"The breath of the quasi-immortal emperor's soldiers dissipated, and someone broke the quasi-immortal emperor's soldiers!"

"It's terrifying. That's Emperor Yan's tool for proving the Way. Could it be that a certain Heavenly Emperor took action?"

These Almighty Supremes, who were still rejoicing and cheering for the arrival of the great world a second ago, were completely eroded by fear at this time, and a panic spread in the void.

Because they realized that when the Great World really came and the Emperor of Heaven reappeared, they were just slightly bigger ants, and they were likely to have made a taboo and were obliterated by a single thought.


In Shengyuan Continent, in the tomb of Emperor Tianhuo, the hideous expression on Xiao Guyan's face was completely frozen, as if time froze forever.

Just now, he saw with his own eyes that Zhang Tian used only one hand to smash his Xuan Zhong with his hammer?/p>

"No, it's impossible, I'm..."

Xiao Guyan couldn't accept it at all, his own profound weight was not good enough. p>

In the next moment, boundless darkness flooded into my heart, and a gate of hell opened slowly in Xiao Guyan's eyes, but it seemed as if separated by the unreachable sky, the soul was annihilated and never entered reincarnation.

"Senior Zhang for mercy!"

"Senior Zhang, we know we are wrong and are willing to pay compensation"


The powerhouses of the Spiritual Clan, Wood Clan, Dan Clan, and Fire Clan were all frightened, and they all knelt down and begged for mercy. They were the peak powerhouses in the world, but they felt deeply powerless in front of Zhang Tian, ​​and even resisted. will not be born.


Zhang Tian didn't say much, just with a flick of his hand, the bodies of the four ancient powerhouses were directly weathered, and bits of dust flew in the void.

An inexplicable chill surged into the hearts of the strong men of the ancient family. Only at this time did they truly understand the phrase 'Senior Zhang's anger is not something that our ancient family can bear'.

This kind of divine power is not only from the ancient family. If you look at any clan in the mainland, I am afraid that they will bow their heads and become ministers. , , .

Chapter 756 Your Dragon Emperor is back!

The wind and smoke swept through, and apart from Zhang Tian and Yuxin, there were only experts from the Gu family left in the tomb of the Great Emperor Tianhuo.

Fear is spreading. The six ancient tribes in the Southern Wilderness, [-] million years ago, had never suffered such a heavy blow, only because of Zhang Tian's anger.

This is the real majesty of the emperor, when he got angry, millions of corpses were buried and blood flowed thousands of miles.

The eyes of the ancient elders were all focused on Gu Xunyi, and their eyes were full of pleading. Now, at this moment, she is the only one who can talk to Zhang Tian.It can be said that the life and death of the Gu family are all tied to her alone.

"Little girl Gu Xunyi, see Senior Zhang, I... my family respects Senior Zhang and Miss Zhang very much, and has no intention of offending. I also ask Senior Zhang to be gracious and spare my life."

Gu Xunyi bowed and bowed to Zhang Tian very sincerely, and felt uneasy in her heart. She has always been proud, from a noble background, with amazing talent, and is always shrouded in countless halos. In front of Zhang Tian, ​​it was not worth mentioning at all.

Silence, quiet, as if [-] years had passed.

Zhang Tian finally said, "You guys go out."

At this moment, all the ancient patriarchs breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that they had been locked in the gate of hell for a while, and they all fled outside like a monte pardon.

After all the outsiders had left, Yu Xin stepped forward and said happily, "Dad, why are you here?"

Zhang Tian stroked her cheek and said with a smile: "I went to see your eldest sister, then walked back, sensed the violent fluctuations on this side, and checked it out, just when I saw that you were under siege, of course I had to come to save you. already."

"Dad is so nice."

Yu Xin's eyes became crescent-shaped with a smile, she pointed her toes, and kissed Zhang Tian's side face. She didn't feel anything yet, her face was already red and bloody, like a delicate peach.

"Silly girl, you're still shy when you're so old."

Zhang Tian shook his head with a smile, his arms spread down, hugged Yu Xin's slender waist, and then leaned down to kiss her on the side of the face just like Yu Xin did just now.

Yu Xin's snow body trembled slightly, and then she calmed down, lying obediently in Zhang Tian's arms, feeling the warmth.

Suddenly, Yu Xin seemed to remember something, raised her head and said, "Did Dad receive the letter from the eldest sister?"

"What letter?" Zhang Tian said with some doubts.

Yuxin flipped her palm, took out the flying sword of communication, and said softly: "Eldest sister said that the third sister has woken up, the martial arts progress has been amazing, and she has overthrown many elders of the Deity Academy, and threatened to go to Tianlonghai to seek revenge from the Taixu ancient dragon clan. She's a little uneasy, and wants us to take care of it if it's okay."

Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "This ghost girl is really uneasy for a moment. As long as she wakes up, someone will surely suffer."

The corners of Yuxin's mouth also twitched, and said, "With the talent of the third sister, there should be no danger in going to Tianlonghai, but if you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, let's go and see?"

Zhang Tian pondered: "I'll just go over there. This tomb is built on the Nine Yang Fire Vessels. Later, I will use nine different fires to help you extract the essence of the underground fire veins, so you can stay here and retreat in peace. , using fire to refine the body, you can practice "Flame God's Art" and "Blood Nerve" at the same time."

"OK then."

Yuxin nodded. Although she was a little reluctant to part with Zhang Tian, ​​she did not want to live up to Zhang Tian's wishes.Ranwen Network www.rwenw.com


On the other side, Zi Yan is rushing towards Tianlonghai, where the memory is vague but very profound.

Because that's where she came from.

She will never forget that her mother held her in her infancy and washed her face with tears every day, but she finally comforted her with a forced smile and said: "Yan'er, you have my Taixu ancient dragon clan that will not last for a million years. The bloodline of the Dragon Emperor is born supreme! When you are five years old, you can take the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit, and you can make your bloodline more pure, and even master the power of the Heavenly Phoenix..."

In the void, a few crystal teardrops spilled out, Zi Yan held her mouth shut, stubbornly holding back the remaining tears.

The hatred accumulated in her heart over the years, the cruel practices of the Northern Dragon King's lineage at that time, she will return ten times today!

I don't know how far she has escaped, and through countless space mezzanines, Zi Yan finally arrived at the vague position in her memory.

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