
The smoke and dust rose to the sky, and the ancient and ancient Sacred Mountain was split into large cracks.


The vast voice echoed in the sky above the Tianhei Longshen Mountain, and through the sky, it clearly spread into every immortal mountain in the Ninth Mountains and Seas, as if it sounded in their ears, very clear.

At this moment, everyone was shocked. They all looked in the direction of the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain, and saw three white lights rushing out from the ground, reflecting the colorful rays of light, shaking the sky and the earth.

"This is the breath of a fairy, the fairyland ancestor of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain is about to be born."

Yaochi Xianyu, the master of Yaochi Palace sits in Xiantai with a solemn expression.

"Sister, Senior Zhang and the little witch won't have anything to do with it, right?"

In the imperial palace of Qingxuan Ancient Country, a girl with a lovely face carved in pink and jade looked nervously at the scene in the jade mirror in front of her.

Emperor Qingxuan wore a crown of emperor's hair, dressed in Emperor Qingxuan's robe, stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Zhang Tian through the jade mirror, and said softly, "If he can survive this calamity, he can be my Qingxuan guest."

After five million years, the true immortal was born. This will be a battle that shocked the ninth mountains and seas and shocked the nine great mountains and seas! , , .

Chapter 766 Killing the True Immortal with a Flick of Your Fingers!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A burst of sound of the sky and the earth cracking resounded, the true immortal was born, all the spiritual energy of the [-] miles of mountains and rivers was drained, and the earth burst into huge cracks, and everyone felt a suffocating oppression.

"Okay, so strong, is this the power of immortals? Even the world of mountains and seas can't bear its mighty power. It is hard to imagine the scene of immortals and demons in ancient times."

The great emperors of the various immortal mountains and mountains have expressed thousands of emotions. After the ancient times, the great emperors were respected. Such famous sayings have been circulated for five million years. It has been too long, so long that many people have forgotten the existence of immortals and forgotten the existence of immortals. What terrifying powers do the Underworld characters possess.

"The fairyland ancestor of the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain is about to be born, can Senior Zhang be able to compete?"

Tianming Sacred Mountain, Hu Meier of Tianming Xuehu Clan said with some worry, she has seen Zhang Tian's peerless style more than once, that calm, smirking demeanor deeply impressed her, but this time That's right, but the legendary fairyland exists, and even she is uneasy.

"Not a good judgement."

The nine-tailed snow fox, who is as charming as a newly married young woman, said slowly, she has a beautiful face and a graceful figure. She was originally a powerful emperor, but after the death of the dead and Zhang Tianchunfeng, she was nourished. The realm of cultivation has risen to the sky, and now he has reached the threshold of the unparalleled emperor, and his position in the Tianming Shenshan is very transcendent.

Next to him, another crimson Xuehu Clan Tianjiao said in surprise: "Could it be that this Zhang Tian can still be the opponent of a true immortal? Even if he is an invincible emperor, he is only an emperor, how can he compare with immortals?"

The nine-tailed snow fox said softly: "You underestimate the invincible emperor, the emperor realm of the nine great mountains and seas is unknown, even in the Great Thousand World, several great emperors will be born in each generation, but the entire nine great mountains and seas cost hundreds of thousands of people. Only in [-] can an invincible emperor be born, all of them are people who have been brilliant through the ages, are the overlords of an era, invincible in the world, who can guess where the limit of their strength is."

"What about before the ancient times? Immortals and demons are everywhere in the world, so they should be able to outperform, right?" The scarlet snow fox obviously didn't believe it.

Jiuwei Xuehu rolled her eyes at her angrily, and said charmingly: "You don't even know this common sense? Before ancient times, where did the invincible emperor come from, he really had such amazing talent, and he rose to immortality long ago. The so-called invincible The great emperors appeared after the immortal road was cut off, they possessed the background of the sky, but they could not become immortals, and they could only accumulate continuously in the emperor realm, so that they were far beyond the scope of the unparalleled great emperors, so they were titled invincible."

