Yu Xin was a little surprised when she heard the words, and said: "So there are still these doorways, the difference in combat power between different Holy Body is very huge, like a gulf, the perfect Holy Body can even directly crush the powerhouse of the flawless Holy Body peak, I want to come to this magic lamp , Divine Furnace, Divine Tree are the same, no wonder the ancestor of Dongming dared to challenge his father with confidence."

"Hee hee, if he knew the great emperor he challenged, he would have to be scared to death." Zi Yan said happily.

The ruthless man said calmly: "Although the divine tree is ranked third, it is rare in the world of Shengyuan, but looking at the entire ninth mountain and sea, it is ordinary. It is a higher-level divine mountain dharma image, walking between, like holding a mountain, bearing the power of the sky."

Zi Yan said crisply: "The father of the Jidu County Lord, Zhennan King, condensed the sacred mountain. I saw it in the underground palace square. There is a huge mountain behind it, and it looks very cool."

The ruthless man nodded and said: "King Zhennan is amazingly talented, and with the help of the powerful inheritance of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, it is not surprising to condense the magic of the mountain. The magic of this level is very powerful, even if it is placed in the ninth mountain and sea. Rank, there is a high degree of confidence to impact the ancient emperor realm, and even if it is not good, it can also become a peerless emperor-level figure, which is regarded as the backbone of the sacred mountains of the various immortal realms."

Yu Xin's beautiful eyes turned, and she said softly: "It is rumored that King Zhennan is the younger brother of the current emperor. He had a splendid appearance when he was young, but the light was completely obscured by the emperor. It can be seen that the talent of the emperor is far superior to that of the emperor. He. Later, when the emperor first entered the immortal realm, he could be called the strongest god emperors in the mainland. He was famous, and the tiger was in Zhongzhou. Could it be that the emperor condensed a higher level of law?"

"As I expected, the Human Sovereign should have condensed the divine realm above the divine mountain! Combining the territory of one realm, such as the perfect Holy Body, has the power to crush the same rank. As soon as you enter the realm of the emperor, you can be invincible across the realm of the emperor. , so it is called the Supreme Divine Emperor. Such a dharma image is very rare even in the Ninth Mountains and Seas of the Immortal Realm Divine Mountain, only those arrogances at the level of emperors can condense." The ruthless said very solemnly.

"It's no wonder that the emperor is only a quasi-emperor, but he can easily kill soldiers and demon gods of the same rank. If you think about it, his real strength is comparable to that of ordinary emperors. However, the perfect Holy Body is not the end of the Holy Body. The end point, right?" Yu Xin was keenly aware of the key.

The ruthless man hesitated for a moment and said: "It is rumored that there is a stronger divine kingdom above the realm of the gods. It bears the power of an ancient country, is tyrannical, and can crush the gods! However, such a vision only exists in legends, and it is estimated that it is eternal. Like the Holy Communion, it cannot be tolerated by the Heavenly Way of the Empress."

"Eldest sister has now been cast into the Eternal Holy Body, and the next step to condense the Dharma of the Kingdom of God is not to be captured. When the time comes to fight, you don't have to do anything at all. Just put the Dharma and you can scare the emperors of the Immortal Realm to death!" Zi Yan still said nonchalantly.

The ruthless man smiled bitterly and said, "It's easier said than done to condense the laws of the kingdom of God. Now I don't have a clue."

Zhang Tian, ​​who had been silent for a long time, finally opened his mouth and said with a chuckle: "There are roughly two ways to condense the kingdom of God. One is to open up an ancient world independently, but the laws of this artificial world are difficult to complete and cannot be reconciled with The world of stars derived from the Dao of Heaven is comparable. Just like the Emperor Yan, who opened up the world of the 'Endless Fire Territory' as a quasi-immortal emperor, and invited the great powers of the heavens to help supplement the law, it is still not perfect."

"The second method is to make a world of stars derived from the Dao of Heaven as one's own. The stronger the world of stars refined, the stronger the law of the kingdom of God will be. This method seems to be inferior to independently opening up the world to be domineering, but in fact it is the real A wise move. In the process of refining the star world, it is possible to experience the derivation of the various laws of Dao creation, which is far better than opening up the world independently."

The three daughters listened attentively. These are precious teachings. They are groping by themselves, and they don't know how many detours they have to take.

The ruthless man pondered: "Then how to refine the world of stars?"

"There are all ways of doing things, but everyone's path is different after all. In terms of condensing the Dharma, other people's experiences can only be used as a reference. I have thought about it for a few days, but I have found two condensing kingdoms for you. The method of Dharma." Zhang Tian raised two fingers and said leisurely.

"What method?" The ruthless man immediately asked. In fact, since she was promoted to the Holy Realm three years ago, she has been a little confused. She doesn't know where to go. She can only consolidate her foundation over and over again. A little anxious.

Zhang Tian didn't give a shit, and said bluntly: "The first method is to refine the magic sky map in your hand, which is the seed of a vast world, it is much easier to refine, as long as you follow the steps of the assimilation, you can It becomes your divine kingdom of law. If you want to come to the ancient demon to refine this magic map, the original intention is to condense the divine kingdom of law for a certain descendant. "

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that the way to unite the kingdom of God that he had been searching for had always been on his body!But she was not in a hurry, but asked in a deep voice, "The second method?"

"The second method is to refine the nine Continent Hearts and refine the Saint Yuan World into your Divine Kingdom! This refining difficulty is more than ten times more difficult than refining the Demon Sky Map." Zhang Tianshun said slowly.


The three daughters were all taken aback, to take this vast Shengyuan world as their own.

If the ruthless man is really trained, wouldn't all the creatures in the Shengyuan world become the private property of the ruthless man? , , .

