Without the artifact spirit, the divine light on this armor is much dimmed. By devouring the incomplete soul of the artifact spirit, Zi Yan already knows the origin of this golden armor. Under the god-king-level treasure.

Just when she wanted to reach out but grab the treasure armor, there was a sudden bang in her mind, and countless obscure scriptures and images poured out, but the original soul of the tool spirit was absorbed by her.

After some refining, Zi Yan opened her eyes again, her beautiful big eyes projecting a look of incomparable ecstasy.Xiaoshuowa novel network www.xiaoshuowa.com

She never imagined that this armor of the god king was actually the treasure armor of the peerless god king who created "God King Yu Shi Jue". The inextinguishable armor, one of the ancient Nine Divine Weapons evolved from the technique.

Taking a deep breath, Zi Yan concentrated on the divine power in her body, and the God King Armor really reacted, turning into a trickle of divine source fluid and pouring into her body, condensing a pair of mini treasure armor next to the dark golden gun in Dantian .

At the same time, the 'immortal armor' in "God King Yu Shi Jue" was also naturally understood by Zi Yan.

If Yun Xi were to know that her father had been chasing the fragments of the Divine King Yu Shi Jue for tens of millions of years, and Zi Yan had found a part of it so easily, she would have to vomit blood.

"Good baby, I'm afraid my defense is invincible now!"

Zi Yan showed a very surprised expression. According to her understanding, this Divine King Indestructible Armor can not only defend against magical attacks, but also defend against divine soul attacks. If there was this treasure before, even a true god-level divine soul attack would not work. She might be under control in an instant.

However, her divine power is still far from being comparable to that of the peerless god king. She cannot maintain the form of the indestructible armor at all times, and can only be used for a short period of time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just when Zi Yan was still immersed in the joy of obtaining the heavy treasure, there was a sudden roar from afar, and the entire underground palace was shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

"Is this the scent of the eldest sister?"

Zi Yan's Xiao Qiong's nose trembled, her beautiful eyes flashed suddenly, and she ran directly to the secret room with her calf.


The light and shadow flickered, and Zi Yan's escape was extremely fast, like a beast king crossing the border, rampaging, and smashing walls directly and arrogantly.

About half an hour later, Zi Yan finally arrived at the sound source destination, only to see that this is a huge square, and the whole body is made of black cyan boulders.

At the end of the square, stands a huge human statue, in the state of an emperor, with a solemn expression, almost a hundred meters high, standing on the ground, his right hand stretched forward, seemingly plain, but there is a kind of overturning Heaven and Earth, reshape the invincible domineering of the universe.

Even with Zi Yan's daring, the moment she saw the statue, her heart beat faster, and she was shocked by its momentum.

And below the human statue, there are three huge ancient coffins, all cast in black crystal black iron, exuding a simple and domineering brilliance.

Zi Yan squinted at Huang Mengyao who appeared on the side, and immediately leaned up and said very familiarly: "Little Huang'er, who is this person, he looks quite bluffing."

Huang Mengyao felt a headache when she saw Zi Yan, took a half step back slightly, and said coldly: "He is the leader of the Three Gods Religion, the invincible powerhouse who ruled the world of Shengyuan three million years ago, you even connected him Do not know at all?"

"Why should I know him? How powerful can my father be?" Zi Yan said disdainfully.

"You..." Huang Mengyao gave her an irritated liver pain, and immediately returned to a calm expression, and said coldly: "At that time, the world of Shengyuan was a real world of thousands of people, and there were many strong people, far from being comparable to now. Dominating that era was definitely an unparalleled man in the world. If you live in this world, you can overthrow the world with one hand and swallow all the wastes. Even Senior Zhang can only live in his shadow." , . .

Chapter 774 My Dad Killed Three True Immortals!

"You are so naive, my dad is much better than him." Zi Yan said seriously.

