"Ah ah ah..."

The body of an elder of the wood clan who stood in front of Yuxin exploded without warning, and countless blood mists poured out, making a terrifying howl.


This scene was too abrupt, and everyone was taken aback. An old Holy Master-level monster, who had been cultivating for an unknown number of years, was killed like this?

In the next moment, something even more shocking happened. Those scattered blood mists, as if they were guided by some kind of guidance, all rushed towards Yu Xin.

To be precise, it was rushing towards Yuxin's back. There was a hole in the void, as if it was connected to the nether hell, and a white-robed ghost figure with iron ropes all over his body struggled to crawl out of it.

"Blood-cutting devil's finger!"

Yu Xin turned around abruptly and swiped her finger in the direction of the Huo Clan, as if with the power to destroy the world. Wisdom in general, want to return from the world of the dead.


"Ah ah..." txt novel www.setxt.com


The three elders of the fire clan let out a miserable howl at the same time, just like the elders of the wood clan at the beginning, their bodies erupted out of thin air, and blood poured out of the big tent, as if they were being pulled out of their bodies.

"No, this is the "Blood Nerve" of the Blood Demon Sect, stop her quickly!" Venerable Lei of Fenglei Ancient Sect shouted.

Before his words fell, the powerful attacks of the two ancient clans had already arrived, but all of them were vacant.


Yuxin turned into thunder and lightning, her body disappeared in an instant, and the next moment she appeared behind Venerable Lei.

"What, how do you know my sect's "Three Thousand Thunders"?"

Venerable Lei was shocked and angry, and his reaction was extremely fast. The power of infinite thunder spread all over his body, and then gathered his right fist and slammed into Yuxin.


Yu Xin counterattacked with a punch, without using any supernatural powers, but directly blasted Venerable Lei out, her entire right arm exploded into blood mist, with pure physical strength, Yu Xin was already comparable to the Demon Emperor, how could it be Venerable Lei? can contend.

In the flash of light and flint, four of the holy masters who besieged Yuxin died and one was seriously injured, but they couldn't even catch up with Yuxin's figure, and a huge fear began to spread.

Yuxin, who has turned into a 'ruthless', has no mercy at all, just like the death god who harvests life, the thunder roars under her feet, every time she flashes, there is a holy master's body bursting open, and the blood mist is absorbed by ghosts.


With the last blow, Yu Xin killed the little poison fairy, but it didn't work. She was blocked by a thick layer of poisonous mist, but the swaying Yu Wei shattered most of the little poison fairy's clothes.

I saw the broken part of the little Poison Immortal's clothes, the skin that was supposed to be crystal clear and snowy, was actually covered with terrifying lines, densely packed, and the poisonous gas was emitted from this surface.

"This is... the Evil Poison Body? You have cultivated into the Evil Poison Body?" Yu Xin said in surprise as her eyes regained clarity.

She had seen this kind of physique in the "Poison King's Handbook", and it was claimed to be a higher-level poison body that surpassed the perfect Holy Body. No wonder it was so tyrannical.

"I'm not a cultivated poison body, I'm a born evil poison body."

Xiao Duxian said in a cold tone, there were only the two of them left in the audience, and she had no plans to cover her body, so she killed Yu Xin again.

The erysipelas in her body can no longer be suppressed, and the only way is to break through to a higher realm as soon as possible. The Emperor Grade Pill in Yu Xin's hands is her only chance.

"It turns out that the poisonous mist in the passage was caused by you. You are born with a poisonous body, and you should have endured a lot of pain."

Yu Xin's eyes showed a little moving, she was very aware of the terrifying body of the poisonous body, it was a cursed body, and every day of life was a hellish torment.


Although she was sympathetic in her heart, Yu Xin was not negligent. With a flash of thunder under her feet, she bullied the little Poison Immortal, blocked the void with unparalleled power, and smashed her directly into the magma in the center of the hall.

"This ground fire gathers the extreme yang fire veins. Whether you can fight poison with fire depends on your fortune."

Yu Xin stood in a fiery pool and whispered softly, and raised her hand to take a picture. The other five quasi-emperor-level elixir also fell into her hands. , , .

Chapter 752 The Second Miss Zhang Family Who Stunned the Audience


The white civet cat let out a soft cry. During the battle just now, this little guy didn't know where he ran to. Now, after seeing the fight, he suddenly appeared again. After swallowing it, his body seemed to expand in a circle, yawned, and fell asleep directly in Yu Xin's arms.

"Why are you the same as Zi Yan?"

Yu Xin said with a bit of laughter, but she still caressed the hair on the back of the white civet cat, and then her eyes fell on the corpse of Venerable Lei.

In a flash, Yu Xin flew to Venerable Lei, raised her hand to take a photo, and grabbed Venerable Lei's storage ring into her hand.


Countless spiritual treasures leaked from the ring, various treasures, porcelain vases, clothes, and scrolls.Ancient jade and the like fell from the sky.


Yuxin accurately grabbed a cyan jade pendant, made of black jade, carved with dragons and phoenixes, extremely exquisite, engraved with the word 'wind and thunder', which is the suzerain token of the ancient wind and thunder sect.

"Sure enough, here, the advanced technique of Three Thousand Thunder Movement - Three Thousand Thunder Illusory Body."

There was a hint of joy in Yu Xin's eyes. The Ancient Wind and Thunder Sect was a very long-standing sect in the Southern Wilderness. Its most famous practice was "Three Thousand Thunder Illusory Body".

With the peak combat power of Venerable Lei and the "Three Thousand Thunder Illusory Body", it would be extremely difficult for even a half-step god emperor to kill him, but unfortunately he encountered Yu Xin, and the difference in strength was too great, there was no such thing as A chance.


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