Chapter 787 Awaken the will of the ancient king!

Just listening to Zi Yan exclaimed: "The Shengyuan world has been refined, so what should the people here do?"

Zhang Tiandao: "The kingdom of God is also the world, with complete laws, it can naturally provide for people to survive. At that time, Nannan will be the master of this world, just like the way of heaven controls all things, maybe this is not for people who originally lived in this world. It's not fair, but in fact, it's never been fair."

Yuxin covered Xingkou and said softly: "I once read a fragment of an ancient secret scripture, and there is a record on it, those powerful people who can penetrate the sky and the earth can swallow mountains and seas and create all things, just like the gods of creation. .Many people seem to be born in their own world, but they are actually in the body of some great power. I didn't expect all of this to be true."

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs. If you live in the ancient and ancient times, you will know that these are nothing, and many tyrannical races have become the dust of history."

Zhang Tian said quite emotionally, he has lived for too long, and has witnessed too many vicissitudes of life, and he has long been indifferent to everything.

The ruthless man's expression was as calm as water, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "This is a cruel world where the strong are respected. I knew it a long time ago, so I only have one question, which is better than the world of Shengyuan and the world of magic. powerful?"

Zhang Tian nodded with satisfaction, what he liked most was the ruthless nature, which is a must for a sky-high powerhouse.

"The world of Motiantu is just an ordinary Daqian world, which is probably similar to the dark demon world that invaded the mainland. As for the world of Shengyuan, it can only be said... It is very mysterious." Zhang Tian considered his words.

The ruthless man said in surprise: "Can't even my father see it through?" In her impression, Zhang Tian has always been omnipotent, even when talking about the existence of quasi-immortal emperors such as the Yan Emperor and the ancient sword king, he is very comfortable. .

Zhang Tian shook his head and said: "In the beginning, there were only nine worlds of mountains and seas in this universe. Later, after one after another, the worlds of mountains and seas collapsed and divided into many lands. These lands evolved into the world of stars on their own, which formed the grand coexistence of all worlds today. The ancient times when the heavens and the earth first opened were ruled by the gods, and no one could resist. It was not until the ancient times that there were really more wars, so today's star world is basically formed after the ancient times, while the Shengyuan world, but formed in ancient times."

"How, how is this possible?"

The three daughters were shocked again. When the stars in the world are over, this is something that everyone knows. Once the spiritual energy weakens to a certain level, the stars will destroy themselves and return to chaos. Except for the nine mountains and seas, I have never heard of them. Which star world can survive for more than [-] million years, and the Shengyuan world we are in has existed for more than [-] million years!

"This is a true fact." Zhang Tian said very solemnly.

At the beginning, he came out of the world of Shengyuan. At that time, it was still in ancient times. Over the years, he also pursued the truth of the world of Shengyuan and got two answers.

One is that there is nothing abnormal in the world of Shengyuan, that is, a fragment of the mountain and sea world that appeared earlier.

The other answer is much more terrifying. There was wisdom and power to deduce that this world should have ten mountain and sea worlds, and Shengyuan world should have become the tenth, but it was exhausted by unknown reasons during the 'childhood' period. The foundation of eternity has degenerated step by step.In the back of the deduction, the wise master himself felt unable to justify himself, because he really couldn't think of any existence that could exhaust the eternal foundation that the Dao gave to the mountain and sea world. 126 Chinese website www.126zw.com

Zhang Tian knows the mystery well. In the process of his rise, he can feel that he is absorbing the source power of the Shengyuan world every time he advances to the first rank. It is this power that makes him invincible, singing all the way to the highest realm, proud Gu Lingjin.However, he has not found any concrete evidence as to whether the world of Shengyuan is the tenth mountain and sea world.

"I have decided to refine the world of Shengyuan into the kingdom of God!" The ruthless man's expression was very solemn, "Since this world gave birth to me, I am also willing to protect this world with the strength of my life, and live and die with this world!"

"Very good, I am more inclined to this choice. This is the method of refining the heart of the continent. You can use it to cultivate with great concentration. The next thing is to collect all the nine hearts of the continent." Zhang Tian raised his hand and pointed out a The ray of divine light merged into the sea of ​​​​knowledge of the ruthless, and turned into a jade talisman, which recorded in detail the various steps of condensing the kingdom of God.

The secret method of forging the kingdom of God like this is definitely the most treasure among the treasures. Even the sacred mountain of the immortal realm with a long history has at most one or two doors, all of which were created by the ancestors of the past dynasties with painstaking efforts, like Zhang Tian. Create a secret method that is most suitable for ruthless people to practice, and spread it out, enough to shake the nine mountains and seas.

"Thank you father."

Ruthless Man showed a very excited expression, as if a star suddenly appeared in the dark place, illuminating the way forward for her. Although the road still needs to be explored by herself, at least she will not lose her direction, and she has the confidence to move forward.

Zhang Tian nodded and said, "Going on this road, your future will have infinite possibilities. Dad expects your growth."

After dealing with the ruthless man, Zhang Tian looked at Yu Xin again and said slowly: "Yu Xin, you are the inheritance of Qing Emperor, Yan Emperor, Nine Colors Beyond Flower, Fengtian Emperor, Ancient Blood God, among these Any one of them is enough to make people reach the realm of the Immortal King level, and even spy on the quasi-immortal emperor realm, but it is not a good thing to be greedy enough to chew."

Yu Xin nodded slightly, she also felt the predicament in her cultivation, that is, there are too many things to learn, each of which has extraordinary attraction, so she can't bear to give it up.

Zhang Tiandao: "I've been thinking about it for a few days. If I want to sort out these supreme inheritances, the easiest way is to wake up the great flag in your body. To be precise, it's the martial will of your previous life to be the king!"

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