"Human King? Could it be the Human King of the Ancient Wars of Heaven Alliance?" The ruthless exclaimed, who was known as one of the most talented female fairies in the human race.

"Mom, the second sister is actually the reincarnation of the ancient king. It's amazing."

Zi Yan shouted very exaggeratedly, because the name of the King of Humans is incomparable. God, there are countless legends left behind.

Yu Xin caressed her heart in a daze. There were countless nights when she dreamed that she was holding a big flag and swaying the world. .

Wherever he travels, immortal sounds are lingering, and all ethnic groups worship, and every move has the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

She once thought that these were all fantasies, and she was ashamed to say it, but she did not expect it to be true. , , .

Chapter 788 Dad, do you still want to find a concubine?

Zhang Tian ignored the surprises of his daughters and continued: "The ancient human king is indeed an amazing female fairy. Although she is only at the peak of the fairy king, her real cultivation time is less than [-] years, which can be called astonishing. She is extremely talented, and it will not be difficult for her to break through to the quasi-immortal emperor realm after giving her hundreds of thousands of years. Even so, she is also one of the strongest immortal kings at that time, and with the great banner of the prehistoric era, she can be called the quasi-immortal emperor."

Ruthless Man wondered: "Even if the second sister is really the reincarnation of the ancient human king, and the martial arts will of the human king remains in her body, then at most it is more than the inheritance of the human king. How to sort out her inheritance of multiple immortal emperors?"

Zi Yan also nodded in agreement. Although the king's name is big, the quasi-immortal emperor should also treat each other with the courtesy of his peers, but in the final analysis, he is still missing the line of the quasi-immortal emperor, especially the inheritance of the immortal emperor has been baptized by the light of the avenue. , and Immortal King-level inheritance are completely two concepts, not the same thing.

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "I admire the King of Humans, it has nothing to do with her cultivation, but only for her talent. Immortal emperors of the heavens, Emperor Yan is famous for the law of fire, Emperor Qing is famous for the law of wood, Emperor Fengtian is famous for the law of seal, These laws are not to say that they are not strong, but there is nothing strange about them. There are countless people who are proficient in the world, and they are only the masters of them. But the laws mastered by the king are different. She is the only one who knows it."

"What rule is that, so powerful?" Zi Yan exclaimed.

Zhang Tian sighed: "At the beginning, I planned to wait for the king to complete her laws, and after I left her name on the Emperor Mark Tablet, I would discuss with her in detail, but I didn't want her to die unexpectedly, which is a great pity. I don’t understand the law too deeply, I only know that this law has the aura of encompassing all things, and it can fuse all laws into one.”

After speaking, Zhang Tian looked at Yuxin, with a gleam of divine light in his eyes, as if he could see through her body, and said softly, "When the King of Humans fell, he engraved his lifelong martial arts insights on her flag of the ultimate treasure, the Great Wilderness. That pole. The flag is in your body now, and it was only years after I adopted you that I accidentally discovered that this great flag itself is a treasure in the world."

"Please let my father take action and awaken the martial arts will of my previous life for me."

Yuxin made the decision neatly and neatly, among which she had already vaguely prepared for this many years ago, not only because of the dream, but also because of her 'ruthless' personality, which may be a manifestation of the will of the previous life, She has been silently guarding her.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and said with relief: "You don't have to worry, what the King of Humans has left behind is only martial arts insights, her true spirit itself is one with you, this awakening will not only allow her to master the inheritance of her previous life, there will be no any abnormality."

Seeing Yu Xin's expression stretched out, Zhang Tian made his move and pointed out the thousands of laws of the heavens and merged into Yu Xin's body.


With a loud bang, Yu Xin's clothes and long hair suddenly had no wind and danced wildly, as if she was in an endless vortex.Behind her, the void shattered inch by inch, turning into a dark world, and a huge black banner roared.

This black flag seems to be as large as [-] zhang, covering the sky and the sun. Although the flag surface is dilapidated, it exudes a long and powerful aura of desolation. It is vaguely visible that it is engraved with the laws of the Dao, which is mysterious and obscure.

At a glance, one has the illusion of returning to the ancient battlefield and witnessing the epic battle, as if vaguely seeing a warm and snow-white plain hand waving the flag, leveling the universe, and everything smashed.

