

No need for any reminder, all the ancient powerhouses flew towards the main tomb, accompanied by fierce battles, bang bang sounds resounded, and powerful aura fluctuations erupted, shaped like locusts, do not die rushed into the tomb,

Yuxin stood at the forefront, and she was the first to rush in. At a glance, she saw that in the center of the main tomb, there was a huge bronze coffin, engraved with the Dao pattern of the emperor, which was extremely mysterious.

Around the bronze coffin, six golden puppets sat cross-legged, each with a light group floating in front of them, and the vast aura emanated from it, obviously containing a very amazing treasure.

"This is the breath of the emperor's magical powers!"

"There are imperial soldiers!"

In an instant, the eyes of all the ancient powerhouses were blazing, and they desperately grabbed the light group in front of the golden puppet.

"To dare to be so presumptuous in front of the Emperor Puppet, I really don't know whether to live or die!"

The voice came from somewhere, and in the next moment, the six golden puppets suddenly burst into flames. The momentum was extremely terrifying. Every punch had the power to open the sky and the earth. The strong man died in battle, the dark red blood soaked the earth, and the rich bloody smell filled the air, finally letting everyone wake up.

"The Emperor's Puppet! It's still the Emperor's Puppet with all the strength of God!"


Everyone went crazy and retreated desperately. They thought that these puppets were like the earth emperor puppets outside, and they didn't have much strength. When they rushed forward, the lucky ones could grab the light group containing the emperor's magical powers and imperial soldiers.

Who would have thought that all these golden puppets had ten percent of the combat power, which was comparable to that of a peerless emperor.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly descended from the sky, like a curtain covering the sky, only pounced on one of the emperor's puppets and punched it hard.


With one punch, the Emperor Puppet was blasted out directly, its chest shattered, and the Spirit Absorbing Pill inside was smashed, and it suddenly became a pile of scrap metal.

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, and looked at it with concentration. It was the missing soul master, whose body was full of evil spirits. As soon as he shot, he killed an emperor puppet that was comparable to the peerless emperor.Read the novel www.duduaa.com

"This is... life essence? Heavenly Fire Emperor's life essence?"

The soul master broke open the light group in his hand, and it was a group of souls, undulating slightly as if there was still life, exuding incomparably vigorous vitality.

Seeing such a treasure, even with the cold personality of the soul master, he couldn't help his voice tremble. After all, the soul clan relies on the soul the most. With this soul essence, which is close to the level of a true immortal, the soul master can be promoted easily. Emperor Realm.

"court death!!"

The unknown voice sounded again, full of anger, and the entire main tomb burst into flames in an instant, as if being swallowed by a sea of ​​flames, and the remaining five emperor puppets simultaneously killed the soul master to regain the soul.

"Protect the soul master!"

The eyes of the soul clan powerhouses were red, and they stepped forward to stop those emperor puppets.

The other five ancient powerhouses looked at each other in dismay. Although the best thing to do at this time was to unite and besiege the soul master, otherwise he would really let him integrate the soul essence of Emperor Tianhuo, and the entire continent was in danger of destruction, but they couldn't give up what they had in front of them. the benefits of.

With this thought in mind, some of the ancient powerhouses rushed towards the five unguarded light groups, while others set their sights on the ancient bronze coffin.

This ancient coffin is likely to hide the spiritual body of Emperor Tianhuo, and it must be buried with a heavy treasure, and its value is immeasurable.

"Dipin Chudan, haha, thank you for bringing Dipin Chudan over."

The unknown voice rang again, and it could guide the breath to Yu Xin.

In an instant, countless eyes turned towards Yu Xin, and they were fixed on the white civet cat with only a small head exposed in her arms.

"Really... it's really the Emperor Grade Pill!"

The old patriarch of the Dan clan said with a trembling voice, this level of medicinal pill, since no one could refine it since ancient times, has long been the legendary medicinal pill.


Immediately, a group of people rushed towards Yuxin desperately. What is Emperor Pinchu Dan?That is the key to Emperor Cheng, which is more precious than Emperor Tianhuo's life essence.

These ancient powerhouses were afraid of the spirit master's coercion, but they were not so afraid of Yuxin.

"Father, don't!"

Just when the patriarch of the ancient clan was about to take action, Gu Xunyi tried his best to stop him. Only she knew how serious the consequences of angering Zhang Tian were.

"Boom boom boom..."

Just as the patriarch of the ancient clan hesitated for a moment, the war had broken out, and a bloody hand was in the air, slaughtering wildly, dozens of ancient clan great sages were bombarded and killed, and all the blood was absorbed by ghosts, which was extremely terrifying.

"Xiao Guyan, you can play tricks, but you shouldn't count me!"

Yu Xin's voice was extremely cold, like the Queen of the Nine Heavens, breaking the siege of those ancient powerhouses, and pointing her finger towards the bronze ancient coffin, countless blood lights gathered and condensed into a killing finger.


A huge explosion sounded, the bronze ancient coffin burst directly, and a huge skeleton of the emperor flew out. The figure hiding behind the skeleton was not Xiao Guyan, and who was it. , , .

Chapter 754 Rage for Daughter Chongguan


Xiao Guyan looked at Yuxin with blood-red eyes, but she didn't expect that she had seen through her true body long ago, but she never revealed it, and suddenly thousands of regrets flooded her heart.

He was also in a hurry. Seeing that someone wanted to attack the ancient bronze coffin, he wanted to draw his attention to Yu Xin, but he didn't expect to lift a stone and smashed his foot.

Only then did the ancient powerhouses know that Xiao Guyan had already entered the ancient tomb, and one was pretending to be a ghost to divert his attention.

"Haha, the bones of the emperor, and the emperor's young pills are all mine!"

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