Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "Almost, because the stronger the monster, the more noble the bloodline, the purer the spiritual energy contained in the flesh and blood, and it is naturally very delicious to eat. But there are also special cases, such as some poisonous pythons and the like. The demon beasts are highly poisonous in their blood, so it is very bitter to eat."

Zi Yan swallowed the meat in her mouth, tilted her head and said, "So, aren't the geniuses in the demon clan very delicious?"

The ruthless man didn't know what Zi Yan was thinking, he knocked on her immediately, and said angrily: "Don't play around in the ruins trial, those people are the inner courtyard students of the Deity Academy, eat them, Deity Academy I will definitely not want you in the future. When it comes to the blood test, there is no need to worry so much. It is a common thing for the demon clan to devour each other's inner core demon core."

"Okay." Zi Yan's face collapsed, obviously very disappointed.

At this time, a jade pendant on the waist of the ruthless man suddenly flashed, took a look, raised his head and said, "It's the leader of the gentleman's party looking for me, I don't know what it is."

Zhang Tiandao: "Then you go back to the academy first, and I will take her there after Zi Yan finishes eating."

"That's fine, Zi Yan has a temporary inner gate token that allows you to enter the inner courtyard."

The ruthless man finally explained, and went straight out of the restaurant to the Deity Academy.

Feilu Novel Network headquarters, Ruthless Man strode in, and saw only two people inside, one was the leader Su Ziming, and the other was a core student. Ruthless Man remembered that his name was Yang Yi, and he was Su Ziming's confidant.

Hearing the sound, Su Ziming looked towards the door, his pupils shrank suddenly, and sighed: "I haven't seen you for two days, the sword intent on Zhang Junior Sister seems to be three points sharper again. Such talent is really shocking." Ai Wenxue Website www.lovewenxue.com

The ruthless man knew that this was the result of his own research on the "Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos Technique", so he didn't want to say much, and asked directly: "The leader sent me a message, but what happened?"

Su Ziming nodded slightly, took out a silver token from his arms and handed it to the ruthless man, and said, "It's not a big deal to find a junior sister today, I just want to give you the identity token of the fourth inspector, I don't know. Junior Sister, do you want to assign an honorary title?"

The so-called honorary title is a title, which is often related to the martial arts that oneself cultivates. For example, the master of the ruthless man, Fairy Yuehua, is an honorary title, which represents the power of cultivating Yuehua, and is more iconic.There are also some honorary titles passed down from generation to generation by sect forces, such as the ancestor of the blood demon, the law enforcement Tianzun and so on.

Many earth-shattering great figures, their real names have long been forgotten, but their honorary titles have endured for eternity, such as the ancient blood god, and another example of the burial emperor.

Of course, this kind of honor is not unique. If you switch to martial arts, or change your identity, the honor will also change.

The ruthless man pondered for a while, and suddenly raised his two fingers, pointing to the sword, slashed out a sword energy, wrapped in the power of ice and fire, and struck the surface of the silver token held up by Su Ziming.Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that there were two crossed long swords tattooed on the token.

A handle is as blue as ice, exuding the power of cold frost.The other handle was as red as fire, exuding the power of scorching yang.

However, this ice and fire are connected together by a mysterious force, blending together, the cathode generates yang, the anode generates yin, and it is endless and full of chills.

"Binghuo! Let's call it this." The ruthless man said in a low voice.

"Jianzun Binghuo, this name is not bad, it is in line with Junior Sister's sword intent." Su Ziming nodded, and said meaningfully: "But Ice and Fire are all trails, and Junior Sister's talent is amazing. I believe this is just a temporary title."

"Inherit the leader Ji Yan. Today my sister is going to participate in the inner court trial. If the leader has nothing else to do, I will leave first." The ruthless man took the token and said lightly.

At first, because of Su Ziyue's relationship, she had a good impression of Su Ziming, but after contacting her, she found that this person is very utilitarian.

Watching Ruthless Man leave, Yang Yi, who had been standing silently by the side, suddenly said: "Boss, this fourth inspector is a must-have for Chu Tiange, then Chu Tiange has reached the half-step legendary realm and is attacking the profound entrance of life and death. If you let him know that Zhang Ruren has taken this position, I am afraid that he will hurt Zhang Ruren under impulse, and those people will definitely take the opportunity to weaken the prestige of the leader."

