the tyrannical emperor's power became more and more fierce, more than [-] immortal emperors joined forces, this is a terrifying combat power that can push the big thousand world, let alone the mere small thousand world. .

However, at the moment when these Immortal Territory Great Emperors came, a voice came from outside the Territory, indifferent and cold, as if he was an aloof emperor, ruling Cang Ming, with divine might like a prison.

"You dare to touch this emperor's daughter?"

The voice fell, and a thin white gold paper fluttered from the sky.

"This, this is Immortal Order Paper!!"

All the Immortal Domain Great Emperors went crazy, hysterical, desperately trying to escape from the Boundary Light Gate back to their respective Immortal Domains.This is really terrifying, they are just chasing down a thief in the lower realm, and they have led to such treasures as immortal paper.Bashan Love Novel Network www.83love.com

God is pitiful, this is the supreme treasure that can kill the Immortal King, and it will scare them to death.

At this moment, one hand held the fairy paper, and Zhang Tian seemed to appear out of thin air, white clothes fluttering, standing in the sky, his eyes full of stars were as calm as water.

Suddenly, the immortal decree paper held by Zhang Tian was like a holy flame, emitting a dazzling light, and an unparalleled power washed out, instantly killing more than [-] great emperors, and the blood of the emperor spread throughout the whole. dimensional space.

This is a public anger. More than [-] great emperors, each with a strong immortal domain behind them, died at the same time, causing an uproar, only to hear a voice full of anger coming from behind the door of light.

"Zhang Tian, ​​do you dare to kill me, the great emperor of Yaoguang Xianyu?"

"Who dares to provoke my Tianshu Xianyu!"

"Whoever violates my Yuheng Immortal Domain, die!"

An immortal emperor roared, and some of them also recognized Zhang Tian. After all, in today's world, there are very few strong people who hold immortal paper, and Zhang Tian is in the limelight. Many immortals have deliberately investigated His business, so he was quickly identified with his breath.

"Anyone who offends this emperor's daughter will die." Zhang Tian stood with his hands behind his back, facing the gates of more than [-] immortal realms, with a cold and arrogant expression, and said sternly: "From today, any immortal realm in the ninth mountains and seas is not allowed to set foot in the world of Shengyuan. Those who violate the order will be killed without mercy!"


Zhang Tian's words suddenly angered the emperor of Tianshu Xianyu, and said coldly: "The emperor of the small thousand world, what do you think of me as the ninth mountain and sea Xianyu? If you have the ability, you can kill Ben with the fairy paper. emperor!"

"Kill you, why use immortal paper."

Zhang Tian's face was flat, and he probed into the light gate of Tianshu Xianyu with one hand, and suddenly, the void suddenly collapsed into a huge abyss.

A vast divine might descended on the Ninth Mountain, Sea and Tianshu Immortal Territory, and a big hand came from the sky, with divine patterns on its surface shining, engraved with countless heavenly laws, as if the only light between heaven and earth, dispelling darkness and embracing light alone.

"Ah ah ah..."

The next moment, the entire space resounded with the shrill voice of Emperor Tianshu, who was caught by Zhang Tian from the ninth mountain and sea, his whole body was covered in blood, and half of his body was torn!


All the emperors of the Immortal Domain were shocked by this scene. A dignified Immortal Domain Emperor, who existed in the ninth mountain and sea with a illustrious overlord, was actually beheaded across the star domain!

Many emperors of the Immortal Domain who only heard of their names also had a real sense of awe at this time. Secretly, Zhang Tian really has the strength of the invincible emperor, and it is definitely not something they can fight against.

Heaven and earth were silent, only the intermittent screams of Emperor Tianshu were left, which was already broken and unable to return to the sky.

I don't know how long it took, the solemn voice of the palace master of Yaochi came from behind the gate of Yaochi Xianyu: "The Beginningless Bell is a treasure that my Yaochi Xianyu has inherited from generation to generation, and it must not be lost. This palace master is willing to exchange treasures of the same value. Going back to Wu Shi Zhong, I don’t know if Daoyou Zhang might accept it?”

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