"You..." Ji Feixue didn't expect this guy to steal so much from her just now, and now he dares to ask for it, she couldn't help sneering: "Then tell me what you want?"

She had already made up her mind. If Zhang Tian wanted some spirit stones and pills, it would be fine. If she dared to make excessive demands, she would have to teach this person a profound lesson, and by the way, she would express her anger in her heart.

Zhang Tian pointed to the depths of the academy and said in a low voice, "I want to go to the inner courtyard to have a look, but I don't have an identity token. If you take me there, we will be clear."

"What? Is this your request?" Ji Feixue couldn't believe her ears. Didn't this person hear what she said just now? Zhao Wuji is the son of the chief elder of the Law Enforcement Hall. He didn't hide away. Dare to drill into the academy?

"Why, can't you do it? The descendants of Jishen, as soon as they say a word, even if they are buried in the burial ground, they will definitely fulfill their promise." Zhang Tian raised his eyebrows and said.

"Hmph, there's nothing I can't do. But I said in advance that when you enter the academy, that Zhao Wuji will definitely find someone to deal with you. If something happens, I won't help you!" Now, she has never seen such a person who doesn't know how to love Xiangxiyu.

"That's my business, you just show me the way." Zhang Tian said casually, and walked directly inside.

"this person!!"

Ji Fei stomped her feet furiously, and could only keep up with it. Thinking of what Zhang Tian said just now, she couldn't help but ask, "Who is the Ji God you just said?"

"Ji Shen is Ji Shen, in heaven and earth, unique. He is a descendant of gods and demons, with half god blood and half devil blood, born a god, with a body of tens of thousands of feet, and has fought on the nine mountains and seas for thousands of years, and can be with the ancients. Side by side with the great emperor. If you didn't have the blood of Jishen, I wouldn't help you."

Ji Feixue showed a look of reminiscence. She only knew that her family had a long heritage, but she didn't know that the distant ancestor was the emperor who overtook the heavens and the Jedi. For a while, the blood flowing in her body became extremely hot, and her heart was surging. There was an inexplicable sense of honor, and even looking at Zhang Tian's eyes couldn't help softening by three points.

"You said just now that you helped me because I am a descendant of Jishen. Could it be that you have a relationship with our Ji family?" Ji Feixue asked curiously.

Zhang Tian said casually: "Ji Shen was once my subordinate."

"You man!!",,..

Chapter 100 Amethyst Lion King, Emperor Lion

In the Tianshen Academy, the inner courtyard, Ji Feixue followed behind Zhang Tian, ​​but her eyes were fixed on Zhang Tian, ​​and the corners of her mouth opened and closed, counting Zhang Tian ten thousand times.

She was already convinced, very sure, that this guy was deliberately playing tricks on her. First, she made up a particularly powerful ancestor for herself, and then said that the ancestor was his subordinate. Isn't this deliberately taking advantage of her?

"Hmph, watch Zao Wou-Ki bring someone here, what are you going to do!"

Ji Feixue thought maliciously, and for the first time in her life, she hoped that Zao Wou-Ki would appear soon.She has seen Zao Wou-ki's domineering. There were a few core students who showed a little admiration for her, but they were dragged by Zao Wou-ki to the Law Enforcement Hall, tortured to death, so frightened that those few people came out and immediately chose dropped out.

Although she disliked Zao Wou-Ki's arrogant playboy, but compared with the guy in front of him who didn't take her seriously at all, and even played with her unscrupulously, I don't know how many times it was pleasing to the eye.

"Hey, look, that boy is so handsome, like the sword fairy in the painting."

"It is indeed very temperamental, much stronger than those arrogant guys."

"You two nymphos, it's a pity that someone has a famous grass owner, didn't you see who the person behind you is?"

"Ji Feixue, Xue Fei of the Hundred Flowers League, hehe, look at her eyes, there is no trace of Xue Fei's coldness."

"I thought she was so lofty and didn't eat human fireworks, but it turned out that she was just better at pretending."

Hearing the chatter of the people around her, Ji Feixue became even more angry at Jiuzhongtian. This group of people actually regarded her as the kind of slut who couldn't look away when she saw a man, and she was the one who was the most angry at the moment. people.

It was only then that Ji Feixue realized that something was wrong. Although Zhang Tian's request was only to take him to the inner courtyard, there was a hidden benefit of 'touring the academy with him'.

You must know that she has always been known for her coldness in the academy, and was called 'Xue Fei' by many people. In addition, the Hundred Flowers League is all female students and has basically never been close to boys. This time can be said to be the first time in history.

When she thought that after today, there would be rumors about her and this hateful guy spreading around in the academy, she felt angry.

