The smoke and dust rose to the sky, and under this violent attack, all the gatekeepers were devastated and flew out, and the huge North Dragon Gate split open a dozen cobweb-like gaps.

Zi Yan's expression did not fluctuate, and she stepped inside, and she felt that many closed old dragons were born and surrounded her.

There are more and more people watching. This is a decisive battle for the future direction of Tianlonghai.

"Look, she is the daughter of the old Dragon Emperor. It is said that she is very famous in Shengyuan Continent." Qingqing Novel

"Not only is she famous, it is said that she opened ten round seas, shocked the world, and compared Long Gaitian."

"The little princess is also lucky, and was adopted by a hidden powerhouse. It is said that the powerhouse is the Great Emperor of the Eastern Wilderness!"

"What, Great... Great Emperor?"

Countless dragon clan whispered, which made the people of the Northern Dragon King's lineage even more frightened, as if they were facing a great enemy.

"Little princess, you are finally back!"

An old dragon stepped forward and looked at Zi Yan with tears in his eyes.

"Little princess, do you still remember me? I hugged you back then." Another old dragon stepped forward with kind eyes.

"Little Princess Martial Dao is sky-high, if the old dragon emperor and the dragon reborn will be reborn, I will be very happy." Several old dragons came together, all with wrinkles on their faces, only those eyes, golden light, showed a strong vitality .

Although Zi Yan seems to like to be mischievous and funny, she is actually very shrewd. Looking at the posture of these people, she immediately understands something, and sneers: "Isn't your uncles trying to persuade me to stop fighting?"

The old dragons suddenly froze, and one of them said: "Our Taixu ancient dragon clan is very few in number, and it really can't stand the killing. That thing in those days was indeed a bit too much for the North Dragon King, and we will give you some compensation. of."

"The number is scarce, so it can't be killed? When the Northern Dragon King slaughtered my Dragon Emperor Island, why did no one of you stand up and say such things?"

Zi Yan responded with a cold face, and then said plainly: "I want to stop here, as long as I can meet a few conditions."

"You said..." Those old dragons rekindled hope.

"First, the Northern Dragon King and his son Long Gaitian must die!"

"Second, everyone who participated in the massacre of Dragon Emperor Island in the past must die!"

"Third, I want to exchange my Dragon Phoenix Associated Fruit for me!"

"Fourth, I will take over everything on Beilong Island!"

Zi Yan uttered four demands in one breath, and all the old dragons changed their faces. Where is this compromise, it is clearly a fight to the end!

"Haha, all the elders have seen it clearly, it's not that this king must cut the grass and root, but she is too deceiving, and this king has to fight!"

The shocking dragon roar came from the depths of Beilong Island, and the entire Tianlong Sea boiled, rolling up countless angry waves, reflecting a terrifying dragon shadow galloping.

Northern Dragon King!

The moment it appeared, the mighty dragon power swept across the ten directions, and everyone trembled under this pressure. This was the power of the first powerhouse in Tianlonghai, and the emperor had to give in.

He looked down at Zi Yan and said coldly: "Little bastard, when this king left you alive and let you live in the world, but you avenged your revenge, is it really when this king is afraid of you?"

Endless anger filled Zi Yan's heart. She still remembered that her mother received thirteen palms from the Northern Dragon King in order to protect her, and the dragon blood that she spat out was dyed red and wrapped her swaddle. Now she can finally come back for revenge.

Thousands of angry flames finally turned into one word, shocking the world, crying ghosts and gods.

"Battle!" ,, . .

Chapter 760 The Dragon Covers the World!


Powerful killing intent shrouded the entire Tianlong Sea. At this moment, all the Dragon Clan of Dragon Island were alerted and came out to check, looking at the vision in the sky, which was extremely shocking.

The little princess who escaped from the annihilation of Dragon Emperor Island back then came back alive, tore apart the Winged Dragon King with a shocking martial art, and now she is going to challenge the first overlord of the Tianlong Sea, the Northern Dragon King of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan!

This is a shocking battle!

When the Dragon King Island was destroyed, the Northern Dragon King already possessed the immortal Demon King-level cultivation. He killed three Half-Step Demon Kings of Dragon King Island with his own power, and was the main force against the Dragon Queen.

Ten years ago, the Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign tried to conquer the Heavenly Dragon Sea and broke the space formation of the Heavenly Dragon Sea. It was also the Northern Dragon King who broke through and fought against the Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign.

There are even more rumors that after Long Gaitian joined the Ninth Mountain Sea Heiyan Dragon God Mountain, he asked for many precious resources for the Northern Dragon King, and his strength increased several times.

But Zi Yan's reputation in the mainland is also not weak. Bloody Dongtian has opened ten rounds of sea, overpowering Long Gaitian and Huang Mengyao. In the virtual world of war, there are no taboos to kill all over the world, and even defeated the fame in the Shengdu Ten Thousand Demon Conference. Xiaopeng King of Hunyuan of Nine Mountains and Seas, respected as the unparalleled arrogance of the demon clan.

The most important thing is that Zi Yan's father is the only emperor of Shengyuan Continent. He suppressed the Quartet, and he dared not to obey. If this person came personally, Longhai would never be able to resist that day.

"Little girl, did that Zhang Tian ever come with you?"

The Northern Dragon King asked cautiously, although he has always been conceited, he does not consider himself to be the emperor's opponent.

"Hmph, killing you, I'm enough alone!"

Zi Yan replied coldly, her toes pointed towards the ground, and suddenly rose into the air. Numerous cracks spread from the ground and rumbled. Such a terrifying force made everyone take a breath.

Sun Peng Fist!

Zi Yan stepped in front of the North Dragon King, and slammed a punch, and the dazzling golden light erupted from the front of the fist, reflecting the sky, as if holding a small sun and hitting the North Dragon King.

"Good come!"

The North Dragon King also let out a long whistle and raised the huge golden dragon claw to press against Zi Yan, like a golden mountain, full of destructive aura, as if to crush Zi Yan together with that space.


With a loud bang, countless dragon blood flew, and the dragon claw of the Northern Dragon King was blasted into a big hole, and countless golden dragon blood spurted out.

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