In the bright and flickering Zhou Tianxingdou, three giant stars suddenly eclipsed their color and fell from the sky, casting a starlight.

The ninth mountains and seas were silent, and time seemed to freeze at this moment. The strong men of the sacred mountains of the various immortals had a cold air from the bottom of their hearts. They thought that there would be a great battle, and that Zhang Tian, ​​the invincible emperor, might create Miracle, inverse beheading the true immortal.

But no one could have imagined that the battle would end so quickly, as if the three true immortals would lose their minds when they turned their hands. , , .

Chapter 767 The Ninth Mountains and Seas Shocked by Oneself

"Damn, this Zhang Tian is so powerful!"

The great powers of the transcendental forces such as Tianshu Xianyu and Tianxuan Xianyu are a little out of breath. These people have suffered repeated setbacks in Zhang Tian, ​​from Tiangu Xiancheng to the life of the dead, as well as the most recent battle of the endless clock, the sky is full of Xianyu. The Great Emperor was suppressed by an indigenous Great Emperor of a small world, and I don't know how many people hold grudges.

Especially Tianxuan Xianyu and Yaochi Xianyu, Zhang Tian held the soul of the emperor, life and death were only between the other party's thoughts, and they all hoped that he would lose, but things backfired, Zhang Tian was like an indestructible giant mountain, Constantly crushing the existence that dared and provoked him.

"Hey, can't even the three True Immortal Dragon Ancestors force him to use the Immortal Order Paper?"

In the Supreme Hall, the female god of war in golden armor frowned slightly. She was awe-inspiring, and she was a new star of the Supreme Hall's generation. Obsession, cultivation base is stagnant.

Originally, the Supreme Palace thought that her talent was amazing, and planned to wake up a true immortal in the near future to bring back the emperor's soul for her. After today's scene, this decision could only be shelved, and the mere true immortal could not intimidate Zhang Tian at all.

"Haha, well killed, this emperor has long been disliked by the Black Flame Dragon Divine Mountain."

In the Three Emperors City, the Batian Empress sat on a bright yellow mount and laughed very heroically. She was very energetic, and there was a real dragon's blood gushing out from the Tianling Gai, straight to the Tianhe River. Zhang Tian's heart method has unlocked his body, and he is steadily charging towards the Unparalleled Emperor.

"Eldest sister is talking about this person in her heart, which makes the younger sister also very curious, when will you be invited to the Three Emperors City as a guest?"

In the seat next to her, an elegant woman wearing a blue palace dress said softly, she was soft, as if a gust of wind could blow her away, her beautiful eyes shone with incomparable wisdom, but she was another of the Three Emperors City. Empress, Empress of Thousand Machines.

Empress Batian recalled being light-hearted by Zhang Tian, ​​and said bitterly: "This person is not honest, you should have heard of his connection with Empress Yaochi, Emperor Qingxuan, Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and other female emperors, and the second sister Guose Tianxiang , if you can see this person, it is better not to see him.”

The Empress Qianji chuckled and said, "I don't know about the others, but I heard that the eldest sister has served this fellow Daoist Zhang personally for a few days. I think the rumors should be true."

"Giggle..." Lu Xueyan, who was with him, couldn't help but chuckle.

"You, you!" The Batian Empress immediately flew her cheeks, causing a wave of turbulence.

But she didn't want Empress Qianji to say solemnly again: "Just talking about business, if eldest sister doesn't hate this fellow Daoist Zhang, it would be better to have a closer relationship with him. Now that the great world is coming, maybe one day Xianyun will recover, and Xianmo will be back again. In the face of the world, there will be no fairyland characters in our Three Emperors City, and there will be a big crisis at that time."

"Hey, why do you need to rely on others for protection, whoever dares to invade the Three Emperors City, I will block it!" The Batian Empress said proudly.

In this regard, the Qianji Empress could only shake her head and look at Zhang Tian in the ancient mirror, wondering what she was thinking.

