Zhang Tian said indifferently, "I can't accept it."

All the emperors of the Immortal Territory took a deep breath. This is not the slightest chance to negotiate.

You must know that the Beginningless Bell is far more important to the Yaochi Immortal Domain than several great emperors. Even the Yaochi Palace Master himself is less than one-tenth of the value of the Beginningless Bell. To seize this treasure is to share the entire Jade Pool. Xianyu declared war.

Throughout the ages, who would dare to call Banyaochi Immortal Domain like this?

A war is probably inevitable! , , .

Chapter 746 Yaochi Xianyu bows his head to Zhang Tian!

"I understand that from today, Yaochi Xianyu will not enter the Saint Yuan world again."

No one would have thought that Palace Master Yaochi chose to back down, and the gate of breaking the world slowly closed, cutting off the connection with this space.

However, after thinking about it, the emperors were relieved again. With Zhang Tian's combat power comparable to the invincible emperor, no matter how many emperors come, they are dead ends. In front of Zhang Tian, ​​there is no benefit.

This step back is really helpless.

Even the Yaochi Immortal Realm who lost the Beginning Bell chose to give in, and the rest of the Immortal Realm will naturally not continue to be stubborn. After all, the body of the Tianshu Emperor is not cold, and these emperors can’t ask themselves. The Emperor Shu is only half a catty and eight taels.

Silently, the gates of light in the Immortal Territory closed one after another, and they did not publicly admit anything to the Yaochi Palace Master. This is the last stubbornness of the Immortal Territory Emperors.

However, they knew in their hearts that after today, Zhang Tian will have another label on his body, that is, the guardian of the holy world.

As long as Zhang Tian himself is not in an accident, and he has not used the fairy paper, no one from the fairyland dares to come to the attention of the world of Shengyuan.

"Thank you dad."

The tense nerves of the ruthless man finally loosened. Although there were ancient rumors that the Eternal Holy Body could challenge the Great Emperor, it was only aimed at the lowest one-star Great Emperor.For example, the great emperors who were born in the fairyland are all proficient in at least one immortal technique, and they are at least three-star. Those emperors are more than seven-star, but she is not able to parry.

"Silly girl, why are you being polite to Dad. If they hadn't indirectly helped you break through to the Eternal Holy Body this time, Dad wouldn't have let them off so easily."

Zhang Tian stroked Ruthless Man's hair and said dotingly, as if he was joking.Only those who really know Zhang Tian's identity will know that this is by no means aimless.

"You just broke through, it's best to retreat and recuperate immediately. There is some nectar and jade liquid here. You can use it to refine it, and treat it as the breakthrough reward that Dad gave you."

Zhang Tian handed a delicate jade bottle to Ruthless Man. It was a treasure he stole from the Buddhist Pure Land. There were three bottles in total. He never found a chance to give it to his three daughters.


This time, the ruthless man did not thank him, but just nodded his head heavily. Her breakthrough was really too great, and it really took some time to understand the mysteries of the Eternal Holy Body. This surge of power was completely turned into one's own.

Zhang Tian reinforced the broken dimension space again, and then left to continue his tour of the Southern Wilderness.

The ruthless person cultivates directly on the spot. Although part of this space is connected to the sky, and sometimes the air of chaos will flow in, but for her who has the eternal holy body, even the air of chaos can be refined as usual.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the ruthless man finally fully grasped the surged power in his body.

Now she is more than several times stronger than before the breakthrough, and even if she faces the purgatory devil, she no longer needs to sacrifice the beginningless bell to protect herself.

"It's time to go out."

The ruthless man stood up and took one step forward, his body directly integrated into the void, crossing the long river of space.Express Fiction www.ems999.com

In the southern wasteland, above the ruins of Moyuan City, a wave of ripples appeared. The ruthless man stepped out calmly, and at a glance, he saw the Terran warriors who were cleaning up the battlefield below.

"It's the Marquis of Nanling!"

"The Marquis of Nanling is back!"

"The Marquis of Nanling is invincible!"

When the human race warriors discovered the ruthless man, they immediately screamed, and in an instant, the voices were connected together, shaking the Southern Wilderness, shaking the heavens and the earth!

Many Holy Masters flew out in amazement when they heard the voice, and the moment they saw the ruthless man, their eyes filled with tears.

This time, the ruthless man is truly turning the tide, fighting the devil emperor, suppressing the purgatory devil, saving the human race, and even saving the mainland. He is an indelible hero in the world of Shengyuan!

"Sister Zhang—"

"grown ups--"

The students of Tianshen Academy and several generals from Nanling flew to Ruthless Man with excitement on their faces. Although they had seen the miracle of Ruthless Man long ago, they didn't think she would perish, but seeing her safe return, these talents It's a real relief.

"Congratulations to the Marquis of Nanling, for breaking through again and becoming a sacred existence."

Lian Shanyi, Chen Beixuan and others also came up to congratulate him. Lian Shanyi even revealed the fact that the ruthless man had broken through to the holy realm, which immediately caused an uproar.

After all, the more amazing Tianjiao is, the more difficult it is to break through the realm. With the world-class talent of ruthless people, to break through so quickly, at the age of less than [-] years old, to be promoted to the youngest great sage in the mainland, this is truly earth-shattering. .

Zhou Xuan was in the distance and planned to rush over, but after hearing the news, his face sank and he turned to leave.

The previous series of battles have made him confirm that he is not the opponent of the ruthless man, and now that the ruthless man has made a huge breakthrough, he must be left behind by a distance, which is unacceptable to his conceit.

Thinking that a few years ago, when he was still showing off his might in front of Ruthless Man, boasting that he would take him into the account, Zhou Xuan blushed a little, and he felt ashamed to face Ruthless Man again.

A vigorous battle to destroy the demons came to an end. The huge gap in the demonic abyss was completely sealed with the concerted efforts of all the ancient sect holy places.

At the same time, the imperial decree of the emperor's reward was also passed on to the front line, and most of the items awarded were important cultivation materials such as spiritual pills and precious medicines. Excited for a while, they all felt that the Ancestor Dynasty was rich and rich, and had a profound background.

As for the ruthless man, she was originally the Marquis of Fengjiang who belonged to the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. In addition to the fixed rewards, she was promoted from the first-class Nanling Marquis to the first-class Nanling King in one breath, and her status was higher than that of Zhou Xuan's Lanling King. It is even higher than that of the King of Zhennan and King of Chu.

Even Zhou Xuan had no objection to such a leap forward, because everyone knew very well that without Ruthless Man and Zhang Tian, ​​this battle of destroying demons would not be possible at all!

With Zhang Tian's current prestige, even the sage ancestor Human Sovereign is not qualified to judge, this reward is naturally all counted on the head of the ruthless. , , .

Chapter 747 The Eternal Holy Body that is Easiest to Cultivate in History

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