"Ah ah ah..."

There was a scream in the void, and the dragon bodies of the four quasi emperors burst open at the same time, and the dragon blood poured into the sky, dyeing the entire Tianlonghai red.

"What a terrifying strength, kill the four quasi-dragon emperors with one blow!"

"This is the arrival of Zi Yan's father, the only emperor of our Shengyuan Continent!"

The dragon powerhouses in the Tianlonghai exclaimed in amazement. Even if they were autistic again, they were still terrified of Zhang Tian, ​​who was famous in the mainland.

"Dad, you are here!"

On the Demon Sealing Stage, Zi Yan's energetic voice sounded. In such a fierce battle, it seemed that she was not affected, and she could also be distracted to observe the surrounding situation.

The mighty spirits that were standing in the void made a burst of air-conditioned voices. Many people didn't know about Shengyuan Continent. I didn't expect that behind this young girl Tianjiao, there was even a guardian of the emperor, who would cut down the four quasi-district guardians. Taoist.

"Rats who hide their heads and show their tails, get out!"

With a cold snort, the huge Heavenly Emperor's purple feet continued to cover.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise in the sky over the Tianlong Sea, and where the purple feet touched, the void for thousands of miles around was like a mirror, shattering inch by inch in an instant.


The sound of the explosion shook the heavens and the earth, and the entire Tianlonghai trembled, and the violent energy was concentrated at one point.


A mournful howl came out, and a giant dragon flew out of the originally empty void, covered with black scales, exuding a very terrifying power, its breath was floating, and its voice was weak.

It was trampled under the feet by the emperor's purple feet, the dragon's body kept collapsing, the keel shattered one by one, and it was trampled into flesh and blood, and the blood of the supreme dragon was soaring.

It was not until this moment that Tianyuan was completely split, and the Tiandi Zizu suddenly turned into a purple light that gathered in the sky and gathered on Zhang Tian.

There is no imposing manner, just a quiet stop there.It gives people a feeling of standing up on a high mountain, like the ancient god king, like the ancient god mountain, spanning the void, suppressing the heavens and the world, tyrannical and domineering, unmatched!

"This is the Black God Dragon Emperor of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain. Legend has it that he is the son of a black dragon and a god, and has the blood of a dragon."

There was a great power in the void who recognized the identity of the person who was trampled by Zhang Tian, ​​causing an uproar!

The Black God Dragon Emperor, that is the real great emperor of ancient times. He has the blood of the gods and the dragons in one body. He is extremely noble and a powerful demon emperor who is famous in the ninth mountains and seas.

Many great powers in the heavens felt fear from the bottom of their hearts. This small world is too terrifying. There is an unparalleled emperor. They want to retreat, but they can't do it at all. The young emperor in the sky is like a seal. In the void, he stood coldly.

"Master!!!" 18 Novels www.[-]wxw.com

On the Demon Sealing Stage, Long Gaitian sent out a shocking grief, and the fierce dragon might shook the heavens. The Black God Dragon Emperor is his master, and he can be said to be both a teacher and a father. This world-breaking battle is not only for him Begging the Jiulong Cauldron, the emperor's soldier of the extreme way, and he personally protected him in stealth, but now he has ended up dying.

"Ahhh! I, Long Gaitian, don't need anyone's help, I will behead you this time!"

Thousands of anger gathered in his heart, but it did not stun Long Gaitian's sanity. The purpose of these words was to prevent Zhang Tian from killing him.

Zhang Tian's domineering figure across the void was like a sacred mountain pressing on his heart, suffocating him.

"Kill you, I don't need anyone's help!"

With Zi Yan's ingenuity, she naturally penetrated Long Gaitian's scheming, but she voluntarily entered the urn, because there is only one thing she must insist on, and that is to kill Long Gaitian with her own hands!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

There were many battles on the conferring stage, and Long Gaitian's methods were amazing. Against the sky, he urged the emperor's soldiers, like the demon king of the world, to kill unparalleled.

Zi Yan didn't take a step back at all, and performed the God King Yu Shijue, the dark golden fist and gun swept up and down, and did not fall behind at all.

"Damn! Damn!"

Long Gaitian roared loudly. He has been promoted to the demon holy realm for two years. He tempers his flesh with the blood of the supreme dragon every day. Dao Dibing still can't win Zi Yan, who is only half-step demon saint, which makes him extremely resentful and jealous of Zi Yan's talent.

"Little witch, this time I will show me the real magic power!"

Long Gaitian slammed into Zi Yan, and a dazzling golden light erupted from his forehead, like a scorching sun rising, and a radiant glow rose into the sky.

The ten directions of the world trembled, and all the dragon creatures on the Dragon Island felt a coercion from the origin emerging from Long Gaitian, making them unable to help but kneel on the ground.

"What kind of magic is this?"

The gods and spirits of the great powers of the heavens were also terrified, as if at this moment they were not facing the arrogance of the younger generation, but an ancient god with unparalleled power.

On the pitch-black confinement stage, Long Gai innocently flew up like a god and demon, with golden light all over his body, especially the glow from his forehead, which became more and more intense, reflecting in the sky, forming a picture of dragon and phoenix dancing together. anomaly.

"I...I can't control myself."

On the Dragon Island, there was a strong man from the Flood Dragon Clan who made a trembling sound, and he was passively transformed into a dragon shape and prostrate directly on the ground.

Such things are played on the entire Dragon Island, just because this power is too terrifying, it is a kind of suppression from the source, and it penetrates the soul.

"God-defying Shenwei, I actually sensed the breath of the ancient dragon and phoenix from this Tianjiao."

There is a great power in the heavens who said in a trembling voice, full of inconceivable, you must know that the ancient dragon and phoenix, which is an invincible existence comparable to the god emperor, has long since disappeared in the ages.

Zi Yan also felt the chill to the bones, and this power made her feel a fatal threat.

Almost subconsciously, Zi Yan raised her hand and grabbed towards the void, and took out the shining star-killing sword.

Suddenly, countless visions erupted from the sword of Xingxingjian, the ancient times, the gods and demons, one person and one sword, galloping on the vast battlefield, slaughtering the world, drinking the blood of countless gods and demons.

"This is... Burial Emperor!" ,, ..

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