The treasures she holds now are the golden bell without beginning, the quasi-immortal-level star sword map, the emperor-level Suppression Pagoda, the emperor-level Shuiyun Emperor Sword, and the demon seal seized from the emperor devil. The picture, and the ice spirit necklace given by Zhang Tian.

As for the way of God, there are too many methods, the quasi-immortal emperor method "The Great Wilderness Prisoner", the immortal king method "Great Void Technique", the peerless battle method "Flying Immortal Technique", the body refining secret technique "Immortal Body", you can cooperate with The Sealing Technique of Corpse Demon used by Fengmotu, and the peerless kendo derived from the Eternal Sword Saint Body.

If these things are spread out, it will be enough to make all the emperors and saints of the Immortal Realm Divine Mountain to be ashamed to death, and even the Great Emperor and the True Immortal will be jealous to the point of madness.

Ruthless Man's current plan is to become familiar with her treasures and magical powers, which are the foundation of her life in the great world that has returned from the Middle Ages.

Time just passed by day by day, and the shocks between heaven and earth became more and more violent. The most obvious change was the exponential increase of spiritual energy, and everyone ushered in the explosion of cultivation base.Sansi Biquge

In the blink of an eye, another half a year later, the ruthless man suddenly woke up from the daze, pushed out the door, pinched crape myrtle, and looked in the direction of Donghuang.

"Is it finally going to be opened? I didn't expect the first one to be in Donghuang."

Ruthless Man's face flashed a touch of excitement, he immediately returned to the quiet room, left a letter, turned into a shocking rainbow and flew towards Donghuang.

At the same time, Yuxin also opened her eyes in the tomb of Emperor Tianhuo, and with nine different fires in conjunction with the heavenly fire sealing formation here, her "Blood Nerve" officially broke through to the third rank, her qi and blood were as vast as the sea, comparable to immortality. God Emperor, at the same time, the first-level exercise of "Flame God's Art" was successfully completed.

But it wasn't these two exercises that woke her up, but the throbbing from the other side of the body.

This other side flower is about to bloom its sixth flower. Its power is comparable to that of the Emperor Zhun, and it has a very keen perception of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Since half a year ago, she has clearly felt the sudden change in the spiritual energy of the world, but it has never been as strong as it is today. It was like a volcanic eruption that swept all directions.

Yuxin flew out of the ancient tomb of the Great Emperor, looking into the distance, the other side of the body stretched beautifully, and quickly locked the target: the source is in the Eastern Wilderness!

The next moment, Yu Xin's figure disappeared instantly, turning into a green scary rainbow and heading straight for the East Wasteland.

In the Tianlong Sea, the sea surface is as smooth as the sea, and many dragon-shaped monsters are playing in the water and joking.

Suddenly, huge waves spread from the sea, as if something was about to explode.


A loud dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and a wave of thousands of feet rolled up in the center of the Tianlong Sea, reflecting a golden-colored Taixu ancient dragon soaring into the sky. It was Zi Yan who successfully broke through to the demon holy realm.

She turned into a human figure, still a cute little loli, only about six or seven years old, wearing a white dress, her skin was crystal clear, like a delicate porcelain doll.

At this moment, she stood in the air, holding the Star Slashing Sword in her hand, and she was quite puzzled.

I saw that the originally dusty Star Slashing Sword actually activated itself at this time, the sword body was covered with stars, trembling, and the tip of the sword pointed in the direction of Donghuang.

Zi Yan forcibly suppressed the Zhanxingjian who wanted to break free and escape, and said in her heart, "Could it be that there is some strange treasure coming out of Donghuang?"

She still remembered that after she got this small sword, a medieval strong man chased and killed her desperately, and was finally killed by her father, indicating that this sword must be very extraordinary, maybe it is related to some big secret.

Thinking of this, Zi Yan was a little excited, raised her head and screamed, and once again turned into a Taixu ancient dragon and flew towards Donghuang.

