"You know...that's this emperor's saber?" Zhang Tian said in a low voice.

"The villain deserves ten thousand death for sin, and ten thousand death for sin! I don't dare to ask Immortal Venerable to spare my life, but I just want not to implicate the villain's family." Li Qingliu couldn't help trembling, and kowtowed again and again.

Zhang Tian glanced at him and said indifferently: "This emperor asked you, you have broken down the Divine Sword into three, where are the other two?"

Li Qingliu said: "Reporting to Immortal Venerable, except for the Star Slashing Sword, the Sun Slashing Sword and the Moon Slashing Sword were both lost in the Star Wars. The villain has pursued it several times, but only knows that one of them has fallen into a forbidden area of ​​life. , and the other was taken away by an almighty from the Ninth Mountain and Sea Realm."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, this is a sword that he forged for Tushen in the early days, it is useless now, just ask casually.Sister Literature Network www.jjwxw.net

Li Qingliu plucked up his courage and said again: "Before the villain died, there was another request, I hope Xianzun will be fulfilled. Back then, the villain fell into the world of Shengyuan and founded the Three Gods Sect with the sword of Xianzun, and devoted his whole life to it. The foundation of the three religions lies in the three swords of the sun, the moon, and the star transformed by the sword of the immortal, which is essentially the inheritance of the immortal's Taoism. The villain is only in charge of it. The sect will carry forward and spread the Taoist concept of Xianzun."

The voice fell, and ripples suddenly appeared in a void dozens of feet away, and a tall woman came out from the inside, with long light purple hair rolled up high, with ice blue drop-shaped beads on her forehead, sky blue The colored eye veil covered half of her face. The material seemed to be transparent, but it couldn't be seen clearly. Even if compared with the super-dusty beauties of the Tantai Holy Master, they seemed to lack a bit of charm.

She was wearing a long light blue moon-patterned dress, and she walked in every style, like a fairy in a picture scroll, with a fragrant air, and she didn't stop until she was three meters away from Zhang Tian, ​​her head lowered, and she looked submissive.

Li Qingliu said: "This woman is the high priest of the Three Gods Religion. When I proclaimed myself, she was in charge of the affairs of the Three Gods Religion, and she will be the assistant of the Immortal Venerable in the future."

After finishing speaking, Li Qingliu looked at the woman in the gauze again, and said solemnly, "This is the Immortal Venerable of the Ancient Heavenly Court, and the true master of the Three Divine Swords. You need to help me sincerely, and there is a possibility of ascending to immortality in the future. Do this, and you will be blessed."

The snowy body of the masked woman trembled, and Zhang Tian's identity obviously shocked her. What kind of existence is in the ancient heaven? Just walking out of one person is enough to make the mountain in the mountain and sea world tremble, and she deeply understands what Li Qingliu said. The deep meaning, this is a chance against the sky.

Immediately, the masked woman bowed to Zhang Tianshen and said softly: "The maid sees Master Zhang, this time, there are more than [-] believers who survived the Great Spirit Sealing formation, and they are all willing to obey the leader's orders."

Li Qingliu sighed softly. In order to complete the Nine Dragons Sealing Heaven Great Array, he declared himself a sect of more than three million followers, but now only [-]% of them survive, which shows the ruthlessness of the heavens.

Zhang Tian knew all about Li Qingliu's intention to force the Three Gods Sect to him, but now that the spiritual qi of the Shengyuan world is revived, it will be a big battlefield where a group of heroes will rise together. Relying on a precious daughter and becoming the leader of the Three Gods Sect by herself, it can save a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tian's expression softened a bit, and he said calmly: "This emperor will accept your heart and take over the three gods, and you can solve the cycle of reincarnation."

"Many...Thank you for being perfect!!"

Li Qingliu was extremely excited to bow down. He deliberately planned to give up the three gods that he had worked hard all his life on, not for survival, but for a reincarnation. Although he was no longer him after reincarnation, it was still better than the death of body and spirit. .

