"Ah...Little bastard, I killed you!!"

The North Dragon King was furious, this is a huge shame, he no longer hides his strength, a burst of dragon flames boiled on his body, his momentum suddenly doubled, and he attacked and killed Zi Yan.

He made up his mind to kill Zi Yan with thunder before Zhang Tian reacted, and then hid in the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain in the ninth mountain and sea. Presumably even Zhang Tian would not dare to trouble him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The battle in the sky became more and more intense, and Zi Yan performed all the various treasures she knew, suppressing the void.

The Northern Dragon King has lived for endless years, with profound Long Yuan, and various powerful treasures at his fingertips.

"The little princess has grown to such a degree!"

"Oh my God, the little princess is only half a step into the demon saint realm, and she is evenly matched with the Northern Dragon King!"

The dragon powerhouses watching the battle below felt a burst of terror. This is how powerful the background is. It was rumored that the little princess' talent is stronger than Long Gaitian, and few people really believed it, but now they do believe it. , Long Gaitian was definitely not so powerful when he was in the half-step demon holy realm.


The old dragons who dissuaded Zi Yan before all sighed. If the Northern Dragon King did not usurp power back then, with the two great talents of Zi Yan and Long Gaitian, their Taixu Ancient Dragons would not dominate the continent. 118 Novels www.xiaoshuo118.com

And they also have concerns in their hearts, Zi Yan's talent is too enchanting, and they choose to stand on the side of the North Dragon King this time, I am afraid it is a bit unwise.

Black Flame Dragon Breath Technique!

Zi Yan roared and turned into a Taixu ancient dragon. Although her cultivation was not as good as that of the North Dragon King, she was stronger than the North Dragon King because of her blood pressure. With a dragon mouth, the huge purple black dragon breathed like silver falling for nine days, surging towards the North Dragon King.

"This is the Black Flame Dragon Breathing Technique of the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain!"

The Northern Dragon King was shocked. He knew the power of this precious art, so he hurriedly avoided it, but a large piece of dragon skin was still burned, and half of his body was charred black.

"North Dragon King, I want to repay all the crimes you made my mother suffer back then!!"

Zi Yan shouted with red eyes, rushing towards the Northern Dragon King like a god, the god emperor bone hidden in her chest burst out with amazing divine light, and the breath of a peerless god king burst out from her.

"Fist gun!"

Zi Yan shouted loudly, mobilized the divine power of the whole body, burst out with a punch, and instantly turned into a dark golden gun, like an ancient divine weapon, exuding an ancient and time-honored breath, and stabbed the North Dragon King brazenly.


The Northern Dragon King let out a miserable howl, and a large hole was directly smashed into his body. This was the ancient god-king technique. It was driven by the divine power in the god emperor's bones, and its power was increased countless times.

"Second hit!"

Zi Yan did not let go of the North Dragon King's plan, her body disappeared in an instant, and the next moment appeared on the side of the North Dragon King, and another punch shot at his dragon rib.

Back then, the Northern Dragon King hit her mother [-] times, and now she has to give back [-] shots to the Northern Dragon King!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

There was a constant explosion in the void, and the North Dragon King had completely fallen into a passive defense state. There were more and more wounds and holes on his body, and the dragon's blood was soaring, dyeing the sea water of the Tianlong Sea golden.


Zi Yan swung the seventy-third spear, and the dark golden spear was a hundred feet long, directly piercing the dragon body of the Northern Dragon King.

At this moment, an ancient talisman imprinted on the body of the Northern Dragon King shattered, causing a huge heavenly might, and the void manifested the figure of a dragon-headed boy. Although he looked only in his twenties, he was like a god Across the sky, the momentum is profound.

"Long Gaitian!"

The people on Long Island exclaimed collectively, that the dragon-headed boy in the shadows is the first day of Tianlonghai to arrogant dragons to cover the sky!

"Who, dare to touch my father!!"

Long Gaitian's voice rumbled in the void, like the wrath of the gods, and the coercion swept the audience.


Zi Yan pulled out the dark golden gun from the North Dragon King's body, and said coldly: "Long Gaitian, there are sixty guns left, I will wait for you to fight!"

The voice slipped, Zi Yan's body was brilliant, and another shot of the sky-high gun blasted out, piercing the dragon body of the North Dragon King.

All the dragon creatures in Tianlonghai were shocked. Looking at Zi Yan who was standing in the air, she actually wanted to poke [-] guns on the North Dragon King, forcing Longgai World to fight her decisively.

"Okay, I'll fight you!"

Long Gaitian was furious, and the phantom suddenly shattered.

At the same time, the sky shattered into a huge abyss! , , .

Chapter 761 Who dares to touch this emperor's daughter!

Breaking the world... Breaking the world is coming!

In an instant, the entire Tianlonghai was boiling, and Long Gaitian, who was in the ninth mountain and sea, was forced to the lower realm by Zi Yan!

"Too arrogant, even trying to challenge Long Gaitian!"

"The talent of the little princess is indeed amazing, but Long Gaitian has been fully cultivated by the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain. The heritage of an ancient divine mountain is simply not comparable to Xiaoqian World."

"This is really going to be broken. The infighting of the Taixu ancients is too tragic."

Many dragon races felt a suffocating terror. The battle situation had reached this stage, and it had completely surpassed the battle of the God Emperor, which was even more terrifying than the battle of slaughtering the Dragon Emperor Island more than ten years ago.

The elders of the Taixu Ancient Dragons are not optimistic about Zi Yan. Although Zi Yan's strength is far beyond their expectations, and even completely suppresses the powerful Northern Dragon King, they are more aware of Long Gaitian's combat power.

As early as two years ago, Long Gaitian broke through to the demon holy realm. He used Lunhai to nourish his soul, practiced the way of the gods and demons against the sky, and defeated the Northern Dragon King at that time. In the past two years, he has been in the top secret realm of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain. No one knows what level his combat power has reached.

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