"There is no end to the emperor. There is still no conclusion as to whether the Invincible Great Emperor and the True Immortal are stronger or weaker. It is rumored that the Zhantian Great Emperor a million years ago suppressed the existence of the True Immortal in the forbidden area of ​​life, but I don't know if it is true or not. Maybe today's consequences can be concluded." An old woman with white hair mopping the floor walked out of the inner hall and said slowly.

"The patriarch has actually left?" Nine-tailed Xuehu greeted him and asked in surprise.

The white-haired old woman looked at the ancient mirror in the sky, her turbid eyes suddenly burst into divine light, and she said in high spirits: "How can I miss this kind of decisive battle. After countless invincible emperors, there are many madmen who act absurdly, but they dare to It’s still unheard of to face an immemorial mountain force like this, and your eyes are still brilliant, Nine Tails.”

The nine-tailed snow fox smiled charmingly, and for a moment she was unparalleled in elegance. She straightened her posture and said with great confidence: "The man I like is definitely not wrong!"

"This little witch has made a terrible disaster again, there is really no taboo."

In the Ziling Divine Mountain, Chan Yurou looked at Zi Yan who was chasing Long Gaitian all over the mountain and felt a little headache. The arrogance of this little witch really broke through the sky.

At the same time, she was also a little envious, envious that Zi Yan had a father who protected her like this, and even declared war for her against an ancient divine mountain power.

At this moment, the eyes of the entire Ninth Mountain and Sea are focused on this.

"Junior, I have lived for thousands of years, and I shouldn't have been born, but you are too deceiving, and the world is unbearable, so sleep with me." Sank Novel Network

The rumbling voice echoed in the sky above the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain. Around Zhang Tian, ​​three immortal flowers rose into the sky, and the shapes of the three black dragons could be vaguely seen.

With the current level of depletion of the spiritual energy of the nine mountains and seas, it is not enough to support the extravagance of the fairyland powerhouse. body.

Therefore, this time, the three immortal dragons shot at the same time, in order to suppress Zhang Tian by means of thunder and reduce consumption as much as possible.

"Black Flame Dragon Killing Formation!"

The voices of the three fairyland ancestors sounded at the same time, and the immortal flowers in the sky were condensed into three tyrannical immortal dragons, forming a peerless killing formation in an instant, shrouding Zhang Tian, ​​and the violent killing intent shook the heavens and the earth.


Zi Yan, who was chasing Long Gaitian, felt the terrifying fluctuation, and couldn't help but stop, looking at the sky with worry.

Where thousands of eyes converged, Zhang Tian was still calm, and said lightly: "I said, Dad will accompany you for revenge today. You can fight, and all obstacles will be swept away by Dad."

The voice fell, and a peerless emperor's might erupted from Zhang Tian. Everyone only felt that a ten thousand feet of emperor's shadow rose from behind Zhang Tian, ​​stepped down, the void rioted, countless space fragments broke apart, and the extremely powerful black flame The Dragon Killing Formation trembled violently, and then exploded, Yu Wei rolled back and slammed into the ground.


"This is impossible!"

"how can that be?"

The three Dragon Immortals made horrified voices at the same time. They never imagined that they would be so weak with a blow that consumed the source.

"Hmph, three ignorant evil beasts, in order to survive in the world, self-proclaimed spiritual knowledge, cut off cause and effect, even the emperor does not know, death is not a pity."

Zhang Tian said coldly, and the shadow of the emperor behind him suddenly solidified for a moment. The emperor's purple feet broke through the void and stepped on the Black Flame Dragon Divine Mountain fiercely.

The entire Primordial Divine Mountain smashed into pieces, and three incomparably shrill screams could be heard vaguely, and then everything fell into silence.

The rain of flowers fell from the sky above the ninth mountain and sea, the real cosmic Qiongxiao, the leaves were colorful, and the petals were crystal clear, as if there were sounds of heaven lingering, with endless sadness.

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