The ruthless man came back to his senses and hurriedly stopped Zhang Tian's actions to suppress the six major alien powerhouses.

Zhang Tian moved when he heard the sound, and pointed out that a huge mountain was formed in the void, suppressing the six middle-aged creatures.

"The talents of these six alien creatures are not bad, but they are bloodthirsty. I think they were captured by the Three Gods from the Star Wars. It is even more difficult to surrender, otherwise they will not use Huangyuan to They seal, what do you want?"

The ruthless man smiled slightly, took out a pitch-black picture scroll, and said, "I want to use them to try the "Seal of the Corpse Demon" obtained from the Demon Emperor."

This picture is the treasure of the Devil Emperor at the beginning, which can hold thousands of sealed scrolls of demons. If you look closely, the scroll is a terrifying scene of hell, but the last battle, the Devil Emperor has already All the corpses inside were released, and now it is empty.

This "Seal of the Corpse Demon" is a powerful secret method of the magic lineage. Even if ordinary monks get the mental method and the seal map, it is difficult to use it. There is no pressure on the secret method.

But when she walked to the place where the white-haired beauty was suppressed, her hands intertwined in the void, forming countless black runes, and finally formed the four characters of 'corpse demon seal'. Roaring towards the white-haired beauty.

"Ah ah ah..."

The white-haired beauty didn't seem to be able to speak, but she desperately let out a low roar, and her two slightly long and narrow eyes flashed with light, as if she was about to devour the world and fight desperately.

In the face of such alien creatures, the ruthless man was unmoved at all. After the word 'corpse' was completely integrated into the body of the white-haired beauty, he turned his hand and punched the word 'magic' into the body of the white-haired beauty.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The white-haired beauty had her hair fluttering open, with a very ferocious and terrifying expression on her face.

By the time the third 'seal' character was also engraved into a magic pattern on her body, her breath had completely changed, and she used the last ray of will to fight against the seal.

"go with!"

The ruthless man was concentrating and typed the last word 'yin', and a thin layer of sweat broke out from his brows. He finally understood why many demons worked together to motivate the secret method. With this white-haired woman's cultivation, even if she moved No, it's not something she can surrender.

"Roar!!" The white-haired woman bleeds from her seven orifices, but her will still remains unyielding, and she even plans to break the net and explode her soul.

Seeing that the seal was about to fail, Zhang Tian couldn't help frowning slightly, and when he pointed it out, the power of the Heavenly Dao fell, and the white-haired woman's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly transformed into a cage of heaven and earth, sealing her life and soul in it.

"No! Let me out! I'm going to kill you! Kill you!!"

Divine Soul made a terrifying sound, resounding throughout the Sea of ​​Consciousness space.

"How dare you be presumptuous in front of this emperor!"

A little fire suddenly appeared in the empty space of consciousness, and then it expanded rapidly.The entire sky turned into a huge human face, looking down coldly.

The soul of the white-haired woman immediately calmed down, huddled into a ball and hugged in the corner, trembling, this coercion reminded her of the deepest fear in her blood.

The desert collapsed, and the mountains and rivers were forever silent. In the vast years of antiquity, wherever that figure passed, countless alien ethnic groups were driven out of their star field and suppressed in the endless darkness.

Although she didn't know the history of being expelled, it was buried deep in the bloodline and bone marrow, and now it's all inspired. , , .

Chapter 784 The truth about Zhang Tian's identity is revealed!

"Thank you dad for your help."

In the hall of fire, the ruthless man looked at the white-haired woman who had been sealed into the corpse demon, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

This alien woman's racial talent is very powerful. According to Ruth's estimation, when her injuries are healed, she will be comparable to an ordinary human emperor. With her current strength, it is still very difficult to completely control her.

"Since it has been done, just seal them all, and wait until later to slowly conquer them."

Zhang Tian stroked Ruren Ren's hair, took the seal of the corpse demon in her hand, and showed it toward the sky. The wind suddenly rose to several hundred feet, covering the sky and the sun. It turned into reality and turned into a huge magic temple.

The magic temple is full of many phenomena, supported by nine black stone pillars, like the giant legs of the legendary prison-suppressing idol. There is an empty throne in the center, which is majestic and solemn. power.

Under the black stone steps on the ninety-ninth floor, there is a huge square that can accommodate millions of demon powerhouses to worship.

Suddenly, the black magic temple burst into dazzling light, like a wild beast opening its mouth, absorbing all the five middle-aged alien powerhouses, and standing like a white-haired woman, His Highness.

Zhang Tian made a move, all the rays of light converged back, and turned into a picture scroll again, but the original image of the nether and hell became the image of the devil's temple, and the white-haired woman and other six people were all listed.

"The real name of this picture is 'Devil Sky Picture', it was obtained by an ancient demon lord sacrificing and refining the entire world. I have lifted the ban on this magic treasure for you and restored its original appearance."

Zhang Tian handed the picture scroll to Ruthless Man and explained one sentence.

"Magic Sky Map, what you get from refining the Great Thousand Worlds?

The ruthless man showed a very emotional expression. In today's world, the emperor is the most respected, but even the strongest emperor, that is, destroying the stars with a flick of his finger, and traversing the land, wants to refine a world of billions of living beings. A catalogue is simply impossible, only those immortal-level ancient powers can do this.

Zhang Tian looked around the hall, and finally his eyes fell on the red furnace on the altar. He couldn't help but light up and said with a smile: "The real treasure is in that furnace, you can take it out."

The ruthless man moved in his heart when he heard the words, flew up to the altar, and pointed at the handle of the furnace. He planned to investigate first, but he didn't expect that the moment he touched it, the entire furnace exploded and turned into powder. Fortunately, The ruthless man was always vigilant and blocked all the attacks with the sword domain bodyguard.

"This is……"

The ruthless man pushed aside the chaotic fire spirit energy, and saw a baby-sized heart quietly suspended in the original position of the furnace, red as blood, covered with lines on the surface, it looked like the blood vessels of the human body, but carefully looked at it. But it is more like a thumbnail of mountains and rivers.

The ruthless man took the heart before his eyes, looked at it carefully, and suddenly exclaimed: "Could it be that this is the heart of the continent that was divided into nine parts in the Nine Dragons Fengtian Project!"

After speaking, Ruthless remembered that Zhang Tian didn't know about this, so he told all the secrets that the old man Tianji said.

After listening, Zhang Tian nodded slightly and said with a smile: "These ancient emperors are good means, with their cultivation base, it is very rare to be able to extract the heart of the mainland, let alone divide it into nine and seal them one by one. The world is indeed a blessed land of outstanding people."

"So, this is really the heart of the mainland? The three major sects, the five emperors, and the three gods were the first to be born. I don't know where the later major religions and emperors are." thinking.

Next, Zhang Tian took the ruthless man to find Yu Xin and Zi Yan, and both of them obtained rich treasures and were very happy.

Half a month later, two news that shocked the mainland spread!

The first piece of news was the Nine Dragons Sealing Heaven Project. I don’t know who leaked the secrets, but almost everyone knew that the famous imperial dynasties and great sects in the Middle Ages were not really destroyed, but voluntarily sealed. Today’s The recovery of spiritual energy means that these great forces of the Middle Ages will return to the mainland!

This news caused a huge earthquake. For millions of years, the land of the mainland has been divided up by the major ancient sects. Now that the Middle Ages are revived, the original power structure is bound to be broken. All the disciples of the ancient sects are all worried. .

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