At this time in the Eastern Wasteland, the nineteenth prince of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty was wearing a black trench coat, standing on a wasteland, holding an ancient jade talisman in his hand, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

The historic site of the Three Gods Religion is finally about to open! , , .

Chapter 770 Who bullied me in the East Wilderness?

The eastern wasteland, the waves make a comeback!

Countless divine lights soared into the sky, illuminating the sky, and everyone in the Eastern Wilderness could clearly see it. Everyone knew that another historic site had opened.

In the past six months, this is really not much news. Almost every half month, a small ruin will erupt on the battlefield of the gods and demons. Everyone's excitement has gradually turned to numbness.

Not only in the Eastern Wilderness, but also in the other major wilderness areas. The spiritual energy was revived, and the monuments were born. It seemed that something big was about to happen, which made people panic. They all began to cultivate desperately, triggering a burst of cultivation.

On a plain that was originally desolate and lonely, countless warriors came from all directions, looking at the divine light that seemed to shoot from a foreign land, they were very excited.

The birth of the monuments this time is very huge. It is the most in the past half a year. A big monument means a big opportunity. Who doesn't want to take this opportunity to soar into the sky!

I saw ripples in a void, and the figure of a ruthless man appeared in the sky above the wasteland. He pinched the crape myrtle and stepped out, and his body disappeared directly, but he entered another world.

"According to the fluctuations of this historic site, it is definitely a medieval hegemonic force, the three major religions, the Five Emperor Dynasties, I don't know which one it is."

The ruthless man wandered among the ancient monuments, and did not dare to relax his vigilance as he calculated in his heart.

The three major sects and the Five Emperor Dynasties are all voluntary seal forces. This time, there will be countless strong people resurrected. This is completely different from the previous relics. If it is the relics of the Great Qin Dynasty or the Great Han Dynasty, I am afraid that any general will be. They have the power to overturn the entire continent.

Going all the way, a three-color channel suddenly appeared in front of you. The leftmost one is very dark, and many stars are faintly visible; the middle one is brighter, as if a bright beam of light is shooting from the depths; the rightmost channel is as bright as In the daytime, it exudes the light of holy fire.

"Sun, Moon, and Star Channels, this should be the historic site of the Three Gods Religion."

The ruthless man recited a sentence in his heart, and casually walked towards the daytime passage on the far right, because she had already calculated the end points of the three passages with the same number of crape myrtle.

At this time, in front of the day passage, there is a very broad stone hall. The entire stone hall seems to be made of black gold, simple and heavy, and in the middle is a huge lake of fire, constantly rolling magma, exuding an incomparably hot breath.

But in the center of this lava lake, there is a very mysterious treasure tree, the whole body is red gold, even the leaves and the patterns on it are golden.

Although this treasure tree is luxuriant, it has only one fruit, about the size of a baby's fist, and it grows on the top of the tree, like a crown inlaid there.

"This Heavenly Demon Fire Spirit Fruit Tree was first discovered by us in the Western Wilderness. People from the Eastern Wilderness, leave immediately!"

At one end of the lava lake, a young man holding a Fang Tianhua halberd said with a cold and arrogant expression, he is two meters tall, wearing a battle armor, and extremely powerful. These words are full of domineering.

At the other end, a group of Tianjiao Tianjiao from the East Wilderness was very angry and replied: "Chu Xiangtian, don't go too far, we arrived almost at the same time, is there any reason for us to leave?"

"Hey, let's fight! Let you all suffer!" Chu Xiangtian stomped Fang Tianhua's halberd on the ground, fighting intent soaring to the sky.

The faces of the arrogance of the East Wilderness have changed again. Although they have been trying their best to catch up for more than three years, the overall gap with the West Wilderness is still too great. The Holy Maiden of Fluctuation, and the little overlord Chu Xiangtian, each of them are the top talents in the world.

"Chu Xiangtian, are you deceiving me that there is no one in the Eastern Wilderness?"

At this moment, a cold voice came from a section of the passage, and the ruthless man walked indifferently.

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