That night, Yuxin cooked herself, and the family ate dinner warmly around the table.

The ruthless man has been in seclusion for five years, and he has no idea about the time of the mainland. At this time, he asked curiously: "In the past five years, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has become more than ten times richer. I am afraid that there are many great teachers of the Middle Ages born?"

Zi Yan said excitedly: "No, basically every two or three months, a great teacher is born, which is fun."

The ruthless man listened to Zi Yan's vivid description, and only then did he know the whole story. It turned out that when the Jiulong Fengtian plan was planned, several unparalleled emperors underestimated the power of killing robbery, or deliberately concealed the key. The so-called The power of the seal cannot resist the erosion of the years.

Many great medieval sects without a great emperor, from the leader and elder to the ordinary believers, died directly in the seal, completely turning into a relic.

Therefore, every time a great medieval sect is born, a group of treasure hunters will be attracted. If it is found that there is a strong person in this great sect, they will take out the prepared congratulatory gifts and say goodbye to each other.If it is found that the people in this great sect are dead, or the surviving people are of average strength, they will fight for treasures and plunder.

Such lively scenes are naturally Zi Yan's favorite.

The ruthless man sighed with emotion after hearing this, and sighed: "If you don't become a great emperor, you will end up as ants. Except for the strong emperors, no one has a [-]% certainty that they will be able to escape the calamities of the years. Those medieval sects without great emperors are probably most likely to be I don't want to seal it, but I was threatened by the Great Emperor, and I had to self-proclaim it, which is pitiful."

Yuxin said: "Eldest sister is right, the medieval sect that can still stand now, at least there are emperors in charge, and the rest are either killed by the years, or by the strong men who rushed to the treasure hunt, it is difficult to have a happy death. ."

After a pause, Yuxin said again: "But so far, only the Xuanming Sect and the Heaven-Mending Sect that have participated in the Nine Dragons Fengtian Project have been born, and they dominate the Western Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness respectively. None were born." ,, . . .

Chapter 792 The Beginning Emperor Has Came Before!

Ruthless Man said solemnly: "The levels of these two great sects and the Three Gods sects are almost the same, I don't care, the key lies in the Great Qin Dynasty and the Great Han Dynasty, these are the two hegemonic dynasties that once suppressed the entire Ziwei Star Region. , to make thousands of worlds come to court, if they are born, it will be a real upheaval, and it is estimated that the entire Ziwei star field will be in waves again."

Zi Yan waved her small fist and said, "Then make a big upturn and let them know how powerful our Shengyuan world is!"

This girl likes to hear about books on weekdays. She is a fan of the First Emperor of the Middle Ages and Emperor Wu of the Middle Ages, because these two emperors are very fond of her, they like to bully people everywhere, and they are invincible.

The ruthless man shook his head and said: "I'm afraid that other worlds will not give us this opportunity. Back then, the First Emperor and Emperor Wu traversed the Ziwei Star Territory and suppressed all directions with tyrannical force, but they were not popular. The great world hates Shi Huang. Once the powerhouses of these worlds learn that Shi Huang and Emperor Wu are about to be resurrected, what will they do?"

"Of course it's better to start first." Zi Yan blurted out.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and said: "What Nan Nan said is very reasonable, don't just put your eyes on the world of Shengyuan. According to the current situation, if a few more dynasties are born, the Nine Dragons Sealing Heaven Array will be completely invalid. When people from other Great Thousand Worlds want to come to Shengyuan World, there will be no obstacles, the war between the stars will break out sooner or later, and Shengyuan World is likely to be attacked by a group."

Yu Xin and Zi Yan both showed dignified expressions. They were really negligent before. The Nine Dragons Fengtian Great Array not only reduced the spiritual energy of Shengyuan World to the level of Xiaoqian World, but also added a layer of absolute defense to Shengyuan World, so this It has only been rare for a foreign power to come for millions of years, and with the recovery of the Middle Ages, all this will usher in change.

The Saint Yuan World will be re-incorporated into the large area of ​​the Ziwei Star Territory. At that time, it will be the battle of hundreds of Great Thousand Worlds and hundreds of thousands of Small Thousand Worlds.

The cruelty of the Star Wars is described in detail in ancient books. For the defeated side, the entire world will become slaves.

This kind of war can only be won, not lost!

"Our three gods are one of the most powerful forces in the continent, and the Star Wars will bear the brunt. When the time comes, Dad, I don't plan to take action. Whether I can keep the pure land of Shengyuan World depends on you three gods." Zhang Tian continued.

