Chapter 768 The era of the great emperor has come!

In the blink of an eye, three years passed by.

During this period of time, Ruthless Man has been staying on the Tianji Mountain. First, she forcibly cast the Eternal Sword Sacred Body with a domineering method. The foundation is a little unstable and needs to be carefully polished. , This is a secret method of deducing good and bad luck by observing the stars. If you practice it to the top, you can even calculate the past and future, which is very esoteric and obscure.

The ruthless man has studied for three years, but he has only achieved a small amount of success. The 'results' he deduced are very vague, far from being able to see the world like the old man of Tianji, and even the young master of Tianji is slightly inferior to Lian Shanyi. It is also a matter of course.

On this day, the ruthless man retreated as usual to deduce the astrological phenomenon, and suddenly felt a throbbing, as if the world trembled, something terrifying was about to emerge from the ground, causing her to open her eyes suddenly.

After thinking about it for a while, the Ruthless Man had an intuition that something big was about to happen, so he immediately stopped the retreat, walked out of the quiet room, and flew towards the Tianji Pavilion. Even when he just arrived, he happened to see Lian Shanyi flying from another direction.

"Could it be that even the young master sensed the great change in the world just now?" The ruthless man asked.

Lian Shanyi nodded slightly and said with a light smile: "King Nanling is worthy of being the emperor's arrogant, and he is truly amazing. After only three years of studying, he has practiced "Sweet Myrtle" to such a degree that I was throbbing just now. It is only a faint feeling, it is estimated that only the master can really spy on the truth."

"Since the two of you are here, come in." The old man's voice came from inside.

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up, and he walked into the Tianji Pavilion with Lian Shanyi, only to see the old man Tianji still sitting on the futon on the central high platform, with white hair and two long eyebrows mopping the floor, at first glance, Like an ordinary old man on the verge of death, without the slightest charm.

I don't know if it was a ruthless delusion, but she felt that this old man was much older than before, not because of his apparent age, but because a large amount of life essence in his body had passed away, giving her a feeling that he was dying.

"You should have come for the great change in the world just now, right?" The old man Tianji said slowly.

Lian Shanyi respectfully said: "Master's wisdom is like a god, and the disciple admires it. The throbbing just now shook the galaxy, and the stars of the heavens were transformed. The disciple has never seen such a strange celestial phenomenon in his life. confused."

The old man Tianji didn't answer, but instead asked: "Has King Nanling ever heard the rumor that 'a piece of paper will destroy the Middle Ages'?"

Ruthless was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Naturally I have heard of it. Legend has it that in the ancient times, Shengyuan Continent still belonged to the Great Thousand World. There were many tyrannical sects and imperial families. All died out, and Shengyuan Continent also degenerated into a small world."

The old man Tianji smiled and said: "This is just a false rumor of the world. Why does Tianjitai have such unpredictable power? It's just taking advantage of the situation and being a messenger."

Then the old man Tianji slowly revealed this peerless secret that has been circulated in the mainland for millions of years. 61 Biquge

Only then did the ruthless know that millions of years ago, the sect master of that generation of Tianjitai accidentally spied a trace of the heavenly secret, and learned that when the Middle Ages and the modern times were handed over, a huge change would occur, and the calamity of killing should be on all the emperors.

After getting the warning of this heavenly secret, the sect master of the heavenly secret platform immediately contacted the most powerful imperial dynasty in the Shengyuan Continent at that time, discussed with the emperor of that imperial dynasty, and finally settled on the idea of ​​sealing the heart of the continent with the Nine Dragons Sealing Heaven Array. layout'.

For millions of years after that, whenever there was a peerless emperor to dominate the continent, Tianjitai would reveal to him the 'Kowloon Sealing the Heavens Great Array Plan', and it was not until one million years ago that nine peerless emperors gathered together and this plan was officially launched. , divides the heart of the continent into nine, completely dusty.

Because the Heart of the Continent was sealed, the spiritual energy of the Shengyuan World was sharply reduced, and it quickly degenerated from the Great Thousand World to the Small Thousand World, successfully avoiding the heaven-defying calamity.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that the hegemonic forces such as the Great Qin Dynasty, the Great Han Dynasty, the Three Gods Sect, the Heaven-Mending Sect, and the Xuanming Sect suddenly disappeared at their most glorious time, and they voluntarily sealed the entire force. stand up."

The ruthless man showed a clear expression. This long talk completely solved the mystery in her heart. Few people in the entire continent can know this secret.

Lian Shanyi listened quietly, and suddenly said, "Why did Master break through and bring up this matter? Could it be that the great change in the world this time has something to do with the 'Kowloon Heaven Sealing Array Plan'?"

The ruthless man also looked solemn when he heard the words, and listened quietly.

The old man Tianji said: "That's right, the heart of the continent was divided into nine, and nine peerless emperors were in charge respectively. Now it's time to open the seal. Look, it won't be long before the spiritual energy will recover, Shengyuan Continent. It will return to the ranks of the Great Thousand Worlds, and at the same time, those medieval great sects and medieval imperial dynasties will also be born one after another, the battle of the great world."

