Yuxin nodded and asked again, "Then what benefits can I get?"

Xiao Guyan said with a smile: "There are countless treasures in the tomb of the Great Emperor Tianhuo. I know the location of the alchemy room. There is an Emperor Grade Pill there, which is very helpful for breaking through to the Emperor Realm. I can give it to you. I have given down several treasures of inheritance, except for one of the exercises that I am bound to acquire, the rest can be shared with you.”

Yu Xin pondered for a while, then said softly, "Okay, I'm willing to cooperate with you."

It's not that she really believed Xiao Guyan's promise. To her, it doesn't matter what Xiao Guyan promises. With her current combat power, she has a chance of winning even against the Emperor Zhun. As long as she can enter the tomb of Emperor Tianhuo, The treasures inside can be obtained by her own strength.

"Very good, with your four kinds of strange fires, plus my two kinds of strange fires, we have more bargaining chips with the six ancient races."

Xiao Guyan seemed very happy, which was the main reason why he chose to win over Yuxin.

"The appointed time is approaching. Since Miss Zhang agrees to join the team, let's rush over now." A middle-aged man in a red robe behind Xiao Guyan said calmly.

Xiao Guyan nodded slightly, and introduced Yu Xin about his companions. Except for Little Poison Immortal, the others were the Sect Master of Ice Extreme Sect, the Sect Master of Fenglei Ancient Sect, and the Sect Master of Huo Lian Sect. By.

Looking at the expressions of these people, they were all following Xiao Gu's words. Yu Xin just smiled lightly at this. Such strength is no longer in her eyes.

A red earth plain in the Southern Wilderness was originally barren and lonely, but now it has changed a lot. A huge vortex shattered in the heart, like a sea of ​​magma and flames, constantly spewing flames, and even the void was distorted.

Above the crimson vortex, each of the six teams occupies a position. It is the six ancient tribes in the Southern Wilderness. They seem to be cultivating calmly, but in fact they are secretly vigilant against each other.

"Xiao Guyan, why hasn't that kid come yet, isn't he playing tricks on us?" A fat man in a green robe broke the peace.

"He dare not."

In the direction of the soul clan, a sullen man surrounded by countless black-robed men said coldly, his body exuded an ice-cold aura, but he was not affected by the crimson vortex at all.

If you look more closely, you can even find that the six ancient clans seem to be on one side, but in fact, the five ancient clans are working together to guard against the soul clan.

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Several shocking rainbows flew by, Xiao Guyan took the lead and said loudly: "Sorry, I'm late."

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you come late, the point is that you mentioned your friend who has several kinds of different fires, but have you found it?" The ancient clan chief said kindly, looking closer to Xiao Guyan.

"I found it, it's this Miss Zhang, who has four kinds of different fires." Xiao Guyan turned sideways and let Yu Xin out.

"Zhang Yuxin!"

Gu Xunyi and the young master of the soul clan exclaimed at the same time. They went to the holy capital to participate in the Zhongzhou Tianjiao battle, and they recognized Yuxin at a glance.

"Could it be that she is Senior Zhang's second daughter?"

When the patriarchs of the six ancient clans learned of Yuxin's identity, they couldn't help but take a deep breath, greeted each other, and behaved as if they were their peers.

This is a very big courtesy. After all, in the investigation of the six ancient clans, Yu Xin is only a genius alchemist, and they all have at least half a step in the cultivation base of the emperor, and they are the most peak powerhouses in the mainland.

"Since the different fires are also gathered, then quickly open the seal of the tomb."

The sinister man of the soul clan said coldly.

The patriarch of the ancient clan whispered: "Nephew Xiao, you have to pay attention, that person is the soul master, I don't know how many years he has lived, and his strength is terrifying. He hates the blood of the Xiao family very much."

"What? How could the soul master still be alive?" Xiao Guyan showed a surprised expression.

The patriarch of the ancient clan said: "When the six ancient clans split, the Spirit Void Cave opened by the Great Emperor Tianhuo was occupied by the soul clan and renamed the 'soul world', where the concentration of aura is not inferior to that of the Daqian world, I am afraid his strength has reached the level of the gods. above the imperial realm."

A cold look flashed in Xiao Guyan's eyes. Back then, it was the Soul Clan who took the lead in slaughtering the Xiao Clan. Later, they cut grass and roots endlessly. It can be said that there are many blood feuds.

Yuxin stood on the side with a calm expression. She came here to admire the fame of the Great Emperor Tianhuo for a long time. She wanted to see if there were any treasures that she could use in the tomb of the Great Emperor, but she did not intend to mix in the enmity between the ancient tribes of the Southern Wilderness.

"If you want to open the ban on Emperor Tianhuo's tomb, you must use "Nine Profound Changes of Tianhuo" to stimulate nine kinds of strange fires, you all give me the strange fires."

Xiao Guyan quickly regained his calm and said coldly.

This is something that has been discussed before. The major ancient tribes did not ink any ink, and they handed over the different fires. Except for Yuxin's four, the remaining five were the bone spirit corpse fire owned by Xiao Guyan, and the wood tribe's fire. Owned by the Longzhi Fire, the Fire Clan owns the Ziyang Thunder Fire, and the Soul Clan’s Ocean Fire.

"To fully open the seal, you need nine different fires. Now that you have gathered all eight, you can only barely open a crack in the seal. The opportunity is only for a moment, so you can concentrate."

Xiao Guyan turned eight different fires, and an extremely powerful aura burst out from him.

In the next instant, the eight different fires formed a gossip pattern and slammed into the crimson vortex, making an earth-shattering roar.

"It's now!"

Xiao Guyan let out a long whistle, and he jumped directly into the magma, grabbed the Eight Trigrams and Different Fire Diagram with one hand, and disappeared in an instant. , , .

Chapter 749 The Chengdi Road opens, killing the ancient patriarch!

This scene changed so fast that no one could react, but when everyone woke up, Xiao Guyan had already arrived at the Eight Diagrams and Different Fire Diagram and entered the tomb of the Great Emperor.

"Xiao Guyan, you dare to cheat! Return my clan's holy fire!"

The fire clan chief was furious, thinking that Xiao Guyan deliberately took away everyone's strange fire, and immediately flashed, followed by Xiao Guyan and rushed towards the magma vortex.


At this moment, an incomparably cold voice rang out, but it was the soul master with a sullen face, who also rushed to the whirlpool at some point, and slammed it out with a palm, directly taking out a piece of the fire clan chief's heart. Big hole, instant kill.

Everyone was horrified by this scene. The fire clan's patriarch's cultivation was a quasi-immortal god emperor, and the current peak-level powerhouse in the continent was instantly killed by the soul master.


There was another loud noise, and an extra black long sword appeared in the Soul Master's hand, slashed towards the corner of the vortex, splitting a black crack, and then disappeared without a trace.

Only then did everyone know that Xiao Guyan really opened the seal, but the crack was very small, but now the soul master has expanded it several times, which is enough to see the horror of the soul master's strength.

But that crack is shrinking at a rate visible to the naked eye.

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