Eight terrifying black dragons responded to His Highness's orders, turned around and stepped out of the Black Dragon Hall, and then felt that the dragon energy of the entire sacred mountain was mobilized, forming a powerful dragon-shaped shield.

Heiyan Longdi showed a look of satisfaction, but in the next instant, the smile froze on his face.


The void shattered, and the eight Dragon Emperors who had stepped out before all flew back upside down and smashed into the hall, their bodies were dilapidated, their breath was sluggish, and their eyes were full of horror.

Outside the sacred mountain, Zhang Tian stood in the sky, as if he was carrying the heavens and the world, stepping on the mountains, seas and rivers, looking unparalleled, proud of the sky and the earth, one foot was raised, and a huge and incomparable purple foot of the Heavenly Emperor suddenly appeared in the void, as if he wanted to. Break through this world and step down hard.


The smoke and dust of the tornado rose into the sky, and the indestructible Black Flame God Formation was instantly shattered, and the entire Black Flame Dragon God Mountain cracked with a huge crack in the middle.

With Zhang Tian as the center, the giant mountains and rivers within a radius of one million miles, at this moment, seemed to be suppressed by a powerful force, and the whole sank three feet deep! , , .

Chapter 765 The battle that shocked the nine mountains and seas!

What a terrifying power!

Most of the ninth mountains and seas were disturbed, and there were strong people born in the major immortal mountains, setting up 'heaven potential' and watching the movements of the Black Flame Dragon Mountain.

When they saw Zhang Tian standing above the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain, they couldn't help but gasped.

"It turned out to be this evil star!"

Many people have this kind of murmur in their hearts. Over the years, Zhang Tian's reputation has spread at the speed of light in the ninth mountains and seas. It seems that as long as the person standing in front of him, whether it is the Buddhist Pure Land or the Yaochi Immortal Domain, it is a summary. Pay a painful price, but all the bigger forces are like thunder.

"Can the emperor's combat power reach such a level? Unheard of! It can only be the legendary invincible emperor."

Many immortal emperors sighed with emotion. After all, an emperor who has not practiced the law of life probably only has a life span of [-] years, while an invincible emperor will take at least a hundred thousand years to produce one. See you' saying.

There has been no invincible emperor in the world for [-] years, and no one has seen the style of the invincible emperor with his own eyes. He can only speculate on the basis of historical materials and light and shadow records, and it is difficult to understand the true meaning.

Today, Zhang Tian gave them a good lesson, telling them what the Invincible Emperor is, and he shattered the Primordial Divine Mountain with one blow.

"It's no wonder that the invincible emperor from ancient times is unstoppable, but this level of strength is beyond ordinary people's reach.

Those great emperors of the immortal realm who are watching from afar all have ties to their hearts. A great emperor of a small thousand worlds actually kills the ninth mountain and sea.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

On the belly of the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain, surrounded by precious trees, the towers of Xianyu are lined up in rows. It originally had the atmosphere of a blessed land of Xianshan Mountain, but at this time, it turned into the sky, and the atmosphere was smoky.

Zi Yan carried the Qinglong halberd and frantically chased down Long Gaitian. Wherever she went, the halberd shone in the sky, smashing the precious trees and evaporating the spirit pool.

"Evil obstacles! Evil obstacles!"

"How dare you be presumptuous in the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain!!"

"Everyone works together to take down this little witch!"

The demon clan up and down the Heiyanlong Mountain is about to be vomited blood by Zi Yan. Since the Heiyanlong clan opened up this mountain, how could they have been bullied so much? The destruction of the halberd is everywhere.

The most hateful thing is that the Azure Dragon Halberd is still the treasure of their Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain.

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

Countless strong men of the Black Flame Dragon clan were aggressive and slaughtered towards Zi Yan, and the treasures of the dragon clan reflected the sky and covered the heavens, as if they were about to break the heavens.

"Humph! When the Emperor doesn't exist?"

Zhang Tian opened his mouth coldly, stomped his feet, and all the powerhouses above the quasi-emperor who killed Zi Yan exploded, turning into a rain of blood.

After all, the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain is a top-level demon clan that disdains one side, and there are many demon emperors who are comparable to the peerless emperor. At this time, they all shot and crushed Zi Yan.

However, a shocking thing happened. A three-foot-long white ivory flew out of Zi Yan's body and lay on top of her head. No matter how terrifying it was, when it was close to Zi Yan's three-foot range, all the speed was sharp. Minus, like entering a muddy swamp, can only move forward with difficulty, and finally be easily avoided by others.

"Isn't this the supreme treasure of the Immortal King of the White Jade Dragon and Elephant Clan, White Fang of Zhenxu?" Writing a novel www.zuoxs.com

"The treasure that can stop time and space is really scary."

The dragon scales of the venerable and elder of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain family exploded, and those who were watching the Immortal Realm God Mountain also looked at each other, feeling ridiculous, this little witch is really a treasure bag, with all kinds of treasures.

At this time, the Baiyulongxiang clan, who were watching on the sidelines, felt uncomfortable as if they had eaten shit. The strongest treasure in their clan was snatched by a little girl of five or six years old, and they were openly used in the ninth mountain and sea. This is Chiguoguo slap in the face!

"Patriarch, do you want to take this opportunity to get back Zhenxu Baiya?"

In the White Jade Mountain, a great emperor of the White Jade Dragon Elephant Clan asked coldly, but he saw that his whole body was snow-white, and his four elephant legs were like jade pillars. Suck the river and sea dry, and the earth trembles with every word he speaks.

The patriarch glanced at Zhang Tian fearfully, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain is extraordinary, there should be three ancestors of the true immortal level, one of whom has lived for nearly [-] million years and is close to The pinnacle of true immortals, they have their own hands to teach this madman."

The powerhouses of the White Jade Dragon Elephant Clan nodded their heads when they heard the words. After the war, few Immortal Realm Mountains have been destroyed. Because every Immortal Realm Mountain has its ancestors sleeping in fairyland. Once they encounter the crisis of extinction, It will definitely make a move, which emperor dares to fight against it?

Therefore, there are frequent battles between the mountains of the immortal realms, but basically they will not directly attack the mountain gates like Zhang Tian, ​​which means that a complete declaration of war is necessary.

"Patriarch, Patriarch help!"

Under the protection of the Immortal Mansion, Long Gaitian ran all the way to the Black Dragon Palace, finally showing ecstasy and dodging and flying in.

Zi Yan lifted the Qinglong halberd, and was about to chase in, when a huge dragon claw suddenly protruded from the hall and grabbed Zi Yan fiercely.

"The Black Flame Dragon Emperor finally made his move."

Many onlookers were excited. This was a generation of hegemons, and he was no weaker than Yaochi Palace Master and Qingxuan Emperor.

"court death!"

A huge purple foot of the Heavenly Emperor appeared above the Black Dragon Hall and stepped down hard.

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