On the contrary, those scattered cultivators who have nowhere to go are very excited, because after the recovery of the dusty imperial sect, they will definitely open their doors and recruit disciples. This will be a great opportunity for them. All levels of power, soaring into the sky is just around the corner.

The second news comes from Donghuang. The opening of the underground palace of the Three Gods Religion has been widely known in the world. According to the vision of the resurrection of the Sun God and the Moon God, many people speculate that the Three Gods Religion has not perished, but is only in dust. Send people to inquire in many ways, want to know the inside story.

In the end, with Zhang Tian's approval, the high priest stood up and announced to the world that the Three Gods Religion would reopen the mountain gate, with Ruren, Yuxin, and Zi Yan as the three gods of the sun, moon and stars, and the leader of the Three Gods Religion would It's Zhang Tian!

When this news was announced, it immediately swept the East Wasteland at the fastest speed, and quickly spread the world.

How powerful is the Trinity?Throughout the Middle Ages, all the imperial sects were able to rank in the top ten. They once dominated the mainland, subdued the four barbarians, and even participated in the Star Territory War. They were famous in the Ziwei Star Territory.

Many people have reverie because of this, why did Zhang Tian become the leader of the Three Gods?Did he kill the original leader, Jiuzhan Que's Nest, or...he was the leader of the Three Gods Cult!

The latter guess has been approved by the majority of the strong in the mainland. Zhang Tian's identity is too mysterious. He has been in the mainland for more than ten years, and his record is extremely brilliant.

And the three gods sect master is also a mysterious figure, I don't know the origin, I don't know the inheritance, and even rarely take action. It seems that he is a hermit who was born out of nowhere, and is known as the most mysterious emperor in the Middle Ages.

Now that these two identities are combined, it seems that all the mysteries suddenly become clear. If Zhang Tian is the leader of the Three Gods, then it is not surprising that he has the cultivation of the Great Emperor Realm, but he woke up early for some reason and broke the seal.

As more and more people believe it and spread it actively, almost everyone is convinced that the problem of Zhang Tian's identity that has plagued them has come to light.

Zhang Tian was the unparalleled emperor in the Middle Ages, the leader of the Three Gods Sect who ruled the mainland and participated in the Star Territory hegemony! , , .

Chapter 785 Ruthless people want to cut the way of heaven!

"Dad, are you really the leader of the Three Gods Sect?"

In the temple of the Three Gods, Zi Yan sat on the small bench she prepared and asked curiously.

Zhang Tian, ​​who was sitting in the top position, was puzzled, raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you talking about? I'm not the sect master. How can you be so comfortable in this Three Gods Religion?"

Yu Xin chuckled and said, "Sanmei should want to ask if Dad was the leader of the Three Gods Sect in the Middle Ages."

"Yes, yes, I heard that the Three Gods Religion was very powerful in the Middle Ages, and it was the biggest force in the continent. The Three Gods Cult Master is the unparalleled emperor in the Middle Ages, and the Megatron Ziwei Star Region!"

There are many little stars in Zi Yan's eyes. For her, it doesn't matter how strong your strength is. What matters is that you are strong enough and domineering. She is not uncommon to be nestled in the cellar without anyone knowing.

The great emperors of the Middle Ages are famous in the mainland. Their stories have been passed down from generation to generation by storytellers in the taverns and tea shops, especially the monks who led the Daqian world to conquer the Ziwei star field and compete with the heavens and the Daqian world. These stories often make people's blood boil. .

Zi Yan usually likes these battle stories the most, and yearns for those unparalleled emperors who ride on the galaxy. She feels that her father may be one of them, and immediately wants to ask for proof.

How could Zhang Tian lose face in front of his daughter, his face suddenly sank, and he said angrily: "Dad, I am much more powerful than that Three Gods Cult Master, he just stole my saber, and this created the Three Gods Cult Jiye, you don't have to listen to those storytelling jokes."

"Hey, Dad, you can't do it either, sabres can be stolen, it's a shame to say it out." Zi Yan said with a smile.

"You girl, it seems that I have to teach you a lesson!"

Zhang Tian's expression was serious, and he raised his hand towards the void. Zi Yan suddenly condensed an aura palm on top of her head, curled a finger, and flicked on the little girl's bright forehead, directly knocking her upside down. , the small benches are flying.

"Oh! Dad is bullying people again! This is domestic violence, I want to protest!" Zi Yan got up from the ground and said indignantly.

"Ha ha……"

Ruthless and Yu Xin were on the side, chuckling for a while, without any intention of helping, making Zi Yan even more depressed, these two sisters and themselves are not in the same heart.

After some frolic, the three daughters sat on the futon of His Royal Highness in an orderly manner, and the ruthless man asked: "Father called us over today, what should be the matter?"