Su Ziming chuckled and said, "Hurt Zhang Ruren? If you had seen her Fentian Sword, you wouldn't have such thoughts." ,, . .

Chapter 99 Jishen was once my subordinate

On the other side, Zhang Tian stood in front of the Yingke Peak of Tianshen Academy, with a look of distress on his face.

Originally he was going to come with Zi Yan, but he didn't expect the little guy to find an excuse to sneak away and let him wait around at home. Seeing that the time for the trial was coming, in the end there was no way, only came by myself.

But the problem is that the temporary inner gate token was on Zi Yan, and he was stopped by the dedicated gatekeeper disciple of Deity Academy without a certificate.

Just as Zhang Tian was thinking about whether to break in directly or notify Ruthless to let her pick him up, a quarrel suddenly came from not far away.

"Zao Wou-Ki, how many times have I told you that I have a boyfriend, so it's impossible for us."

"Ji Feixue, I've inquired about the whole academy. You stay in the Hundred Flowers League all the year round, and you don't have the chance to touch men. Where can you get a boyfriend. If there is, find him and I will quit immediately!"

"You... my boyfriend is not from our academy. He was waiting for me at Yingke Peak. I came out to pick him up this time."

"What? I don't believe it unless I see it with my own eyes."

Accompanied by the quarrel, a man and a woman appeared on Yingke Peak. The man was in his twenties, and his footsteps were sluggish. Although he was wearing a very luxurious brocade suit, his face had a hint of arrogance, giving him a sinister feeling. .

On the contrary, the woman is bright, tall and slender, wearing a long purple dress, which vividly outlines her almost perfect curves. Although her face is not as beautiful as Ruren and Yuxin, she is also Counting the sinking fish and geese, especially the distressed look on Daimei's face at this time, makes people feel pity.

Seeing that Zao Wou-Ki was chasing after him, Ji Feixue felt extremely helpless. She was also born in a big family, and she had a very high-spirited attitude. I hate it to the extreme, but I can't get rid of it.

At this moment, Ji Feixue saw Zhang Tian standing in the wind like a green willow, her eyes lit up immediately, she turned her body and ran over, and said loudly, "Zao Wuji, this is my boyfriend, this is your time. Believe it."

As soon as the words fell, Ji Feixue had already rushed to Zhang Tian's side, her heart was stunned, she took Zhang Tian's arm directly, looked at Zhang Tian with her beautiful eyes, and prayed a little: "Please, help me. Cover up."

Zhang Tian was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what was going on. Feeling the warm touch between his arms, he chuckled, "It's not impossible to help you, but you have to agree to a request from me."

"This person... Hmph, men really don't have good things."

Ji Feixue clenched her teeth tightly and was very angry at Zhang Tian's idea of ​​taking advantage of the fire, but looking at Zao Wuji who was getting closer and closer, he could only hold back the anger in his heart, and said in a low voice, "Please help me first!"

"Are you really Ji Feixue's boyfriend?"

Zhao Wuji stepped forward and said coldly, especially when he saw Ji Feixue hugging Zhang Tian's arm, his eyes were filled with jealousy.

Zhang Tian grabbed Ji Feixue's waist with his backhand and said softly, "Yes, no matter who you are, don't pester my Feixue anymore."

"My family Feixue..." Ji Feixue's face was black, especially Zhang Tian's abominable big hand, which made her snowy body tremble slightly, but she thought of making such a big sacrifice, if Zhao Wuji hadn't Completely resolved, it can be lost.Zero One Reading Network www.01dsw.cc

Thinking of this, Ji Feixue could only force a sweet smile, leaned her body towards Zhang Tian again, and said softly, "Zao Wou-Ki, I'm going to take my boyfriend to visit our academy, don't you? Follow again."

"Okay, okay, if you dare to grab a woman from Zao Wou-Ki, I will make you regret coming into this world!"

Zao Wou-Ki said in a bitter tone, flicking his sleeves, he turned and left.

Just when Zao Wou-Ki's figure disappeared, Ji Feixue immediately let go of her hand, took a step back, showed a cold and arrogant expression, and said calmly: "Zao Wou-Ki's father is the Great Elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, and he has enormous power in the academy. But you are not a student of Tianshen Academy, so don't be too shy. Now you can go. If you dare to tell others about today's affairs, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I, Ji Feixue, will not let you go. of!"

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "Don't forget that you still owe me a request. You don't want to default on your debt, do you?"

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