Ruthless and Lian Shanyi both fell silent. The news was too shocking, and one could imagine what kind of impact it would have on the current situation on the mainland.

You must know that in the entire continent today, except for Zhang Tian, ​​there is no existence of a quasi-emperor or above, and there are even more than one emperor in the dust-covered medieval great sects and medieval imperial dynasties.

For example, the nine hegemonic forces that ruled the heart of the continent, even in the Middle Ages, ruled the entire continent. Those nine peerless emperors, even if they are placed in the ninth mountain and sea today, may be regarded as one of the supreme.

Especially the Great Qin Dynasty and the Great Han Dynasty, each of which ruled this continent for more than a million years, not occupying Zhongzhou like the ancestral dynasty, but conquering every corner of the continent, subjugating all ethnic groups, and even crossing borders. Expeditions, with many small thousand world vassal states.

The emperors of these two dynasties are rumored to have entered the realm of half-step true immortals. They are known as earth immortals.

Once such a peerless overlord wakes up and coexists in the same era, ruthless people can't imagine what it will be like. I am afraid that the existing ancient sect holy places in the mainland, including the ancestral dynasty, will be crushed in an instant.

At the same time as the shock, the ruthless man was also a little excited, so the dragons rose together, and the era of the Great Emperor was exactly the era she wanted! , , .

Chapter 769 Medieval First Emperor and Medieval Wudi

Lian Shanyi was also very excited, and he asked, "I dare to ask Master, who are these nine peerless emperors with the heart of the mainland?"

The old man Tianji said: "The First Emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the Emperor Wu of the Great Han Dynasty, these two have unpredictable combat power, and they are even well-known in the Ninth Mountains and Seas. Builder!"

The ruthless man nodded slightly, the First Emperor of the Middle Ages and the Emperor Wu of the Middle Ages, this is the name that every citizen of Shengyuan Continent is familiar with. When they ruled, the Shengyuan World was extremely powerful, and it was the center of the Ziwei star field, like the Dark Demon Realm. In the vast world, only the qualifications of prostrate worship.

There is no great emperor in the future generations who can achieve such a level as them, and there is no such strength as them to crush everything.

The old man Tianji continued: "In addition to these two people, there are also the leader of the Three Gods Sect, the Underworld Emperor of the Xuanming Sect, and the Liushen of the Heaven-Mending Sect. These three major forces are the great sects that dominate the entire continent. The emperors of the Wei Dynasty, the Great Shu Dynasty, and the Great Wu Dynasty, these three dynasties came from the same era, and the three dynasties stand together, which can be regarded as the last glory of the Middle Ages."

Ruthless Man murmured: "The leader of the three major sects, the emperor of the Five Emperor Dynasties, isn't that one less person?"

The old man Tianji smiled and said: "The last person you should be familiar with is the first emperor of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty."

"What? How is this possible, isn't the first-generation emperor already dead?" Ruth asked in shock, but she saw Li Linger summon the remnant soul of the first-generation emperor from Taihuang Mountain with her own eyes.

"Alas... this involves another mystery. At the end of the Middle Ages, it was actually the four emperors with the same glory, the emperor of Wei, the emperor of Shu, the emperor of Wu, and the first emperor of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. They are all amazing and talented emperors, and among them, the first generation of human emperors belonged to the court of the Great Wei Dynasty, so the Great Wei Dynasty is the most powerful among the three dynasties."

"Later, the four great emperors accepted the Nine Dragons Sealing Heaven Plan and voluntarily sealed themselves and most of their forces, but they still left a legacy on the mainland and continued the rule of the Three Kingdoms. However, at the last moment, the first emperor of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty turned his back on him. After fulfilling the oath, he did not really seal his body, but instead, relying on his invincible cultivation in the world, he swept the three imperial dynasties, established the emperor's ancestral dynasty, and ruled the entire continent."

"However, the supernatural power is not as long as the number of days. When the catastrophe of the heavens came, the first generation of human emperors still turned into flying ashes, and the emperor's dynasty of the holy ancestors that coerced the mainland also collapsed, and they could only stick to a corner of Zhongzhou."

The old man Tianji said slowly.

Only then did the ruthless man understand why there are rumors in the mainland that the emperor's dynasty was not righteous. Therefore, after the death of the first generation of emperors, all parties discussed it, and soon it declined and became a dynasty. It turned out to be from this. reason.

Lian Shanyi said: "In this way, the three emperors of Wei, Shu and Wu have a bloody feud with the emperor's dynasty. Once they come back, they will besiege the emperor's dynasty. The relationship between the King of Nanling and the emperor's dynasty is too close, so it's better to do it early. Cut as well."

The ruthless man nodded. When she accepted the title of the emperor, she just wanted to experience herself, but she had no plans to protect the emperor's dynasty.

After learning that the Middle Ages were about to recover, Ruthless Man did not plan to continue the deep retreat, but sorted out his treasures and the system he had learned.

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