"Is this the Great Flag? Legend has it that it can break the sky screen of mountains and seas." 163TXT www.txt163.com

A look of surprise appeared in the eyes of the ruthless man, and she intuitively told her that although this great banner was damaged, its power would still be on top of her golden bell without beginning.

"What a great banner, the second sister is really the reincarnation of the ancient king. I want to tell the little princess, Xiaohuanger, Xiaohu and the others, and they won't be scared to death."

Zi Yan said happily, she felt that she had one more bragging rights. The more capable her father and sister were, the happier she would be. She likes to do things like foxes and tigers.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

It roared like this for a full quarter of an hour, and the seals and restrictions on the surface of the Great Desolate Flag were finally unsealed. The rays of light radiated from the flag surface and poured into Yuxin's body, making her look very holy and noble, like the ancients Wang Fu. There is a kind of temperament of immortal exile for nine days.

After another half a quarter of an hour, the Great Wilderness flag swayed slightly, turned into aura and drilled back into Yuxin's body, and she also woke up leisurely.

"Thank you dad for your help, my previous life's inheritance has a mood of Tai Chi fusion, maybe it can really integrate the inheritance of many immortal emperors into one." Yu Xin said with some surprises.


Ruthless and Zi Yan are also relieved, and at the same time they are shocked. Yuxin is now part of the inheritance of several immortal emperors. If they really merge into one, how terrifying it will be.

"Dad, the eldest sister and the second sister have both benefited a lot. You can't be partial, Zi Yan likes you the most." Zi Yan came back to her senses and immediately became loyal to Zhang Tianbiao, her big black and beautiful eyes full of anticipation.

"You girl still want benefits, do you know how precious that god emperor bone is? There are only a few god emperors in the world, and this treasure is enough for you to digest for a long time. If you want me to give you some advice, first Hand over the bones of the god emperor." Zhang Tian said in a daze.

"Why do I have to hand over the god emperor bone I got with my ability? Dad, you can't favor one over another, bullying Zi Yan so much, do you want me to help you find a concubine in the future?" Hard bubbles, coquettish and threatening.

Zhang Tian hated that iron was not steel. How could he have educated such a wealthy daughter, and he was not cold at all.But he didn't really want to chill Zi Yan, just teasing her. Seeing that the time was about right, he said seriously:

"Don't worry, how could Dad forget you, you are a pure demon clan, or the blood of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor who took two dragon and phoenix companion fruits, even in the ancient times, it is considered a top qualification, think If you want to go further, it's hard to beat the sky, and I've been thinking for a long time to find a treasure that suits you."

"What kind of treasure is it?" Zi Yan asked with bright eyes.

Ruthless and Yuxin were also aroused by curiosity, and looked at Zhang Tian together with bright eyes. , , .

Chapter 789 Burying a drop of blood of the Emperor!

Facing the hot eyes of his three daughters, Zhang Tian continued: "Zi Yan's cultivation method is different from that of Nannan and Yuxin. Among the demon clan, the bloodline is the most respected. As long as the bloodline strength increases, all barriers will be easily resolved. , so Dad wants to give you a special gift."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tian's palm turned into a small jade box and threw it to Zi Yan.

"I knew that my father treated me the best, and I will definitely find you more concubines in the future." Zi Yan hurriedly stood up to catch the jade box, looked at it again and again, and wondered: "This box is a little bit different. Small, could it be a space treasure?"

"It's just an ordinary box." Zhang Tian said casually.

Zi Yan's face collapsed immediately, and she pouted: "What good things can be put in such a small box, Dad, I'm not a child, don't fool me."

Although she said so, Zi Yan opened the jade box carefully, only to see that in the small jade box, there was only a drop of red blood the size of the belly of a finger, crystal clear like amber, exuding extremely surging life fluctuations, Other than that, nothing.

"What kind of blood is this?" Zi Yan asked as she put her little head up, cocked her nose and sniffed it twice, frowning and said, "There is no smell at all."

Zhang Tian said angrily: "Don't look at it so carefully, this is a drop of my blood."

"Dad's blood?"

Zi Yan repeated it in astonishment, and a flash of disgust flashed in her eyes quickly.

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