Huang Mengyao has always been a noble phoenix fairy, the queen of demons, and is respected wherever she goes. Where did she meet a lawless guy like Zi Yan, she was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

After all, the leader of the Three Gods is already a figure three million years ago, and now he has become a dead bone, and he can't really jump out and let this little witch see it.

"Hehe, there really are people who don't know how high the sky is."

There was a faint sarcasm from the other direction, but it was Prince Wan Hai who came over with a master from the North Sea Monster League. This man was wearing a brocade robe with a cluster of six dragons. He looked very noble and domineering. Yeon defeats the hatred.

But seeing him step forward, he said arrogantly: "Do you know how powerful the Three Gods Religion was when it was at its peak? The entire Shengyuan world, the holy land of thousands of great religions, and the tribes of hundreds of tribes all surrendered to its feet. Not to mention. The unparalleled strength of the three gods is that the three gods of the sun, the moon, and the stars under his command are also the great emperors of ancient times, and as for the quasi emperors and god emperors, there are countless."

Prince Wan Hai scolded Fang Qiu, which attracted many people to look in this direction, making him more energetic, and squinting at Zi Yan: "Your father Zhang Tian said that he was the emperor, but he was just a lucky man in the ancient times, how? Can it compare to the unparalleled emperor in the Middle Ages?"

These remarks are generous and eloquent, and many people can't help showing their approval.In this world where spiritual energy is declining, the idea that the present is not as good as the past and that the old is not the present has always prevailed. People have almost blind worship to the strong in the middle and ancient times, but they are only intimidated by the prestige of the little witch and the prestige of Zhang Tian. , did not dare to show it.

"Oh... Then is this three gods sect master really immortal?"

Everyone waited for a long time, they wanted to see Zi Yan's joke, but she didn't expect such a sentence suddenly, and she was a little stunned.

Prince Wan Hai blushed and said in a sullen voice, "Although the three gods are strong, they cannot be compared with the existence of immortals."

Zi Yan snorted and looked at Huang Mengyao again: "What do you think, Xiao Huang'er?"

Huang Mengyao's expression was cold, she didn't know what medicine was sold in the little witch's gourd, she said plainly: "The difference between emperor and immortal is like a moat. The missing Emperor Zhantian, as well as the first emperor of the Middle Ages and Emperor Wu of the Middle Ages, are barely comparable to the true immortals."

The audience nodded one after another. These four great emperors are the most famous outstanding people in the Shengyuan world, and their reputation is not limited to the Shengyuan world. It can be said that they are famous in the entire Ziwei star field, and even the Ninth Mountains and Seas.

It's just that they didn't understand, Zi Yan suddenly asked what this meant.

Zi Yan got the answer, nodded with satisfaction, raised a finger, and said mysteriously: "Tell you a secret, just three years ago, my dad killed three true immortals in one go!"


Many onlookers couldn't help but take a breath, showing a look of surprise. This news is too exciting. If it is true, isn't that Zhang Tian comparable to the peerless heroes like the First Emperor of the Middle Ages?

Prince Wan Hai was startled at first, and then sneered: "You really dare to brag, and you are not afraid of making people laugh out loud, the gods in the sky have disappeared five million years ago, it is possible that your father went to a certain forbidden area of ​​life. Killing a real fairy?"

Many people also reacted. They subconsciously believed Zi Yan's words before. After all, these unparalleled talents pay attention to image and rarely lie, but thinking of Zi Yan's character, it is too unreliable, how can she believe her words.

"You guys..."

"Zi Yan." 400 Novels www.400xiaoshuo.com

Zi Yan's face was flushed, and she was about to refute, when she suddenly heard a soft female voice behind her.

"Second sister?" Zi Yan turned around in surprise, the person standing behind her was not Yu Xin, and there was a faint thunder on her body. The two sisters hadn't seen each other for many years, and they were a little excited about this meeting.

"Aren't you fooling around here again? Stop playing, and follow me to the front to find the eldest sister. She seems to be in trouble." Yu Xin put on the air of her sister, but her voice was gentle as water.

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