When Zi Yan heard that the ruthless man was in trouble, she immediately forgot everything, clenched her fists and said, "Come on, whoever dares to bully the eldest sister, I will blow his dog's head with one punch!"

Many people feel that their foreheads are cold. Although Zi Yan can't say it out loud, the dragon's mighty aura exuded by seriousness is definitely not something that ordinary people can resist.


In the blink of an eye, Yu Xin and Zi Yan turned into two rainbow lights and disappeared at a staggering speed.

"This little witch! Come, let's follow along and have a look." Huang Mengyao said angrily, followed by a group of powerful people from the colorful Divine Phoenix Clan.

"Hmph, let's go too." Prince Wan Hai gave an order.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The more they galloped toward the end of the square, the more terrifying the crackle sounded. When they got close, everyone shuddered violently.

I saw that at the feet of the three gods, the battle was extremely fierce. Dozens of old monsters exuding immortality were fighting seven purple-gold puppet giants. All have the power of breaking the sky and breaking the earth.

"A lot of immortal emperors, have all the old monsters of the major forces arrived?"

Prince Wan Hai and others were extremely shocked. Looking around, there were more than a dozen real immortal god emperors, and the rest were half-step god emperors. Although the signs of aura recovery in the past three years are very obvious, but It is still shocking to see so many strong men appearing at once.

But what shocked them even more was that in the face of the attacks of so many god emperors and half-step god emperors, the seven purple-golden giants were still imposing and had the absolute upper hand, and no one dared to take their punches.

"The color is purple and gold, and the anger is high, this is... a quasi-emperor-level puppet!" Huang Mengyao exclaimed.

"The quasi-emperor-level puppet, also known as the Warrior Demon God, is the strongest war machine in the Middle Ages. There are even seven preserved in the underground palace of the Three Gods Religion. It is worthy of being the medieval overlord who once ruled the mainland." Tantai Mingyue sighed softly.

"Don't panic, big sister, Zi Yan is here!!"

Just when everyone was stunned by these warrior gods, Zi Yan let out a long whistle, her toes slammed on the ground, cracking countless huge cracks in the black gold floor tiles, and the whole person rose to the sky like a young god. Thousands of Guanghua packages, the light shines in the sky!

All the onlookers widened their eyes in an instant, following Zi Yan's figure incredulously.

Is this little witch planning to take the fist of the emperor-level soldier and demon god? , , .

Chapter 775 The Emperor's True Body Arrives!


"This little witch is crazy!"

Everyone felt dizzy. It was a quasi-emperor-level puppet. It was known as the God of Soldiers. written.

"God King Yu Shijue, indestructible armor!"

Zi Yan screamed, the golden light on her body became more and more dazzling, and a dark golden treasure armor appeared on her body silently, making her appear more powerful and domineering, proud of the sky.


A huge roar sounded, Zi Yan's body collided fiercely with the iron fist of the God of War, and the outburst of power swept the audience, and many old monsters at the half-step god emperor level were directly rushed out and stumbled to the ground.

"Boring Boo Boo!"

In everyone's incredible eyes, the soldier demon actually took three steps back in a row, causing the gravel to fly across the square, and the space storms came up one after another, which was extremely terrifying.

Countless smoke and dust dissipated, and I saw Zi Yan standing on the ground, wearing a dark golden armor. Although she was very small, she exuded an invincible power that was unshakable like an ancient mountain.

"This little witch actually took the blow of the Demon God of War head-on?"

Huang Mengyao and the others, including those old monsters who were fighting on the battlefield, were all dumbfounded. They tried their best to block a soldier and demon god with ten people, but they were actually repelled by a little girl?

"Damn, it must be that treasure armor!!"

The nineteenth prince hid in the dark and looked at the majestic Zi Yan in the field with split eyes. He never believed that Zi Yan could be so powerful. .

But I don't know, this dark golden treasure armor is condensed from the divine king's treasure art. If you don't know the treasure art, or you don't have divine power, you can't even exert one-tenth of the power of the treasure armor.Moreover, Baojia is only an auxiliary, and what Zi Yan really relies on is her own powerful physical strength.

Boo! !

Zi Yan's actions angered the Demon God of Soldiers, screaming piercingly, and an iron foot with huge military boots slammed to the ground to stop her figure, and punched Zi Yan again with her backhand.

This punch, the mighty power of magic, with endless killing intent, blocks the space, and puts ordinary warriors under the fist, I am afraid that they will collapse in an instant.

Just at this critical moment, Yuxin rushed to the battlefield like lightning, her aqua blue dress danced against the wind, and three feet of blue silk fluttered like a fairy. He raised his palm and spun a peach blossom leaf, threw it at the God of War, and said softly, "Qingdi transforms into a spirit!"

Suddenly, it was as if the god Sichun had issued an edict, and the spiritual energy of endless plants and trees poured in like a mighty river, and a peach forest was actually born at the foot of the god of war. The peach branches were swaying, and the roots were like sharp swords. The vines generally wrapped around the arms blasted by the Demon God of War.


Pulled by the peach tree note, the Soldier Demon God suddenly lost his balance and stumbled forward.

This is the moment!

The ruthless person in the frontal battlefield suddenly changed, and a cold murderous intent burst out in his eyes, and he turned into a sword light and rushed towards the belly of the God of War.Aesthetic Novel www.weim.cc

"One sword is eternal!"

The white sword light of the forest is like the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, illuminating the entire underground palace square in an instant, as if this sword is eternal, and all the light loses its color in front of it.

There was a touch of anthropomorphic panic in the obsidian pupil of the Bing Demon God, but he was powerless to stop it.


The tip of the sword pressed against the energy source at the heart of the Demon God of War, and it exploded with a bang. The Demon God of War was unbearable. Several huge cracks were instantly shattered at the mouth of the heart, and quickly spread throughout the body like a spider web, and then tore apart.

"Big sister, third sister be careful!"

Yuxin stood at the back and saw the Demon God of Soldiers erupt, showing a look of anxiety. She grabbed her slender hand towards the void. The peach tree notes immediately broke away from the Demon God of Soldier's arm, and turned to Ruthless and Zi Yan. They were pulled from the blast vortex.

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