

Just as the fists of the two demon gods approached the emperor, they were cut by the crack in the black space and turned into countless pieces of gold.

"The great world is coming, and the Middle Ages are reviving. This underground palace of the Three Gods can be the cornerstone of my holy ancestor's dynasty."

The emperor's voice was mighty, and he punched out, reflecting two scorching sun-like fist shadows, shrouding the warrior demon god.

boom boom boom boom...

The mighty and mighty Emperor Tang Xuri's fist burst out with great power, and actually blasted the two quasi-emperor-level soldiers and demons into powder.

"Here in the underground palace, my Holy Ancestor Dynasty wants it, idlers retreat!"

Behind the Emperor, six powerful figures stepped out, each with a powerful momentum and killing intent, and they were the other six Marquis except Emperor Wuhou.

All the powerhouses of the ancient sect Holy Land changed their faces, and the Holy Ancestor Dynasty actually planned to swallow the relics of the Three Gods Religion, which made them willing, and no one wanted to leave.


At this stalemate, the nineteenth prince walked up to the emperor and whispered.

"Oh? There is such a thing."

When the Emperor spoke, everyone held their breath and listened intently.

I saw the emperor's eyes locked on Zi Yan, and said plainly: "You stole my son's Xingxing Sword and exiled him to a foreign land?"

Although this accusation did not contain murderous intent, it fell into the ears of everyone, but it felt like the hair was standing on end.The so-called emperor is angry, and he will bury a million corpses. They usually call themselves strong, but in front of the emperor, I am afraid that they are no different from ants.

Ruthless and Yuxin suddenly changed their faces, but Zi Yan was still heartless, squinting at the nineteenth prince, and disdainfully said: "Dignified prince, learn from others to make small reports, are you a man?"

The nineteenth prince was flushed by her anger, and he could only flick his sleeves and turn his head away.

Those junior geniuses were all speechless, thinking that the little witch was really not afraid, and even dared to ridicule the nineteenth prince in front of the emperor.

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, his aura surging like an abyss, and said coldly: "For the sake of the King of Nanling, hand over the Star Slaying Sword, and I will not hold you accountable."

A cold light flashed in Ruthless Man's eyes, and he said coldly, "Human Sovereign oppresses my sister with power, does it mean that he wants to be an enemy of my Zhang family?"

The scene suddenly became tense, as the ruthless man of the King of Nanling of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, but at this time as the daughter of Zhang's family, obviously dissatisfied with the emperor's decision,

"King of Nanling, I have already made concessions. The Star Slaying Sword is my emperor's treasure and must be handed over." The emperor's voice became a little colder.


At this moment of tension, the sky seemed to be trampled by a giant foot, and it collapsed suddenly, breaking an abyss, and a domineering voice came out from the abyss:

"Human Sovereign, do you dare to threaten this Emperor's daughter?" ,, . . .

Chapter 777 The Ancient Emperor Yao Comes into the World!


The entire sky seemed to collapse, the underground palace trembled violently, and the floor made of black gold and bluestone cracked open with shocking cracks, and anyone could feel the terrifying pressure.

The pupils of the Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign suddenly shrank, and there were huge waves in the eyes that were originally calm as water. Behind him, a phantom of the Great Emperor suddenly appeared, with the sky above his head and his feet on the heavens.

The illusory shadow of the Great Emperor is more than ten feet tall, full of power, and his whole body is shrouded in bright light. Although it is only a phantom, it gives people an invincible power that suppresses all realms. I think he will be an unparalleled emperor in his lifetime.

Under the protection of this emperor's shadow, the face of the emperor of the ancestors looked a little better. He looked up at the sky, snorted coldly, and punched out.

Along with the emperor's movements, the phantom behind him also moved, and he also raised his huge arm like a mountain, as if it matched the punch of the emperor, and together they threw a punch, shattering the sky and breaking the ground. The power of destruction, rolling towards the torn sky.

This punch is completely different from the previous 'Emperor Tang Xuri'. It lacks a bit of fiery and domineering, but has a convincing and awe-inspiring artistic conception. It is dignified and upright.

"This is Emperor Yao Wang Daoquan!"

Tantai Mingyue and the Holy Maiden of Yaoguang said in unison, causing an exclamation.

One of the five ancient emperors, Emperor Yao Tian, ​​set the dragon as a totem, spread power all over the world, and achieved a better emperor soup.

No one could have imagined that the sage ancestor Renhuang not only got the inheritance of the ancient emperor soup, but also the inheritance of the emperor Yao. In this way, isn't the emperor shadow behind him the incarnation of the will of the ancient emperor Yao?

Thinking of this, the eyes of everyone looking at the Emperor Shadow became solemn and respectful. The five ancient emperors, famous and immortal for thousands of years, not only because of their martial arts, but also because each of them has great influence on the human race. Contribution is the emperor who is respected by the human race.

boom boom boom...

Just in the brief moment when everyone was stunned, the Di Yao boxing shadow had broken through the layers of void and moved towards Tianyuan to suppress it, with the artistic conception of swallowing thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

"As expected of the emperor who suppressed Zhongzhou, he dared to challenge Zhang Tian, ​​who is a real emperor, as a quasi emperor!"

Many people shuddered and were so excited that this was the real imperial battle, the collision of two peerless characters.

Each of them has countless popular achievements. Since their debut, they have looked down on them. Now they are fighting head-on, and there must be a myth shattered.

"Come on, Dad!!" Zi Yan shook her fist to cheer Zhang Tian.

Ruthless and Yuxin looked solemn. They had absolute trust in Zhang Tian, ​​but they were also infected by the atmosphere at this time, and they couldn't help but feel a little nervous.


The Tianyuan cracked a little bigger, and a large ancient hand came out, it was several thousand feet in size, each finger seemed to be inserted into the Heavenly God Peak, and visions such as Buddha, gods and demons, giant dragons, Yama, etc. flashed in the palm, exuding An extremely heavy breath, as if the power of the whole world was pressed together.

The Emperor Yao's boxing edge transformed by the emperor was originally upright and mighty, with the power to cover the sky and the sun, but in front of this ancient hand, it was like a mayfly compared to the ocean, not worth mentioning at all, more like it was sent on the initiative, It was easily crushed into pieces by the ancient hands.

"Pfft..." 5599 Novel www.dy5599.com

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