But the nearby old monsters were not so lucky. A quasi-emperor-level puppet blew up. Yu Wei directly blocked the space. He couldn't even escape, so he could only carry it abruptly. Four half-step god emperors were blown up on the spot. Turned into powder, only one immortal emperor escaped, but his arm was also blown away, the bones were thick, and the blood was pouring out.

At this moment, the eyes of the entire underground palace square were focused on the three sisters of the Zhang family. They actually joined forces to kill a soldier demon god, which was too unbelievable.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the end, it was the violent attack of the soldier demon that brought everyone back to reality. After one soldier demon was killed, the remaining six soldier demons became more fierce, and their moves were ruthless and deadly. In this short period of time, there were three of them. The death of the half-step god emperor was extremely tragic.

You must know that even in today's Shengyuan Continent, the Emperor Banbu is a peak powerhouse. It should not be underestimated. At this moment, nearly ten Kung Fu have died, and the horror of the Three Gods Religion underground palace is evident.

"Let's go up and help too." The ruthless man said to his two younger sisters.

Yu Xin and Zi Yan were about to nod their heads when they suddenly heard a rumbling sound covering the entire square.

The void vibrated violently as if it had boiled, and there was a peerless powerhouse who wanted to forcibly break open the underground palace space.

Everyone was shocked by this power, and when they looked up, they saw a tremor in the sky.A golden chariot full of desolation and antiquity came out of the sky, as if cast in gold, with dense dao lines engraved all over its body.The most astonishing thing was that the chariots turned out to be four golden dragons, each of which was [-] feet in size, covered with dark purple chains, the thickness of a baby's arm, and fixed them in front of the chariot.

"This is the car of the emperor of the ancestors!"

"Could it be that the emperor came in person?"

"It's terrifying, these four golden dragons, each of which has the strength of a demon emperor, the emperor actually detained them as animals pulling carts!"

This chariot has a simple and simple shape, and it is thousands of feet in size. There are countless soldiers on it, full of chills. On the top of the chariot, a black and yellow flag is flying, with the word "Saint Ancestor" written on it. The sound of thunder, crushing the sky, rolled in, and a powerful battle intent came crashing down like a tidal wave.

"Welcome to the Emperor's arrival—"

Some of the powerful families of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty all bowed down to greet them respectfully, and did not dare to overstep the slightest. The prestige of the Emperor is too great. For hundreds of years, no one can reach it, even the old monsters of the ancient sects of the Holy Land. They also all showed fear.

The ruthless man had a solemn look on his face. This was the first time she had seen the real body of a human emperor. Before the person came out, it was just the imperial might that gave her a suffocating oppression. , , .

Chapter 776 Human Sovereign, Do You Dare To Touch This Emperor's Daughter?


The Demon God of Soldiers was still fierce, taking advantage of the gap between the aristocratic warriors and cultivators, slammed forward, and smashed a huge iron fist towards their heads like a mountain.


At this moment, a majestic and heavy voice came from the golden chariot, but a huge crack was suddenly shattered on the top of the head of the soldier and demon, and a large golden hand appeared out of thin air. The gold lines are very clear.

This big golden hand was so powerful that it directly broke through the space, but it did not come immediately. Instead, its five fingers curled up and clenched into a huge golden fist. go.


A huge explosion resounded throughout the audience. The soldier demon was comparable to the head of a small mountain. Under the smashing of the golden fist, it was directly torn apart, and countless thousands of gold and black iron flew everywhere, and the huge body fell to the ground with a bang.

"This is... Emperor Tang Xuri Fist?"

"Emperor Tang Xuri Fist!"

Tantai Mingyue's pupils shrank suddenly, and she couldn't help screaming in surprise. At the same time, the Holy Maiden of the Fluctlight also cried out.

These two holy places have a long history and preserve various ancient and even immemorial secret books. They recognized it almost in an instant. This magical ability to suddenly kill the soldiers and demons is the unique skill of Emperor Tang among the five ancient emperors. , invincible!

But what shocked all the powerhouses the most was that the emperor actually killed the quasi-emperor-level soldier and demon god with one blow. What kind of power is this?

"Be flat."

The curtain of the golden chariot was opened, and a figure who reigned over the world came out, with unparalleled power and stalwart like a mountain. Just at that stop, it gave people endless oppression, like the sky, like the vast earth, swallowing the world, dazzling the universe. .

The powerhouses of the Holy Land of the Thousands of Ancient Sects are all intimidated. This is the Emperor of the Holy Ancestor who dominates the Zhongzhou of the mainland, known as the most talented overlord in millions of years, and the first person in the mainland before the rise of Zhang Tian!

The ruthless man stared and saw that the emperor was wearing an imperial robe, a purple-gold imperial crown on his head, and a heroic body. Those broad shoulders seemed to be able to support the entire sky, and those eyes seemed to contain the stars, swallowing the heaven and earth. , unfathomable, with a sense of terror that devours the soul.

She has seen the human emperor's spiritual body several times. Although the face is almost the same, the temperament displayed is too different. The real human emperor shows the domineering that suppresses the world, swallows the mountains and rivers, and tolerates the sun and the moon.

"Brother Huang, you... broke through to the quasi-emperor realm?"

A middle-aged man with a tiger and a dragon stepped forward and asked excitedly. His face was seven points similar to that of the emperor, and he exuded a strong imperial power. It seemed that there was an immortal mountain standing behind him. The King of Zhennan, who was destined to succeed.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent, everyone's eyes were focused on the emperor, and even their breathing stopped.

Under the eyes of thousands of people, the emperor of the holy ancestor nodded slightly and said plainly: "It's very good that you can condense the 'Sacred Mountain' law by luck."


It was like a shock to the sky, everyone was shocked by this news, no one could have imagined that the emperor of the ancestors would return with such a strong attitude, not only to subdue the four golden dragon emperors as animals for pulling carts, but also to obtain the inheritance of the ancient emperor soup. It has even broken through to the realm of quasi-emperor.

"It turns out that the breakthrough to the quasi emperor is indeed the emperor, the most talented person in the mainland for millions of years."

There was a strong will to fight in the eyes of the ruthless man, and the aura of the emperor made her feel very dangerous.Intuition told her that although the current human emperor is only a quasi emperor, his real combat power should have surpassed that of ordinary emperors. After all, the human emperor's background is very powerful.



It seems that they sensed the great threat of the emperor, the two soldiers and demons rioted at the same time.

"Brother, be careful!!"

The King of Zhennan reminded loudly that the glorious masterpiece of the divine mountain behind it has become incomparably solid, like a real mountain.Dancing God eBook www.wstxtxs.com

"Hmph, it's just mere ants, and the danger I have suffered in the forbidden area of ​​life is not worth mentioning."

The Human Sovereign's expression was relaxed and indifferent, without even blinking his eyes, a mighty emperor burst out from his body, and the surrounding space suddenly distorted and shattered, creating countless black wrinkles.

Many powerhouses were shocked. This is the strength of the Emperor. Just the momentum released will shatter the void.

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