Zhang Tiantian's liver hurts. He usually looks at the little girl and gets angry with others, but he doesn't feel anything. He didn't expect to be angry with himself one day, and even despise his own blood.

You must know that this is a drop of blood from the Emperor Burying Heaven. Although it is not blood essence, the mighty power contained in it can also destroy mountains, seas, and worlds.In the ancient times, it was enough for those quasi-immortal emperors to break the head and compete for it. The truth is worth, even the immortal paper can't compare.

As a result, when she arrived at the little girl, she even had an expression of disgust.

"Dad, I'm not saying that this treasure is not good, it's just...Is it a bit too perfunctory? You have so much blood on your body, just take a drop of it for me, and say it was carefully prepared, I think it, no Very appropriate."

Zi Yan said very euphemistically, but the meaning inside and outside the words is very clear, you are too stingy, this treasure aunt can't look down on it!

Zhang Tian laughed angrily at the appearance of Zi Yan's little money fan, thought for a moment, and said, "Actually, I'm just kidding you, this drop of blood... is a drop of blood from Emperor Burial. But you're right, It's really not suitable to send only a drop of blood, I'll give you another treasure."

When the voice fell, Zhang Tian raised his hand and grabbed towards the void, a spiritual palm suddenly appeared in front of Zi Yan, and he grabbed the jade box in unison.

"No!" Zi Yan screamed and hid the jade box behind her like a calf, as if this was her most precious treasure.

"What? Don't you think this treasure is bad?" Zhang Tian asked with a smile.

"Okay, okay, Zi Yan will definitely like everything Dad gave. You don't need to change it, just this." Zi Yan said with a smile.I love e-books www.52xtxs.com


Zhang Tian scattered his aura palms and shook his head angrily.

I saw Zi Yan carefully and cherished and opened the jade box and glanced at it, and then she put it into her underwear pocket like a baby. Anyone who knows her knows that this girl is very cautious, and real treasures are never put into storage rings. , are carried on the body.

Zhang Tian smiled. This girl is young, but she has good eyesight. She knows what a real treasure is. This can be regarded as a racial talent of the Dragon Clan.

"Dad, the blood of the Emperor Burying is incredible. Where did you get it? When I become stronger, I will also go get two drops." Zi Yan said ruthlessly, as if afraid of being heard by others.

Zhang Tian pulled his face down again, you are such a big cabbage, and said angrily: "You should cultivate well first, don't think about those useless, this drop of blood I imposed a triple seal, the remaining part is enough to make you Your bloodline is pure to the level of the Immortal King, and when you advance to the Demon Emperor Realm, you can unlock the first seal on your own and make your bloodline evolve again."

Zi Yan was startled, took out the jade box from her pocket, looked at it repeatedly, and exclaimed: "It is indeed the blood of the Emperor Burying, it is really powerful." Then she added in a low voice: "It looks ordinary. "

"The master leads the door, the cultivation is personal, the road of martial arts is endless, and you have to understand it yourself. Now that the ancient world of Shengyuan is recovering, the nine mountains and seas will usher in the great world in the near future. Retire, you all go back to practice for a long time."

Zhang Tian made a conclusion. In his opinion, before the Divine Emperor Realm, these pointers were enough, and if there were more, it would not be a good thing.

The three daughters nodded obediently when they heard the words. The spiritual energy in the world of Shengyuan became richer and vaster day by day, as if reminding them that the times had changed. In this case, even ordinary warriors worked hard to cultivate, let alone them. .

Years passed, and in the blink of an eye, five years passed quietly.

The palace group of the Three Gods Sect has long been moved from underground to the ground. It is majestic and magnificent, stretching for thousands of miles. It is located in the center of Donghuang, which is not far from the original Dongming Holy Land.

Under the great expansion of the Three Gods led by the high priest, the Three Gods not only occupied the domain originally belonging to the Holy Land of Dongming, but also expanded hundreds of thousands of miles in all directions. The terrifying power of the High Priest has chosen to surrender and pay tribute every year.

On this day, the originally windy, sunny and rainy sky was suddenly obscured by dark clouds, as if a huge black curtain shrouded the Eastern Wasteland. A fierce storm of spiritual energy blew up.

All the martial artists who had retreated and practiced were awakened, and they broke out one after another, looking up at the sky, with expressions of incomparable horror on their faces.

I saw that in the pitch-black sky, the spiritual energy gathered into ten incomparably huge vortexes, each of which was thousands of feet in size, devouring the spiritual energy.


As if reaching a critical point, all the aura vortexes stopped absorbing aura, and instead released a giant dragon of aura, swooping towards the earth.

Along with this move, everyone, regardless of their cultivation base, felt the emergence of an irresistible mighty force, as if heaven exerted its might, forcing them all to crawl to the ground.

At this moment, the entire Donghuang is worshipping! , , .

Chapter 790

"Terrorist! Such a terrifying coercion, what happened?"

"I... I couldn't control myself, as if oppressed by the origin of my soul."

"Look at the direction that the aura dragon is flying, it is the gate of the Three Gods Sect!"

"It's scary, could it be that Master Zhang is cultivating some kind of heaven-defying secret technique?"

All the cultivators in the East Wasteland were talking about it, and they had to feel fear. From the Divine Emperor Realm to the Lunhai Realm, without exception, they all had to crawl on the ground and could not resist at all.

This kind of scene is like the emperor's patrol, and the pariah must kneel on both sides to greet him.

But looking left and right, there is no Emperor Shadow at all, not to mention that even if it is an unparalleled emperor, how can the entire Eastern Desolate God Emperor bow down?

Not only the outside world, but even within the Three Gods Religion, the coercion is like an emperor like an emperor. Even if he is as strong as a high priest, he is shocked from the bottom of his heart. Although he does not kneel, he has an invisible awe, as if his life is dominated by some kind of power.

"Dad, what happened?"

Yuxin and Zi Yan rushed to the temple of the gods. They also experienced the baptism of the terrifying coercion and almost fell to the ground. It was only because the rings and bracelets given by Zhang Tian gave off aura to protect their bodies, which saved them from suffering.

"Could it be that there is some important treasure to be born?" Zi Yan looked like a fortune fan.

"You know about Chongbao all day long. This is your eldest sister's success."

Zhang Tian said casually, his figure flashed, he appeared beside his two daughters, and flicked on Zi Yan's forehead.


Zi Yan hugged her head and screamed. Although it had been five years, her stature had hardly changed. She still looked like a five- or six-year-old loli, with a baby face, bright eyes and white teeth, and her skin was crystal clear and white. Cute as a porcelain doll, but when you open your mouth, the custody will make you half-dead.

Yu Xin was pleasantly surprised: "Could it be that the eldest sister has already practiced the "Secret Law of the Nine Refinements Divine Kingdom" given by her father?"

Five years have passed, and Yuxin has finally grown to a slim age.In the past few years, the inheritance of many immortal emperors she cultivated has progressed, making her temperament very complicated, sometimes hot as fire, sometimes like the wind, sometimes aloof, sometimes gloomy and cold.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and said: "It's a small success. In the underground palace of the Three Gods, she obtained the heart of the incomplete continent owned by the master of the Three Gods, and now she has finally succeeded in refining."

After speaking, Zhang Tian pointed a finger in the void, and suddenly it was like a stone sinking into the lake water, with ripples appearing, and an ancient mirror was formed in the empty void, reflecting the scene of the ruthless man retreating.

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