"Let's hurry up too!"

The powerhouses of the six ancient clans showed excitement one by one, rushing to the magma one by one, fighting each other in the void, without fear of life or death.

This is the charm of the tomb of the Great Emperor Tianhuo, the supreme treasure land that contains the mysteries of the emperor in legends.

Yu Xin was not in a hurry, she almost landed at the back. When her figure was close to the crack, a layer of crimson flames suddenly burst out on her body, which was extremely fierce.

When the closing crack touched the red lotus karmic fire, it was like encountering a natural enemy, and immediately melted most of it, turning into a huge black hole, allowing Yuxin to pass easily.

The elders of the ancient clan who fell behind all took a deep breath when they saw this scene, and only then did they know that Yu Xin is not only an alchemist, but thanks to her, these people can also enter.

Entering the magma fire channel, the temperature suddenly increased more than a hundred times, and ordinary people would be burned into fly ash in an instant.But for Yu Xin, who has the Fire Lotus Karmic Fire Protection Body, there is no problem at all.

As for the matter of being taken away by Xiao Guyan, Yuxin is not worried. She practiced "Flame God's Art" and has established contact with those strange fires. She can find them at any time, and she should temporarily store them in Xiao Guyan. That's it.

I don't know how long I have been racing in the fire path, and finally my eyes are suddenly enlightened. It turned out to be a dense virgin forest, exuding a strong breath of life.

"This large tomb has been covered with dust for five million years, and it has become a world of its own. There should be many powerful monsters."

Yuxin felt the tyrannical breath of the interlaced space, and her heart was secretly awe-inspiring. Although she had the quasi-emperor-level combat power and could look down on the mainland, when the Heavenly Fire Emperor was rampant, it was an era of great emperors, and the quasi-emperor cultivation base was far from enough to see. .His tomb may contain a deadly threat.

Although she thought so in her heart, Yu Xin's footsteps did not slow down in the slightest, flying over the towering giant trees of the ancient level, all the way to the depths.I love e-books www.52xtxs.com

For her who is proficient in "Qingdi's Spiritual Transformation", ordinary medicines are not attractive. No matter how old they are, she can catalyze them. What she wants is that rare heaven and earth medicine.

I don't know how long she walked, Yuxin's footsteps suddenly stopped, and her eyes looked in the southeast direction, she felt a breath of treasure medicine that she had never touched before.

Chi Chi!

In the dark virgin forest, the sound of the breaking wind rang slightly, and Yuxin was like a dancing elf, walking through it, and finally landed on a huge ancient cedar tree.

I saw not far ahead, there is a lake with a diameter of more than ten meters. The lake is green and unusually clear and transparent. You can see it at a glance, but you can't see the bottom of the lake when you look at it, as if the lake contains a mysterious power. , which can distort the line of sight.

In the center of the lake, there is an ancient tree several feet tall. It is silver-gray in color, with luxuriant branches and leaves, but it does not grow upwards, but spreads to the left and right, woven into a very strange posture.

Looking from Yuxin's angle, it looks like a woman who is pregnant for ten months, and between the belly covered by the heavy branches, there is a silver-gray fruit, like a star, dazzling.

"Could this be the Ancient Soul Infant Heavenly Demon Tree?"

Yuxin quickly confirmed the origin of this ancient tree by comparing the "Illustrated Book of Plants and Trees" she had learned.This is also thanks to Zhang Tian's guidance at the beginning, showing her many ancient elixir that have long been extinct in Shengyuan Continent with pictures and texts.

After finding out the origin of this ancient tree, Yu Xin couldn't help showing a surprised expression. This is a very rare treasure tree. Only by condensing the souls of hundreds of millions of monsters, plus millions of years of precipitation, can there be a chance to grow a tree. It will take millions of years to produce a Soul Infant Heavenly Demon Fruit.

Such accumulation is not easy, and the effect of the Soul Infant Sky Demon Fruit is naturally very powerful. It can not only wash the essence and cut the marrow, reshape the body, but also greatly improve the soul, and the effect is comparable to [-] high-grade soul stones.


As her thoughts flashed, Yu Xin turned into a startling rainbow and flew towards the Soul Infant Heavenly Demon Tree.


At this moment, the originally calm lake surface suddenly made waves, and a cyan giant python flew out, roaring loudly, and biting towards Yu Xin with its bloody mouth wide open.

"It turned out to be a sky-clearing azure python with both Qilin and Dragon bloodlines. This combat power is probably close to the level of a peerless emperor."

A flash of surprise flashed in Yu Xin's heart, the flower pattern on the other side was revealed between her eyebrows, and a quasi-emperor-level breath burst out. She raised her hand and waved, directly blasting the cyan giant python into the lake.

"Ow, ooh, ooh..."

The cyan giant python broke out of the water again and let out a huge roar, but it did not dare to attack Yuxin, and in those fierce eyes, there was a faint fear.

The more uncivilized monsters, the stronger the perception of danger, Yuxin's quasi-emperor aura, made it not dare to go forward to fight, and did not want to leave, just kept roaring, Like a threat, like a pleading.

"Don't worry, I won't steal your treasure."

Yu Xin smiled lightly at the cyan giant python, and when she flew to the Spirit Infant Heavenly Demon Tree, she just broke off a branch and left the lake. , , .

Chapter 750 The Emperor's Pill, Ban Yuxin!

For Yu Xin, as long as there is one branch, you can use "Qingdi Spirit Transformation" to catalyze countless soul baby demon trees, and there are as many soul baby demon trees as you want, there is no need to pick that one. The fruit that is about to ripen.

She could see that the sky-clearing azure python should have been guarding there for a long time, and only the soul baby celestial demon fruit can be swallowed up when it is fully mature and evolved into a higher bloodline.

"Maybe it can break through to the Quasi-Emperor Realm in one fell swoop. I don't know if it will be more inclined to the Qilin's bloodline or the Qinglong's bloodline." Yu Xin was speeding through the woods, while casually thinking.

However, the blue-green lin python also reminded her that the tomb of Emperor Tianhuo was indeed full of crises. Any rare and precious medicine would be guarded by a monster at the level of a peerless emperor. Quasi-emperor-level, or even emperor-level monsters.




In the virgin forest, the sound of the leaves swaying resounded incessantly. It was obviously very loud here. Yuxin flew all the way, but did not meet a few ancient monks. She also picked up a lot of rare elixir, but it seemed like a celestial python. The monster of that level has never been seen again.

This made her feel relieved and at the same time smirked that she was overly cautious. After all, even in ancient times, there were very few monsters who could be promoted to the realm of the demon emperor by absorbing spiritual energy, let alone a mere tomb of a great emperor.

Two hours later, Yuxin finally saw a sight of a building, and hurriedly flew in that direction. After all, her current position is only the space where the tomb is, and the real treasure must be in the tomb of the emperor.

As they approached, Yu Xin casually broke open a stone door and walked in.

Apparently someone had walked past here, the walls were dilapidated, and holes were smashed. It should be some gems that were inlaid, and they were dug up.

Yu Xin shook her head, her beautiful eyes closed slightly, and she spread out the powerful soul. She is now a treasure hunter for elixir and elixir, and it is impossible for any plants and trees to hide from her.

Soon, Yu Xin sensed the most violent fluctuations in the spiritual energy of plants and trees in this space, and that fluctuation even made her feel a throbbing.

"Could it be the alchemy room that Xiao Guyan mentioned before?"

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