I saw the ruthless man's face at this time is solemn, like a god Buddha, and the treasure is solemn. In five years, Yuxin and Zi Yan have grown out of the gate and walked. Only the ruthless man has been in retreat, and the blue silk that was only about the waist, It has grown several times and was dragged on the ground, every strand of hair seems to be full of powerful essence, capable of cutting mountains, rivers, sun and moon.

"Second sister, look, behind the eldest sister...is that a Dharma image?" Zi Yan screamed as if she suddenly discovered something.

Yu Xin stared and saw that there was indeed a huge energy fluctuation behind the ruthless man. Although it was very light, it could be seen that it was a vision of vast mountains and rivers.

This vision is so vast, including countless towering ancient trees, giant mountains in the sky, and rivers and seas broken.In comparison, the five-color divine tree of the ancestors of Dongming is like a mayfly compared to the ocean, even if it is the divine mountain of King Zhennan, it can only be regarded as one of the charms, less than one ten thousandth.Tianping Novel Network www.xstpw.com

Those aura vortexes that traverse the sky are obviously attracted by this vision of mountains and seas, and all the aura dragons poured into it. With the injection of these auras, the originally static picture seemed to come alive, the forest sea became wind, the Yangtze River Pentium endlessly, exuding surging vitality.

"Is this the eldest sister's divine emperor's dharma image? It's so majestic, it gives me a feeling of covering the world, but it's too light, it feels like a loft in the sky." Yu Xin carefully expressed her opinion.

Zhang Tian nodded and said: "Behind the ruthless man is the epitome of the world of Shengyuan world. It is far from being called a law, and it cannot exert actual combat power, but various visions can already be mobilized and displayed."

Yu Xin's beautiful eyes flickered, she didn't understand the meaning of Zhang Tian's words, and was about to ask, when she suddenly felt that the terrifying power that was constantly pressing between heaven and earth suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the ruthless man in the secret room also opened his eyes, and all the mountain and sea visions turned into aura and poured into her body.

She stood up, stared at the left side, knocked on the direction of the ancient mirror, and then stepped out, and her figure appeared directly in the hall.

This scene shocked Yu Xin and Zi Yan. This kind of space Dao method is simply unpredictable, and there is no sign at all.

"Nah, say hello to father."

The ruthless man bowed to Zhang Tianyingying. Although she has been in retreat for the past five years, her body has changed a lot. She has grown by more than seven inches, and her body is tall and slender. The feeling that came out was several times larger than that of Yuxin.

It can be said to be very mature, but it will not give people the slightest sense of obscenity. It is more like the goddess of the iceberg.

"Get up, your comprehension is higher than I thought." Zhang Tian smiled and mixed with a ruthless man, with a look of admiration on his face.

The growth of the ruthless man, whether it is cultivation or body, he is watching it bit by bit. At this time, he is also like a mortal father.

"Big sister, you finally got out, Zi Yan wants to kill you."

Zi Yan reacted quickly, cheered, and fell into the arms of the ruthless man.

"Good sister, I miss you too."

The ruthless man smiled and stroked Zi Yan's little head. The height and temperament of the two were very different. At first glance, they felt like a young mother and daughter.

"By the way, I also prepared a present for you."

The ruthless man seemed to remember something, holding Zi Yan with one hand and grabbing the other hand in the void.

In an instant, with the center of the palm as the axis, a miniature aura vortex was broken, and countless spiritual energy from heaven and earth swarmed, quickly forming a crystal clear spiritual stone. The more intense.

From the gray king-grade spirit stone, it evolved to the purple emperor-grade spirit stone, and then to the golden emperor-grade spirit stone, and finally evolved to the immortal-grade spirit stone that emits platinum light!

Yu Xin and Zi Yan were all stunned at this moment. After the battle, Xian Yun collapsed, and even the nine immortal jade mines in the mountains and seas almost disappeared, and the Daqian world disappeared long ago.

Under such circumstances, the ruthless man actually conjured an immortal spirit stone out of thin air! , , .

Chapter 791 Ruthless people want to control the way of heaven!

"Here, do you like it?" The ruthless man handed the spirit stone to Zi Yan and looked at her with a smile.

Zi Yan took the spirit stone and looked at it repeatedly, like a master appreciating treasures, whispering something in her mouth.

Yuxin also looked at the side and praised: "The ancient book records that the immortal spirit stone condenses the essence of heaven and earth, contains the pattern of immortality, and its energy far exceeds that of the emperor spirit stone, and it is more like white jade, so it is known as the immortal jade. See, it's unusual."