Zhang Tian also restrained his smile, nodded, and said, "I have been letting you practice independently before, and I don't want to interfere with your search for your own way. Throughout the ages, those who can reach the realm of heaven are all based on heaven and earth. A brand new road, the more deeply influenced by external forces, the harder it will be to understand.”

Zi Yan raised her little hand and said crisply: "Dad, what realm is Tongtian?" New World Novel www.enwds.com

Zhang Tian thought about it for a while, and replied: "Slaying the stars, picking up the sun and the moon, killing all over the world, and being the only one in the world, such a person can be called a hero, but he can't escape the calculations of the heavens. The will is in the sky of eternity, not bound by the way of heaven, even though the universe collapses and his body is immortal, such a person can barely be regarded as heaven.”


Ruthless and Yuxin both breathed a sigh of relief. The Emperor Mark Monument is the carrier of the avenue, and the foundation of the mountains and rivers in the universe. Only by reaching the quasi-immortal emperor realm can a mark be left on the tablet body, which is immortal and will be admired by the world. worship.

There are very few such existences, from ancient times to the present, when all the races add up, all of them are peerless outstanding people who amaze the ages, or they are invincible across the heavens and the world, or create a line of martial arts systems, or cast the great religion of pilgrimage of all immortals. Their names, after tens of millions of years, are immortal, sung from generation to generation, and believers are trillions of millions.

Even if he is ruthless and has the fearless spirit of killing all enemies, he would never dare to imagine the day when he will become a quasi-immortal emperor in the future, because it is too far away and too dreamy.

Now, they just found out that Zhang Tian had such great expectations for them, and their emotions were overwhelmed for a while.

Zi Yan looked indifferent, her two little hands were tied together, and she said old-fashionedly: "I'm going to be an immortal emperor, one day I will reach it, first set a small goal and become an invincible emperor."

The ruthless man laughed and said: "Your small goal is not small at all. In the five million years since the Middle Ages, how many invincible emperors have emerged from the nine great mountains and seas, and there are a few of them from the demon clan. I am afraid that it is the dragon clan's turn. Number one hand."

"So what, since I am a dragon in this life, I will be the strongest dragon! Like my father, whoever dares to disobey, go to the mountain gate and die one by one." Zi Yan said proudly with her small chin raised.

Yuxin's eyes turned into crescents with a smile, and she said softly, "You have to protect the second sister at that time."

Zi Yan said very seriously: "Second sister, rest assured, everything is on me. If anyone dares to bully you at that time, I will blow up his dog's head. If your life essence is exhausted, I will go to the restricted area of ​​life to pick undead gods for you. Medicine, keep you alive!"

"As my father said, our sisters will have to leave their names on the Emperor Mark Tablet in the end. If Heaven doesn't allow it, I will kill Heaven!" The ruthless man said incomparably domineering.

Zhang Tian has a black line on his face, Tiandao invites you to provoke you, you will cut Tiandao, and his education and guidance seems to be a bit of a failure. Ruthless girl always uses Tiandao as an imaginary enemy, which is not good.

"Cough cough... Dad is very pleased that you have this ambition, but for now, we still have to play steadily and not be too ambitious." Zhang Tian said seriously, bringing the topic back.

"Now the three of you have broken through to the holy realm. In the ancient times, this realm was considered as entering the house, and you could come into contact with the really profound cultivation methods of the sect, and even be rated as the holy son and the emperor's son to cultivate. Today, the mainland can guide you There are very few practitioners, so I can only personally go out and guide you on your future cultivation path." Zhang Tian continued.

The three daughters were all attentively and listened attentively. The jokes in front of them were all jokes. They worshiped and trusted Zhang Tian from the bottom of their hearts, and they would not forget even a word of his teachings.

Zhang Tian first looked at the ruthless man and said slowly: "Nannan, you are a human race, and you are also following the most orthodox martial arts path. Now that you have cast the Eternal Holy Body, the next step is to prepare to fight against the sky. Destiny, condense the immortal dharma. How much do you know about the realm of the immortal god emperor?" ,,...

Chapter 786 Zhang Tian Explains the Way of the God Emperor

The ruthless man thought for a while, and said: "Most of the books in the academy record that the peak of the holy realm stops abruptly. I only know a little about the realm of the immortal emperor. The strong people condense the Holy Body, the stronger it is, and the characteristics of the emperor's realm lie in the dharma. Any serious injury can recover quickly, like immortality."

"The lowest level immortal god emperor can only light a few magic lamps, and if the magic lamp is extinguished, his life will end. The stronger god emperor can light the god furnace, and the fire is vigorous and endless. The stronger one is the god tree, For example, the ancient ancestor of Dongming, condensed the five-color divine tree method, representing the five kinds of mysterious, and compared with the ordinary divine tree method, it is even better."

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