Just when Yu Xin was about to check this unique book, there was a sudden loud explosion in the distance, and the ground trembled violently, as if it was about to turn over.

At the same time, a tidal wave of spiritual energy rushed in like a river and sea, sweeping the entire tomb in an instant.

"This is the concentration of spiritual energy comparable to the ancient times. Could it be that the main tomb is about to be opened?"

Yuxin showed a touch of excitement, and she didn't care to check "Three Thousand Thunder Illusory Body", she put away the jade pendant and galloped away from the hall.

It didn't take long for Yu Xin to find the square in front of the main tomb in the direction of the aura spewing. Along the way, there were countless ancient clan elders speeding in this direction, accompanied by many fierce battles.

These ancient monsters still don't know about Yu Xin's massacre in the Pill Palace, but because of Yu Xin's background, no one dared to come forward to trouble her.

I saw that the heavy main tombstone door had opened a gap, and a lot of spiritual energy poured out of it, but there were many strong people in the square, but no one dared to step forward, because at the door, there were eight puppets standing straight.

These eight puppets are all silver, and after millions of years of wind and frost, their bodies are somewhat broken, their eyes are empty, and their faces are expressionless, like eight ancient corpses.

"This is the Earth Emperor Puppet! Emperor Tianhuo is worthy of being the overlord of the continent five million years ago. There are actually eight Earth Emperor Puppets guarding the gate. Who in the world has such audacity?"

The elders of the ancient clan were amazed, and the eyes looking at those silver puppets were full of fiery vigour.

Yuxin couldn't help but show an expression of interest. Puppet art is also a kind of side-tracking. In ancient times, it was listed as the world's most famous school, along with the way of pills, the way of tools, the way of formation, and the way of controlling beasts.

However, the threshold for this skill is very high, and many people can hardly achieve success in their lifetime. As the spiritual energy of the world declines, it gradually declines. So far, few puppet masters have appeared, such as the Earth Emperor Puppet, a treasure that only a puppet emperor can refine. , has long since become a legend.

But this cannot deny the power of Earth Emperor Puppet. Puppets of this level already possess a certain level of intelligence, and their combat power is comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor. It may not be a big deal in the era when Emperor Tianhuo was alive, but in today's Shengyuan Continent, it is absolutely worthy of If you can control one and bring it back, you can immediately make the family become the top power in the mainland.

"If you want to enter the main tomb, you must first break these eight Earth Emperor Puppets. Heavenly Fire Emperor is a good way." Another ancient clan elder sighed.Xiaoshuowa novel network www.xiaoshuowa.com

"Jie Jie, the Earth Emperor Puppet is powerful, but after five million years of wear and tear, the spiritual power has long been exhausted, and I don't believe they still have any strength."

An old soul clan's face turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Shimen.

"This is Venerable Star Catcher of the Soul Clan!"

"Half-step God Emperor!"

Countless exclamations recalled from the surroundings that the six ancient clans had fought openly and secretly for millions of years, and they were all familiar with each other's strong men, and immediately someone recognized the old man hidden in the large black cloak.


Just when the Soul Clan powerhouse approached three feet away, four of the eight Earth Emperor puppets suddenly moved, swiftly as the wind, and turned into afterimages, appearing around the Soul Clan powerhouse.

"Boom boom boom!"

A huge roar sounded, the battlefield was obscured by black fog, and no one could see the battle clearly.

"Ah ah ah..."

At this moment, a tragic howl came out, and the soul clan powerhouse flew out of the black fog with blood all over his body. The seven orifices bleed continuously, and his arms were even torn off, leaving the bones exposed.

The four Earth Emperor Puppets returned to their original positions, still with empty eyes and expressionless faces, as if they had never moved, except that the chests of two Earth Emperor Puppets were obviously sunken in, with a hint of black air.

A group of ancient powerhouses were stunned. The power of the Earth Emperor Puppet was beyond their imagination. They could still fight after five million years, but the damage was indeed very serious.

"With such strength, it is impossible to break through the action of a god emperor."

The patriarch of the spirit clan said with a heavy expression, but his eyes could not help but glance in the direction of the ancient clan.Among the six clans in the Southern Wilderness, apart from the soul clan, the ancient clan is the most powerful.

"Father, don't take risks." Gu Xunyi said anxiously.

The patriarch of the ancient clan squinted, and before he could make a decision, suddenly another figure flew out, it was Yu Xin, she was very interested in these earth emperors.

I saw the thunder exploded under Yuxin's feet, and it turned into electric light and flew to the eight Earth Emperor Puppets. Before they could react, they punched down.


One of the Earth Emperor Puppets was directly smashed to pieces, and the other seven Earth Emperor Puppets were also forced to retreat a few steps in the face of this power.

Bloody Ghost Palm!

A ghostly figure emerged from behind Yu Xin, and everyone in the audience felt a rush of qi and blood, as if they couldn't help but break out of the body.

Whoosh whoosh—

Although the Earth Emperor Puppet was made of Xuanhuang Gold, it was still hard to resist under this terrifying suction force. His chest burst open, and golden elixir flew out and fell into Yuxin's hands.

The audience suddenly fell into a mysterious atmosphere.

The second lady of this family is too strong. , , .

Chapter 753 Decisive Battle at the Tomb of the Great Emperor!

"It turned out to be a suction pill? No wonder it can last for such a long time."

Yu Xin looked at the golden elixir in her hands. Different from ordinary elixir, each of these elixir was the size of a goose egg. It didn't look like a pill, but more like a gem.

In fact, this spiritual absorption pill is not for eating, but for use. It has a special effect, that is, it can actively absorb the surrounding spiritual energy like a spirit gathering magic circle, cycle back and forth, and adjust itself. Equivalent to a treasure.

Therefore, in the ancient times, many great masters liked to use suction pills as the driving energy for some key formations and puppets, which could ensure a steady supply of energy.

Losing the supply of energy from the Spirit Absorbing Pill, the other seven Earth Emperor puppets became motionless, their eyes completely dimmed, and they were rolled up by Yu Xinyun's sleeves and put into the storage ring.

The eyes of the ancient powerhouses were reddened by this action, and there were seven Earth Emperor puppets. Even if the wear and tear was severe in five million years, they still had the strength of a god emperor close to half a step, which was a treasure that could dominate the world.


At this moment, the door of the main tomb opened without warning, and the infinite spiritual energy was vented, as if the river and the sea had burst, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the rumbling came.


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