"Big sister, is this your newly acquired magical power? Is it good to teach Zi Yan, Zi Yan also wants to learn!!"

Zi Yan showed an extremely longing expression and looked at the ruthless man eagerly. This time she was really moved, and it could even be said to be unprecedented.

In her opinion, this supernatural power is simply against the sky, but it can be called the number one supernatural power in the world. It is more attractive than the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor. What supernatural powers can make people more crazy than conjuring immortal jade out of thin air?No!nonexistent!

Looking at Zi Yan's look of longing for wealth, the ruthless man smiled very happily, but spread his hands and said, "This is not a magical technique, I can't teach you."

"Isn't it a magic trick? Is it a trick, or is the eldest sister awakened to the talent of becoming a fairy?" Zi Yan kept asking.

The corners of the ruthless man's mouth twitched, this little sister's brain hole broke through the sky, and it was impossible for him to not explain it to her, so he could only explain at his own discretion: "I don't know the specifics very well, I'm just refining that incomplete continent. After the heart, you have this ability.”

"How is this possible?" Zi Yan was a little suspicious, and looked at the immortal jade left and right, and bit it into her mouth, only to feel the majestic and pure energy pouring into her body, making her body as warm as a stove, it is definitely an immortal jade. what!

Only immortal jade can have such a terrifying effect, otherwise, with Zi Yan's background, even if you eat a dozen emperor-grade spirit stones in one go, you won't feel anything.

The ruthless man said helplessly: "That's it. After I succeeded in refining, I felt that I had an inexplicable control over this world. You should know that the world is full of laws, but it's hard to find it with the naked eye. I can clearly understand it now. I sense the flow of all the laws, although I don't know what it means, I can mobilize them freely and make them work for me. This immortal jade is formed by me mobilizing the laws of good fortune and mobilizing the vast spiritual energy."


Yu Xin sucked in a breath of cold air. This ability is too terrifying. It is stronger than any emperor. A secular emperor, no matter how strong, can only command the living beings in the land, but ruthless people can mobilize invisible and intangible laws.

This, this is simply the ability of heaven!

"Dad, what's going on?" Zi Yan asked Zhang Tian sideways, she really wanted to learn this magical power.

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "Your eldest sister is right, this is indeed not a magical power, but a unique ability of the divine kingdom. You all know that the perfect holy body can be invincible across the holy realm, and Nannan originally forged half-step eternity. The Holy Body, but it can slay the Immortal God Emperor in reverse. It can be seen that the gap between the Eternal Holy Body and the Perfect Holy Body cannot be compared at all." Love reading www.ikashub.net

"The same is true for the divine emperor's law. The law of the kingdom of God is far from comparable to the law of the gods. It can even be said that it is different in nature and has essential differences! The most essential difference lies in mobilizing the power of the law. Only the kingdom of God is different. The existence of the law can mobilize the power of the law of heaven and earth, it can be said that in his realm of the kingdom of God, he is equivalent to the way of heaven!"

"If the universe and heaven are compared to the monarch of a country, then the strong person who condenses the law of the gods is equivalent to the important officials of the imperial court. Although he stands above the ten thousand people, he still has to act according to the law of the country. Life and death are all in the mind of the king. The powerhouse is equivalent to splitting the earth to seal the king, with absolute autonomy, and is not bound by the monarch. Once there are more such people, the country will not be a country, so the law at the level of the kingdom of God is not tolerated by heaven, and Shilunhai , the Eternal Eucharist, most people in the world cannot condense it."

Zhang Tian's explanation can be said to be very thorough, and the three daughters all showed a sudden look, and they couldn't help feeling that the power of the divine kingdom was so powerful that it could possess a part of the power of heaven.

"No, didn't my father just say that the elder sister's divine kingdom is just a prototype and has no actual power?" Zi Yan asked again.

Zhang Tiandao: "The current law phase is still far away from Dacheng, and it cannot form combat power, but the ability of the law of the kingdom of God to mobilize the laws of heaven and earth can be used, of course, this is only limited to the East Wasteland. The heart of that continent condenses the world of Shengyuan. The will of the world, among which the fragments of the Three Gods Religion just correspond to the East Wasteland, and it is impossible to mobilize this power after leaving the East Wasteland."

"It turns out that it is no wonder that I feel that there is a limiting force in the dark." The ruthless man was a little surprised, and he was more interested in the hearts of the other eight continents. If she could get all of them, she could completely control this world and become Shengyuan. Heaven of the world!

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