Standing at a high altitude, Zi Yan looked at her eyes, only to see that there were huge pieces of land in front of her, to be precise, islands, because between each piece of land, there were clear and transparent blue waters.

This is the Tianlong Sea, the habitat of all the descendants of the flying dragons in the Shengyuan Continent, whether it is an island or seawater, all suspended in the sky, surrounded by a circle but a silver bowl-shaped mask.Outside the mask, there is an empty space.

The entire Tianlonghai appears to be in the Southern Wilderness, but it is actually in a void space. This is something that even the Great Emperor cannot do. Only the ancient Taixu ancient dragons who are proficient in the laws of space can do this. Such a feat, so the Taixu Gulong family has been the royal family of Tianlonghai since ancient times.

"Bold! Who dares to break into the Winglongmen!"

In the void, a huge stone gate emerged from the void mezzanine, and six youths with dragon heads flew out, with black wings more than ten feet long behind them, but with red dragon horns on top of their heads, they looked very ferocious.

"The Red Horned Wing Dragon Clan? Remember that you were also the accomplices of the Northern Dragon King's lineage back then, so let's start with your clan."

Zi Yan's face was tight, wearing a white dress, her skin was as crystal clear as snow, and the moment the voice fell, with a flick of her finger, countless runes poured out, turning into a thick thunder light, reflecting the void, and directly smashing the front two. On the bodyguard of the famous pterodactyl.


The thunder and fire dissipated, and the two were directly split into flying ashes.

"Looking for death, dare to kill my clan!!"

The remaining four pterosaur guards shouted fiercely, and instantly transformed into the real body of the red-horned pterosaur, and the dragon roared into the sky, flying towards Zi Yan.

"When you slaughtered my royal family, did you ever think about this day?"

Zi Yan's voice was indifferent, she held the Qinglong halberd horizontally in her right hand, slashed into the air, and the halberd radiated into the sky, shattering all attacks.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The four huge red-horned pterosaurs were all dismembered, and the sky was filled with dragon blood.

Stepping on the remains of a dragon corpse, Zi Yan strode into the Winglong Gate and walked into this territory that originally belonged to her!

Tianlonghai, your Dragon Emperor is back! , , .

Chapter 757 Today I'm going to start a killing spree!

Stepping into the pterosaur gate, dozens of pterosaur warriors in dragon armor suddenly flew out of the void, shouting and rushing towards Zi Yan.


Zi Yan shot directly, and the Qinglong war halberd turned into a huge glow in the sky, which was incomparably majestic. It directly cut the eight pterosaur warriors in the front into two pieces, and the dozens of warriors in the back were directly shocked and flew out. .

"So strong!"

All the pterosaur warriors were shocked by the terrifying power of Zi Yan, looking at the Qinglong halberd in her hand, they were even more afraid. This is obviously a treasure, and the entire pterosaur family is no better.

"Little girl, who are you? Why are you provoking our pterosaurs!"

Several pterosaur warriors roared angrily. At this time, they couldn't fight. They only knew that they had a theory with the other party, but what they got was Zi Yan's merciless halberd light.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Zi Yan just killed all the way, people blocked the killing, dragon blocked the dragon, stepped on the dragon's blood and walked towards the inner city.

The inner city gate is very luxurious, and the whole body is made of lapis lazuli. Although it is a little smaller than the outer wing dragon gate, the entire wall is shimmering with crystal lines, which is obviously guarded by a large array.

Zi Yan's footsteps did not stop at all, her toes touched the ground slightly, and her figure rose into the sky, like a giant eagle, waving the huge Qinglong halberd in her hand, and slammed into the gate tower.


A burst of banging sound came out, and the defense formation was directly shattered, and the grand city gate tower was smashed and collapsed with a bang, and the sound shook the entire pterosaur territory.

This is really earth-shattering. The red-horned pterosaurs are the top ten dragons in the Tianlonghai. Their natural strength is extremely powerful. If they were put into the outside world, they would at least be the overlords of one party. Prestige was destroyed.

"Go away all those who don't want to die!"

Zi Yan's little face was cold and extremely powerful. Wherever the Qinglong halberd went, flesh and blood flew. One by one magnificent buildings were smashed under her attack and turned into ruins, causing countless pterosaurs to bleed in their hearts. But they are all treasures accumulated by the pterosaurs for tens of thousands of years.


There was another loud noise. All the steps in the outer courtyard of the Wing Dragon Clan were shattered, and ravines of dozens of meters long appeared on the ground, spreading rapidly, as if the entire ground was about to collapse.

"Stop kid!"

A group of people flew out from the yard, shocked and angry. These were elders who guarded the clan, and their blood was arrogant. Seeing Zi Yan so arrogant, they shot in anger, and the amazing treasures reflected the sky and the void trembled.


Zi Yan responded coldly, accompanied by a sky-piercing halberd, which directly cut the void into a black hole, swept in with unparalleled power, and spit blood upside down all these elders.

"Too...too strong, go and invite the elder of the inner chief!"

These old dragons were terrified that a little girl had such terrifying power, maybe it would really cause a big mess.

"Who dares to come to my pterosaur clan?"

The strong man in the inner court finally arrived, and before he appeared, the voice rolled over, containing a powerful dragon.

In the next instant, sixteen strong men with dragon horns on their heads tore through the void and appeared, and the elder brother was imposing, like a wild beast.Wu Jiu Literature

Zi Yan didn't answer, and swung out a halberd, smashing all the remaining walls of the outer courtyard and turning them into ruins. Some people who didn't have time to run out directly suppressed them and made a harsh scream.

"court death!"

A strong man in the inner court was furious, and sacrificed a crystal dragon horn rune bone, which was a foot long, and the red one was about to drip blood. Feng, pressing towards Zi Yan.

Zi Yan stuck the Qinglong halberd on the ground, punched out, and the power of Yanyang fell from the sky, wrapping the whole fist, like throwing a small sun, and slammed into the dragon horn treasure art.


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