While flying towards the destination, Yuxin released more divine senses and sensed the aura of many spiritual pills.

This emperor's tomb is like a labyrinth. Even if Yuxin followed the guidance of the spirit pill, she took many fork in the road, and it took half an hour to finally reach the destination.

I saw that standing in front of her was a temple full of ancient charm, as if made of black gold, exuding a simple and heavy atmosphere, and two big characters of dragons and phoenixes were engraved on the headboard - Dan Palace!

At this time, the gate of the Pill Hall was already open, and it was vaguely seen that there were many figures searching around. Yu Xin did not delay, and flew in directly.

With her current alchemy attainments, she has reached the realm of 'smell the fragrance of alchemy and know the recipe'. The elixirs produced by the alchemy room outside did not arouse any interest in her at all, and rushed straight to the deepest part.

Just as she rushed into the middle and back section, Yu Xin's footsteps suddenly stopped, and she saw many corpses lying in disorder in the front passage, all of them being disciples of the six ancient tribes, and there was a light green color floating in the air. Mist, hard to detect.

"This poison is so severe, could it be the mechanism set up by the Heavenly Fire Emperor, or..."

Yu Xin secretly analyzed that she had already strode forward. The moment she entered the field of poisonous mist, a layer of crimson flames covered her whole body. The so-called poisonous gas was completely vulnerable in front of Red Lotus Karmic Fire.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..." Ranwen Novel Network www.rwxsw.net

Before reaching the deepest part, Yu Xin heard the roar of the collision of magical powers, and when she entered the main hall, she saw that several groups of people were fighting, competing for six spiritual pills flying in the air.

These six elixir are very mysterious, their whole body exudes golden light, as if they have spiritual wisdom, they can fly in the sky, and their speed is extremely fast.


Just as Yu Xin was watching, one of the spiritual pills flew towards her in a panic, and she held it in her hand.

"A quasi-emperor-level elixir?"

As soon as she sensed it, Yu Xin was taken aback. It was the first time she had seen such a high-level elixir, but there were as many as six.

"Damn it, hand over the Emperor Pill!"

At this moment, several majestic figures flew towards Yu Xin, and she was about to put away the spirit pills, and even recklessly used magical powers. In an instant, several terrifying palms attacked Yu at the same time. Xin.

"Out of control."

Yu Xin frowned, raised her hand casually, and the black and white two-color beads flew out, directly throwing the blood of the elders of the spirit clan upside down.

This scene instantly stunned everyone in the field. You must know that the elders of the Spiritual Race are all old monsters of the Holy Master level. They are so vulnerable, and their strength is too terrifying.

The atmosphere in the hall became weird, and after a long silence, an elder of the wood clan said tentatively: "I heard that Miss Zhang has broken through to the realm of the emperor, and the next realm of the emperor should not be long, and she shouldn't be vulgar like me. Let's grab these quasi-emperor-level elixir."

"Don't worry, I won't grab the remaining five elixir."

Yu Xin said softly, the red lotus karma in her palm burned out the soul of the quasi-emperor-level elixir.

The wood clan, the fire clan, and the little poisonous immortals who originally followed Xiao Guyan were all relieved. Ruo Yuxin only took one treasure pill, which was still within their acceptance range.

But at this moment, a white shadow suddenly flew out from the beam of the hall, and rushed towards Yuxin like lightning, grabbed the quasi-emperor-level elixir that had lost its elixir, and then swallowed it in his mouth, quack. Chewed twice, swallowed into the stomach.

It wasn't until then that everyone could see what the object looked like. It turned out to be a civet cat the size of a slap. The pure white hair made it look very cute, but it was such a harmless little animal, who just swallowed a standard The emperor-level elixir seemed to have no effect at all.


Under everyone's attention, the white civet cat stretched out its dexterous tongue and licked it in Yu Xin's palm, its eyes were very smart, and it seemed that it still wanted a magic pill.

Yuxin was obviously convinced by this little guy, she stroked its hair lightly, and said, "I don't have any high-level elixir on me. I'll go out and make it for you, okay?"

The white civet cat nodded very humanely, and jumped into Yu Xin's arms with its hind legs, but was attracted by the rich grass and trees on Yu Xin's body.

Seeing that Yu Xin was planning to take the civet cat to leave the hall, Xiao Duxian's eyes suddenly narrowed, and she exclaimed, "No, that civet cat is a Dipin Pill!"

In an instant, dozens of tyrannical auras rose into the sky, blocking the void and trapping Yuxin within.

"Hand over the Emperor Grade Young Pill!" ,, . . .

Chapter 751 Heavenly Fire Emperor's Backhand

At this moment, everyone's expressions were extremely cold, completely forgetting Yu Xin's identity as Zhang Tian's daughter.

What is Dipin Chudan?It means that the treasured pills that have reached the emperor level have been precipitated for more than a million years, and they have produced spiritual wisdom, just like a chick.When you want to take medicine, you only need to give it a little blood, and then adjust it for a while, without damaging the source at all, which is equivalent to having an endless supply of imperial elixir.

I am afraid that such divine pills can only be produced in the tombs of the great emperors that have been sealed for five million years, and even the sacred mountains of the nine great mountains and seas are jealous and vying for it.

In fact, every major immortal realm sacred mountain will specially raise a batch of emperor-grade baby pills or even immortal-grade baby pills, and they will release the blood of the pills regularly every year.

The most important thing is that Emperor Tianhuo once left a message informing about the efficacy of this Emperor Grade Pill.

Originally, this was a successor prepared by Emperor Tianhuo for the Xiao family. When there is no successor, enter the tomb, first enter the main hall to inherit the inheritance, and then go to this Dan hall to refine the emperor's young pill and break through to the emperor realm, so that the Xiao family can be reborn. thriving.But he did not expect that shortly after his death, the six ancient clans betrayed the Xiao family and joined hands to destroy the Xiao family.

"You want to block my way?"

Yu Xin's face couldn't help but turn cold. She has a calm personality, but it doesn't mean she has no temper. When she was ruthless, she had seen a lot of killings.

"Hmph, Miss Zhang said that she didn't want to take the elixir, but now she wants to secretly take away the emperor's young pill. I'm afraid it's unreasonable, right?"

"That's right, we will never embarrass Miss Zhang by handing over the Emperor Grade Pill."

The elders of several ancient clans surrounded Yu Xin with a stern expression. This was the chance to become an emperor. Not to mention that Yu Xin was only the daughter of the emperor, even if she was the daughter of a true immortal, it could not stop their greed.

What's more, if they can win the Emperor Grade Young Pill and be promoted to the Ancient Great Emperor smoothly, even if Zhang Tianxun comes to the door, what is there to be afraid of?

With this kind of plan, the momentum of these old guys is getting stronger and stronger, including Xiao Duxian and his party, and they have locked the Qi machine on Yu Xin. After all, Yu Xin's strength was too strong, and it is likely to be the strongest present. One person must work together.

"Since you have made up your mind."

Yu Xin's voice was very soft, and her eyes had become indifferent when she said the last word "decision".


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