"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The cracks in the void are getting bigger and bigger, and it is faintly visible that there is a tall mountain on the opposite side, as if it is a world of its own, vast and exudes an ancient and long-lasting aura.

A young man with a dragon head and a human body stands proudly on the top of the mountain, as if gathering the mighty power of heaven and earth, making the mountain resonate with it, like a god and a devil, standing between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the young man moved, and he took a step, and the land collapsed and the ground cracked, as if an ancient giant was walking.

"Little witch, you declared war with me in the forbidden area of ​​​​the king's realm before, and I told you clearly that you can't be my opponent now. The gap between the half-step demon saint and the demon saint is like a moat. , Only when you are promoted to Demon Sage can you be qualified to fight me."

Long Gaitian's voice reverberated in the void, shaking all directions, and his body approached little by little, as if he was using his own strength to open the sky and intimidate all directions.

"But you still came, to Tianlonghai. To tell you the truth, I didn't pay attention to Tianlonghai at all. What's the harm in giving it all to you? But! You shouldn't hurt my father!!"

The anger of Long Gaitian poured into the sky, and with the rolling dragon power sweeping the ten directions, all the dragon creatures couldn't help but have the urge to prostrate and bow down. This is the Dragon Emperor level, no, it has reached the Dragon Emperor level. !

"If you dared to go to the King's Realm, I would kill you. Now, I can kill you too!"

Zi Yan said coldly, and the dark golden gun that penetrated the body of the North Dragon King was pulled out.


The Northern Dragon King spewed out a mouthful of dragon blood again, and the keel on his body was broken, and his breath was extremely sluggish.

Zi Yan raised her right hand, held the Qinglong halberd horizontally, and directly flew the Northern Dragon King out, smashed it on the Northern Dragon Gate, and said coldly: "I won't kill you first, let you see with your own eyes, the dragon cover that you have high hopes for. God, in front of me, it's worthless!"

"court death!!"

Long Gaitian was furious, flew down from the sky, raised his hand and released a huge black stone platform, which rose thousands of meters in size against the wind, and said sternly: "Dare to go to the sealing magic platform? I will take your head!"

"Why don't you dare!"

Zi Yan uttered a dragon whistle and flew directly to the black stone platform. She lifted the Qinglong halberd and slashed hard at Long Gaitian.


With a loud bang, Long Gaitian took out a giant cauldron from nowhere, surrounded by nine black dragons, and the cauldron was burning with a roaring black flame. With just a slight swing, the halberd light of the Qinglong halberd was shattered.Fifth Novelwww.d5xs.net

"This is the supreme warrior of the Black Flame Dragon Mountain, the Nine Dragon Cauldron!"

The old man who belonged to the Northern Dragon King exclaimed, his eyes were full of surprises, which immediately caused the audience to exclaim.

Extremely Dao Emperor Soldier, that is a divine weapon that can only be forged by a powerhouse at the level of an unparalleled emperor. Finally, he seals his own bones and blood, and uses it as a burial to achieve the immortal emperor's soul. Each piece is famous.

This Jiulong Cauldron was one of the magic weapons of the Heiyanlong clan. It was a well-known weapon in the entire Ninth Mountains and Seas and could not be used easily. Now it was given to Long Gaitian.

"Little witch, the shame of going to Sendai back then will be repaid today!"

Long Gaitian roared down, holding the Jiulong Cauldron and frantically attacked Zi Yan, and collided with the Qinglong war halberd.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

It was as if the sky had collapsed, the earth had sunk, endless divine light filled the air, the vast dragon might have turbulently fluctuated, and the light of treasure art shone into the void, burning every inch of space, shaking the magic stone platform out of terrifying cracks.

"so horrible!"

The people on Long Island exclaimed, only then did they know why Long Gaitian wanted to release the Ancient Sealing Demon Stage. With the strength of the two, if they fought directly, they might sink Tianlonghai.


The Demon Sealing Platform trembled violently, and a huge crack spread from the south to the north, as if it was about to burst open.

This battle was earth-shattering, and even caused many prying eyes from the great worlds and the great powers of the mountains and seas. One after another, the spirits were in the air. Watching the battle of the world's arrogance, it could even shake the ancient seal of magic.

"The great world is coming, this is the real great world battle, the most glorious era of ancient times will reappear, just these two people are enough to change this era!"

This duel is too terrifying. The battle between a demon saint and a half-step demon saint can be called the heaven and the earth cracking, ghosts weeping, and the world is changing.

"This woman, I can't keep it! If I don't die this time, he will become my confidant of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain!" A huge black dragon shadow sat in the Black Flame Temple and issued an order coldly.

"Little witch, go to hell!!"

In the fierce battlefield of sealing the demons, the mutation suddenly broke out, and four terrifying cracks were split open out of thin air. Four black dragon powerhouses appeared at the same time, turned out huge dragon claws and pressed against Zi Yan, directly intervening in the battle, trying to kill Zi Yan.

"This is the guardian of Long Gaitian, the guardian of the four quasi-emperors, and the specifications of the emperor's son."

"The Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain is actually scared, and it is despised by the world for interfering with Tianjiao's battle with the protector!"

"Unfortunately, the seeds of a generation of invincible emperors are about to fall like this."

There were countless sighs in the void, and it seemed to be mixed with some luck. Zi Yan's potential made these great powers feel thorns on their backs.

"Who dares to touch this emperor's daughter!"

A tyrannical and domineering voice broke through the layers of void and descended into the Heavenly Dragon Sea.Before the voice fell, a huge purple foot of the Heavenly Emperor stepped through the layers of void.

With just one kick, all the mighty spirits who peeped here felt a suffocating oppression, as if the divine might of this kick could directly destroy their will and destroy their spirits!


PS: The latest update is very bad. Nine tails know it, but there is no way to do it. Everyone has a scripture that is difficult to read.This update was written at two o'clock in the morning, exactly two hours, and was sent directly to everyone. , , .

Chapter 762 This is... Burial Emperor!

"As a protector, if you don't follow the precepts, you should be killed!"

Zhang Tian didn't show his body, only the thunderous voice echoed in the void, revealing an unparalleled domineering domineering. Attack broken.

The four quasi-emperor-level black dragon powerhouses seemed to be imprisoned, unable to move at all, they could only watch the huge footprints being stepped on.

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