"I see, thank you old lady for reminding me."

Following the old woman's guidance, Yu Xin quickly found the antique shop in the east of the city, stepped in gently, and saw a black-haired boy standing in the shop at a glance, she couldn't help saying in surprise:

"Huh? Xiao Guyan, so coincidentally, you also come to buy a map." ,, ..

Chapter 97 What the hell do you want to do?

Xiao Guyan was staring at a broken ancient picture on the wall at this time, when he heard Yuxin's voice, he was suddenly shocked, turned his head and smiled bitterly: "It turned out to be Miss Yuxin, what a coincidence. "

In his mind, Dan Lao said solemnly: "As expected, I guessed it, this girl is probably also here for that thing. Xiao Yanzi, go now, this little girl's guardian is very powerful, once Discovering my existence will make it difficult for both of us to survive."

"But, this picture..."

Xiao Guyan looked at the residual picture on the wall with a hesitant expression.

"It's just a remnant of a picture, is it more precious than life? Even the ancients have to be moved by the treasures on my body. Once the clues are detected, the half-sage will probably take action in person! The big deal is that they leave, let's Come back and get this residual picture." Old Dan said very anxiously.

"Damn, one day, I, Xiao Guyan, will stand side by side with these ancient clans!"

Xiao Guyan said bitterly, after thinking about it again and again, he finally decided to avoid Yuxin.He knew very well that although Elder Dan used to stand at the peak of Shengyuan Continent, but now he has suffered heavy losses, and his strength has dropped several major levels. He is definitely not a semi-sacred opponent.

"Young Master Xiao came to this antique shop, could it be..."

Before Yu Xin could finish her words, she saw Xiao Guyan clasped her fist again and said, "I'm sorry, I just remembered something else, so I'll leave now."

After speaking, Xiao Guyan finally glanced at the remnant picture and walked out of the antiquities store. He had a hunch in his heart that if he missed this remnant picture this time, he might never get it, and he could not help but secretly said in his heart: " Yuxin, if you dare to take this remnant picture, even if you chase it to the Deity Academy, I will definitely get it back."


Seeing Xiao Guyan hurriedly leaving again, Yu Xin couldn't help but be confused and glanced casually at the residual picture he had just looked at.


Yu Xin's eyes flashed for a moment, and she vaguely felt that the texture of this afterimage was somewhat familiar. She had always remembered it, and soon realized that these textures were very similar to a afterimage on her body. The two afterimages were very similar. Possibly it was one!

The remnant picture on her body was obtained from the body of the young director of the Blood Demon Sect, Shaoming, and Ren Shaoming was also photographed at the auction house. to another block.

On the other side, in the void behind Yu Xin, the Silver Moon Wolf King and others noticed that Xiao Guyan was a little unusual, and when they were thinking about whether to send someone to follow him to check, Qingyun Jianzun suddenly said in surprise: "This person is not the sea. The emperor? He actually appeared here."

Hearing this, the Marquis of Xueshan glanced at the old man behind the counter of the antique shop, and couldn't help but say with joy: "It's really the Emperor of the Sea, this person has been missing for decades. I thought he died in the battle, but I didn't expect it to be hidden here, It appears to be seriously injured."

"Shopkeeper, do you sell this ancient picture?" Yuxin asked, pointing at the residual picture.

The old man Hai glanced at the direction Yuxin pointed, and said coldly, "Don't sell!"

"I can pay a lot of money." Yu Xin asked again reluctantly.Weizun Academy www.weizunsyxs.com

The old man Hai said impatiently, "I don't sell as many spirit stones as possible. If you have nothing to do, just leave."

It was the first time that Yuxin saw someone doing this kind of business, so she had no choice but to give up, and said softly: "Since the store insists not to sell, then I will not force it. Please give me a map of the Liya Desert, it is best It is a detailed map showing the growth locations of green lotus grass, green tail grass and other plants."

"Green lotus grass?"

A ray of light flashed in the eyes of the old man Hai, and he still said coldly: "The maps are all there, choose which one you want!"

Yu Xin immediately browsed it and read it several times, but she was not satisfied with it. She could only select the most detailed map and said softly, "Just this one."

Just after Yu Xin walked out of the antiquities store, the void in the antiquities store fluctuated, and Sword Master Qingyun stepped out with a cold face and said solemnly: "Ocean Emperor, what was your attitude just now, since you are opening the door to do business, how can you Why not sell things?"

As soon as he saw the person coming, the old man Hai suddenly looked solemn, his whole person was like an unsheathed blade, sharp and boundless, and said sternly: "Qingyun Jianzun, you dare to spy on me, do you really think I am easy to bully?"

Qingyun Jianzun disdainfully said: "Don't pretend to be here, you are seriously injured, you can't even find me hidden in the void, do you still want to fight me?"

"Humph! If you can fight, you'll know if you try it!"

The old man Hai stood up, his originally hunched body became extremely straight, his body swayed with true energy, a roar sounded, and the entire room was submerged by his ocean domain, filled with infinite coercion.

"Hehe, Haihuang is really a big temper, how about adding me?" Snow Mountain Hou also stepped out of the void and stood beside Qingyun Jianzun, as if standing on a snowy mountain. Although the sea was full, he couldn't Infect him in the slightest.

"Marquis of Xueshan? Well, you two came to plot against me together! Then we will perish together!"

The old man Hai was shocked and angry, but he directly withdrew the power to suppress the poison in his body, and suddenly a terrifying coercion of the peak of the Eight Transformations of the Legendary Realm swept the audience.

"And what about us?"

The Demon Flower Emperor, Liu Yun's Ancestor, Pao Daohou, etc. appeared one by one, and the power of several people united, instantly tearing the ocean domain such as Old Man Hai to shreds.

"Magic Flower Emperor, Silver Moon Wolf King...you, what are you going to do?"

The old man slumped on the chair, and it was only then that he finally calmed down and realized that things did not seem to be that simple. It would be too much of a fuss for such a high-ranking king to besiege him together.

But she said that Yuxin left the antiquities store and saw that the sky was getting dark, so she planned to find a store to rest for a night, and went out of the city to look for Qinglian Yaohuo tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a roaring wind suddenly rushed towards her. She turned her head and said in surprise, "Storekeeper, are you looking for me?"

The old man Hai walked to Yuxin and showed a smile that was uglier than crying. He respectfully said, "The old man was so dazzled that he couldn't see the girl clearly. Please accept this ancient picture. In addition, I have a few more detailed pictures. The desert map of ​​has already marked the location where the green lotus grass grows intensively for the girl, please also accept the girl." , . . .

Chapter 98

Time is rushing, while Yuxin took the map that Old Man Hai spent decades drawing and went deep into the Lia Desert, Zi Yan also ushered in the first trial in her life.

In the most luxurious Zuixianxiang Building in the City of Liberty, Zi Yan looked at a table full of all kinds of meat, her eyes were laughing like crescent moons, she ate happily, and her face was full of happiness.

"Today is your first time to participate in the trial, to compete with the arrogance of various races, eat more."

The ruthless man sat next to Zhang Tian, ​​and when he saw Zi Yan gobbling down, he couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled, and gave her two pieces of the meat of the one-horned violent bear.This one-horned violent bear is a relatively common second-order monster in the surrounding mountains. Its strength is comparable to that of an extraordinary realm martial artist. Its flesh and blood is filled with qi and blood, which is comparable to a panacea. Long-term consumption can greatly enhance the power of qi and blood.

"Woooo..." Zi Yan's mouth was full, and she said vaguely: "The meat of this big bear is so delicious. Dad, is it that the more powerful the monster, the better the meat?"

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