"You're quite popular in the academy."

I don't know when, Zhang Tian had already stood by Ji Feixue's side and said with a slight smile.

Ji Feixue's chest rose slightly, just as she was about to fight back, she suddenly found that the two were already in the square in the center of the inner courtyard. The whole square was densely filled with students from the inner courtyard. Most of these students were very young, the youngest was only eleven or twelve years old, and the oldest They are not yet twenty years old, each of them is full of high-spirited spirit, exuding a powerful momentum, obviously they are the top talents of the academy, with profound background and strength far beyond their peers.

In front of this square, there is a tall platform, the whole body is piled up with black gold and white jade, which is the landmark building of the inner courtyard, the Tongtian Terrace.Free Chinese www.ffhzw.com

At this moment, the void roared and trembled, cracking open a terrifying crack, and a violent, fierce, bloodthirsty coercion filled the audience, causing everyone present to feel a suffocating fear.

"who is it!"

The two elders on the high platform were shocked and angry, and they released a powerful pressure respectively, blasting towards the crack in the void, especially the unkempt little old man on the right, whose aura was even more powerful than Yuan Tingyue. Consistent, not at all under this fierce power.

"Haha, as expected of an ancient lunatic, even the king's coercion can resist, no wonder he was able to hunt and kill the true soul of the dragon in the ruins outside the sky."

Accompanied by arrogant laughter, a terrifying body like a demon god stepped out from the crack. It was seven or eight feet high, and the whole body was wrapped in raging purple flames. The terrifying power of burning the void made He is like a peerless killing god who came out of the battlefield of gods and demons, and his divine might swept all directions.

"It turned out to be the Amethyst Lion King of the Golden Lion Clan. Who gave you the courage to break into my Deity Academy!"

An elder wearing a green robe on the left shouted loudly, but he couldn't help but feel fortunate that this Amethyst Lion King is one of the ten demon kings in the demon clan, and the first master of the golden lion clan on the bright side, if not for the elders Elder Gu, the madman in the courtyard, was present, even if he tried his best to fight all the elders of the inner chamber, he might not be his opponent.

"Haha..." The Amethyst Lion King laughed wildly again, threw a token at random, and said arrogantly: "This is a temporary token issued by your inner courtyard, wouldn't Elder Wu not know it? Ancient Dragon Soul Pill, my Emperor Shi'er laughed and accepted it."

As soon as the voice fell, the purple flames on the Amethyst Lion King rolled over, and walked out of a mighty young man wearing a golden robe and a lion-headed body.

But seeing that the hair on his body was cast in gold, it was extremely shining, exuding a kind of imperial majesty, and he glanced coldly at the students in the inner courtyard below the square, and said arrogantly: "I say how powerful the students of Tianshen Academy are, the blood on their bodies is so strong. It’s not as good as the fire spirit poisonous python that I hunted casually when I came, and it seems that in the whole world, the only person who can be my opponent is Long Gaitian from Longhai that day!”

The students of the Tianshen Academy below were angry for a while after hearing this, but this young lion's aura was really fierce, like a real emperor, a peerless beast, which made people unable to resist.

The chief elder of the inner courtyard of the Tianshen Academy looked at the young lion, and his eyes could not help condensing, and he said in shock: "The pupils are red gold, and the blood is like fat, this is the appearance of the ancestors, could it be..."

The Amethyst Lion King laughed and said, "Yes, the Emperor Lion of my family has awakened the bloodline of the ancient Emperor Lion. As long as he can take that ancient Dragon Soul Pill, he can successfully return to his ancestors and swept away with the power of the Emperor Lion. In the bloody trial, even Long Gaitian of Longhai that day would not be able to fight!"

Ji Feixue looked at the fierce battle on the high platform, and couldn't help sighing: "It really is to prepare for the bloody trial, an immortal temple has led to so many peerless talents, but unfortunately only the warriors of the Lunhai realm can enter, it is destined to be with me. Missing."

Zhang Tian glanced at her and taught her a lesson: "In those days Jishen fought the world, with the Immortal King as the general, the immortal as the soldier, the sword pointed at, and the galaxy collapsed. You are his descendant, so you can't be so unwilling."

When Ji Feixue saw that Zhang Tian was still teasing her with 'Ji Shen', she couldn't help but feel anxious. She just caught a glimpse of Zao Wou-Ki and a group of law enforcement disciples coming from a distance aggressively, and she was instantly overjoyed.

I saw her take a step forward and hug Zhang Tian's arm tightly, showing an intimate attitude, but with a bit of slyness in her eyes, humming: "Let you keep bragging, Zao Wou-Ki is here, look at you. What to do!" ,,..

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