The recovery of the Middle Ages is a huge challenge. He wants to take this opportunity to train his daughters to adapt to the cruelty of cross-border wars, otherwise he will not be able to adapt to the battlefield in the mountains and seas, or even in the outer battlefield.

"Don't worry, Dad, we will definitely redouble our efforts." Yu Xin said softly, but her eyes were full of firmness. After integrating the martial arts will of the previous world king, her temperament has changed significantly, and she has lost a bit of softness. A little more 'born to be king' domineering.

The ruthless man said: "I calculated based on the number of crape myrtle, and the Great Qin Dynasty and the Great Han Dynasty will not be born in a short time. The other three emperors have gaps with each other, and they also have a bloody enmity with the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. Once they are born, they will definitely fight endlessly. , it can be described as internal and external trouble, so we must improve our strength as soon as possible!"

With great power comes great responsibility.In normal times, the three sisters would not bother to save the world of Shengyuan, but now it is different. They are the three gods of the Three Gods Religion, and they have already stood at the top of the continent. For own.

At this time, they naturally have a sense of responsibility as the guardian of the Saint Yuan world.

This is exactly what Zhang Tian wanted.

Time flew by, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye.New Lewen

The entire Shengyuan Continent was quiet, as if all the warriors were working hard in seclusion and training, and they seemed to be waiting for hunting, like a jackal lurking in the bushes before taking a shot, seemingly motionless, but always ready to go.

Finally, a mutation broke the tranquility of the continent,

Another medieval sect was born!

And it is also the famous Yaochi Holy Land!

The spiritual energy erupted, the vastness of the Yangtze River roared through the sky, and countless treasures rose up, overflowing with light.

The name of Yaochi is known to the nine great mountains and seas. Its earliest inheritance can be traced back to the ancient heaven in the fairyland. The Yaochi fairyland of the ninth mountain and sea is also one of the top forces in the world. Most of the heavens and the world have holy places.

These Yaochi holy places scattered in the heavens and myriad worlds are strong and weak. For example, the Yaochi holy places in the Shengyuan world can only be regarded as medium. They are in the same era as the Three Gods Religion. There is only one quasi emperor in the holy places. A semi-coerced self-sealing.

This can't help but provoke imagination. According to previous experience, only the sect where the Emperor Zhun sits has a high probability of failure to resurrect. Even if someone survives by chance, their strength will decline significantly.

In other words, the birth of Yaochi Holy Land this time is likely to be a feast of harvest, because many of the inheritance of Yaochi come from the ancient heaven, even if you can only grab one, you will benefit endlessly.

Just when the scattered cultivators of the entire continent were about to move, the location where the Yaochi Holy Land was located once again erupted with extremely domineering rays of light.

This time, everyone went crazy, because that ray of light represented the birth of the Jade Emperor!That is the breath of the Supreme Dao Imperial Soldier!

The Supreme Dao Emperor Armament carries the martial intent of the Unparalleled Emperor. Its power is comparable to a fairy weapon, but to some extent it is superior to a fairy weapon.Because immortal weapons need immortal power to exert their maximum effect, relatively speaking, extreme emperor soldiers are better controlled, more practical and deterrent.

The entire continent is completely crazy. If the inheritance of Yaochi can make the world's scattered cultivators move by the wind, then the Supreme Dao Emperor's soldiers are enough to make the overlords such as Xuanming Sect and Butian Sect desperately scramble for it!

The competition will be fiercer than ever before. Once the three major overlords of the mainland intervene, even if the Emperor Yaochi is successfully resurrected, he will not be able to resist it.

But no one noticed that there was a faint wisp of will in the ray of light of the Supreme Dao Emperor's soldiers that shot straight into the sky.

At the headquarters of the Three Gods Religion, Zhang Tian stood above the temple of the gods, looking at the galaxy, and whispered: "Wu Shi, you have come to this world, is this a coincidence?"

The Beginning Wu who can be mentioned by Zhang Tian is naturally not the Beginning Emperor Son of the Yaochi Immortal Realm, but the Beginning Emperor of the past!

Even if he never commented on the Emperor's Burial of Heaven, he had praised it: the Unbeginning Heavenly Emperor can be ranked among the strongest Heavenly Emperors of the human race. , , .

Chapter 793 The Immortal Emperors of the Heavens Plan to Bury the Heavenly Emperor!

Beginning Heavenly Emperor, this is a name that is enough to be remembered by all peoples.

Back then, the Heavenly Emperor without Beginning rose from the sky, and he was majestic and unparalleled, as if he was born supreme, and there was never a tragic battle.It seems that as soon as he was born, he was arrogant, sweeping everything, and swallowing the eight wastes and six together.

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