At this moment, almost all the great forces of Ninth Mountain and Sea felt a sense of powerlessness towards Zhang Tiansheng.This kind of strength is too strong, and he can suppress the true immortal by turning his hand. Unless the immortal king is dispatched, who can surrender.

And the existence of the Immortal King level, even in ancient times, was very rare, and everyone cherished their life, and who would dare to provoke Zhang Tian who had the Immortal Order Paper.

From ancient times to the present, there are only a handful of people who can shock the ninth mountains and seas by themselves.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

On the Heiyan Longshenshan site, which has been razed to ruins, there are still bursts of explosions, but it is Zi Yan who is constantly chasing Long Gaitian, wielding powerful hurries, banging on the defense layer of the fairy talisman, vaguely. Many cobweb-like fissures can be seen on the top.

The earth-shattering blow just now not only killed the three true immortals, but also destroyed the Black Flame Dragon Divine Mountain, burying the entire Black Flame Dragon Clan's powerhouse. Only the two of them survived. 33 Novel Network

This obviously could not be an accident. Many great experts felt a chill. After all, the means of the Invincible Great Emperor were too mysterious, and no one knew where the limit was. Zhang Tian was undoubtedly raising their guesses.


I don't know how long it took, the immortal talisman defense of the Longgai celestial body finally couldn't support it, it shattered, and disappeared as a little bit of aura, and he himself was shocked by the powerful impulse, and his blood and energy were unsustainable, and he was directly killed by Zi Yanyi. The halberd cut off the entire right arm.

This scene made many Tianjiao of the Immortal Realm Divine Mountain are agitated, shocked by Zi Yan's domineering, a dignified emperor of the Divine Mountain, just because he provoked her, he was directly killed in his old nest, and the family was wiped out. The consequences are too tragic , Many people swear in their hearts that they will never offend this little witch in the future.

"No, don't kill me, I'm your brother..."

Long Gaitian roared hoarsely, blood was constantly bleeding from his seven orifices, his breath was sluggish to the extreme, and he was only supported by a strong desire to survive.

Zi Yan frowned and said coldly, "Don't worry, I won't kill you here."

Long Gaitian was overjoyed.

But I heard Zi Yan say: "I will bring you back to Tianlonghai, and let your father and son bury my dead clansmen on Longhuang Island."


The halberd smashed into the air, tearing open a huge crack in space, connecting the ancient starry sky road before, Zi Yan just held Long Gaitian's remnant in one hand and jumped in.

Zhang Tian felt the grief in Zi Yan's heart, and did not follow the ancient road of the starry sky. He wanted Zi Yan to handle this matter herself.

The powers of the Immortal Realm and Divine Mountain who set up the heavenly power all looked at each other in dismay at this time. Such a killing god standing in the ninth mountain and sea really made them sleepless.

Send someone to drive away?No one dares to go.

Send someone to worship?There seems to be something wrong.

Not to mention the areas close to the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain, regardless of whether they were humans, monsters, or aliens, they were all crawling on the ground, not daring to look up at the majesty of the emperor.

Fortunately, Zhang Tian didn't stay for too long, and after a while, he walked away.

Walking all the way back to Tianlonghai, Zhang Tian stepped on the blue waves, looked at Zi Yan sitting alone on a reef, and asked, "Is everything finished?"

Zi Yan nodded and said firmly: "Dad, I want to rebuild Dragon Emperor Island and break through to the demon holy realm on the island!"

Zhang Tian smiled and touched Zi Yan's pretty face, and said softly, "No matter what you do, Dad will firmly support you."

"Well..." Zi Yan showed a smile and rushed directly into Zhang Tian's arms.

"Silly girl."

Zhang Tian hugged Zi Yan dotingly, looking up at the sky, with a deep and unpredictable mood in his eyes, as if he said to himself: "The real world is coming." , . . .

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