After the worship, Li Qingliu stood up, and a powerful aura erupted from his body, rolling straight into the Nine Heavens Galaxy, one after another sharp lightsaber condensed from the void, extremely terrifying, with the power to destroy all things, towards his body. stab away.

"Boom boom boom..."

Wan Jian passed through his heart, Li Qingliu's body burst into pieces, three souls and seven souls died at the same time, leaving only a little true spirit, drifting away.

The head of the high priest could not help lowering, and the snow body trembled slightly. He was as strong as Li Qingliu and other overlords in the Middle Ages. He was also determined to be life and death in one sentence. three points,

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from her ear:

"Take off your eye veil and let this emperor see your face." ,, . . .

Chapter 783 Dare to be presumptuous in front of this emperor!


The high priest thought he heard it wrong, raised his head in astonishment, but suddenly remembered the tragic situation of Li Qingliu's military solution, and his hands and feet suddenly became cold.

"The maid obeys."

The high priest let out a long sigh and chose to surrender. Although she is a great emperor and considers herself to be strong, it is still too far away from the existence of immortals. Even Li Qingliu dare not resist, she can what to do.

A palm as white as jade slowly lifted up, opened the corner of the eye veil, and then revealed the whole face, the skin was like a cream, the head was like a moth, and the eyes were like stars, giving people a feeling of inclusiveness. After Zhang Tian's eyes, his cheeks couldn't help but get a blush.

Zhang Tian looked at it for a moment, then chuckled: "You look good, you can go down, and restrain the followers of the Three Gods. If you offend the three daughters of this emperor, you will never forgive me."

Although these words had a smile, the high priest froze in his heart, and quickly said: "The servant girl obeys the order, and she must restrain the believers and respect the three young masters."

After speaking, the high priest took two steps back carefully, and his body melted into the void, but he went to gather those awakened believers.

Zhang Tian looked around, saw one direction, stepped out in one step, and his body disappeared in an instant.

In the fire square, the six Emperor Origin blocks have all been unsealed, and the medieval creatures inside have awakened one after another, besieging the ruthless people.




The huge bang resounded endlessly, and the Demon Suppression Tower was like Mount Tai, protecting the ruthless people, and enduring the continuous attacks of six middle-aged creatures, faintly unsupportive.

As Ruthless expected, these six middle-aged creatures are all quasi-emperor-level alien powerhouses, and the white-haired beauty is infinitely close to the emperor's realm, and her methods are extremely secretive.Fortunately, they have just woken up, and their strength can only exert less than [-]%, otherwise even if they have the protection of the Suppressing Devil Tower, it is difficult for the ruthless person to be safe.


The eyes of the white-haired beauty suddenly shone with a dim light, and an extremely cold aura rose from her body, and she grabbed the Demon Suppression Tower with one hand.


The meaning of endless ice erupted, and the Demon Suppression Tower instantly formed ice ice more than ten feet high, like an iceberg, sealed to the ground, and the other five middle-aged creatures saw the opportunity and attacked the ruthless man at the same time. , the laws of supernatural powers are intertwined, if you want to devour the world.

"Flying Immortal Art!"

"One sword is eternal!"

Ruthless man burst out with divine light again and again, Shuiyun Emperor's sword blared endlessly, and smashed three law attacks in one breath, but in the end he was unable to catch up, and the last two attacks drove straight in, killing Ruthen one from the left and one from the right.


At this moment, a majestic and heavy voice rumbled in the hall, and the void turned into ice like gas, freezing to the bone. The movements of the six middle-aged creatures all froze in place, as if time and space had stagnated on them.

A burst of ripples appeared in the void, Zhang Tian stepped out calmly, flicked his sleeves at will, and the iceberg covered by the Demon Suppression Tower melted and became invisible, and the six middle-aged creatures vomited blood and flew upside down, extremely miserable.Jing Aishu Novel www.jingaishu.com

"Dad is merciful!"

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