After the blood scattered people broke the Bihai tide business environment, the fairy music also came to an abrupt end, replaced by a rain of flowers scattered all over the sky. Half of the time, it will melt into pure spiritual energy, and it will accumulate into a lot of rain, as if the sky will rain.

"Hmph, it's a mystery."

A black-robed man standing beside Xue San said contemptuously, not at all moved by this flower rain vision.

However, in the next moment, his expression suddenly froze, and those long and narrow eyes were rounded.

I saw that in the rain of flowers, a chariot filled with fairy flowers slowly flew out. On the chariot, stood a woman who was as gentle as jade, wearing a pale pink palace dress and light gauze. Masked, the aura refracted by the flower rain lightly sprinkled on her body, which emphasized that she was born with aura like a bell of heaven and earth, and her beautiful outline was undulating and clear like Chuanyue.

Just like the beautiful goddess who lived in Luoshui for a long time, she suddenly appeared on the river bank, and transformed all the vulgar scenery into a beautiful scenery of empty mountains and rain.

Even many flower masters who are used to seeing all kinds of beauties can't help but feel amazed at this time, and can't help but want to take off her veil and see her peerless beauty.

"Western bliss, the Buddha's goddess, is nothing more than that." 7 Ask Novel

Some people in the crowd sighed softly, impressed by the woman's peerless temperament, and many people agreed to nod, only to feel that this white-clothed woman standing in the fairy flower was so beautiful that she was absolutely gorgeous without showing her face.

Just when everyone's heartstrings were shaking, the woman in the palace dress silently approached and said softly with her sweet voice without a trace of impurities: "Yaochi Ruoxi, I welcome you fellow Taoists and gather in the Holy Land of Yaochi. ,Honored."

Xue Sanren's eyes flashed with blood, suppressing the appreciation in his heart, and said coldly: "The holy maiden of Yaochi is afraid that she is not right, if she really welcomes it, there is no reason to shut all the guests out, why don't you lead everyone to the door? A glimpse of Yaochi?"

Saintess Ruoxi bowed slightly, raised her hand in a gesture of recruiting, and said softly, "It's not that Yaochi doesn't welcome all of you, it's just that my family has just been born, and the affairs have not been sorted out, so I'm afraid that everyone will be neglected. This time Ruoxi came out. , is to announce to everyone that Yaochi intends to hold a grand meeting in three days, and invites all Taoist friends from the mainland to come and taste the spiritual fruit and tea, which are special products of Yaochi. There is also a strange treasure as the finale, which will be appreciated together with all Taoist friends, and will be held at the meeting. Then give it to those who are destined."

If someone else said this obvious delay, the effect would be greatly reduced, but from the mouth of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, people couldn't help but feel pity, and it was difficult to make an objection.

There are many old monsters with high realm among the people present. They are not confused by their appearance. The focus of their attention is on the last words of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi.

I just heard the blood scattered people say coldly: "Dare to ask the holy girl of Yaochi, is the finale treasure you are talking about is the ultimate emperor soldier? Is your family really willing to hand it over to others?"

Immediately, everyone pricked up their ears. This is the focus of their attention. If the Yaochi Holy Land is willing to take the initiative to hand over the Emperor's soldiers, then there is no need for them to push the Yaochi Holy Land into a desperate situation.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi smiled and said softly, "Yes or no, you will know when the time comes. Ruoxi can only guarantee that that rare treasure will never disappoint you."

Everyone looked at each other, the answer was a bit ambiguous, although many people saw that the Saintess of Yaochi was deliberately covering up, but no one dared to continue to offend Yaochi at this time.

After all, if Yaochi really intends to hand over the Jidao Emperor's soldiers and offends him now, wouldn't he voluntarily give up the opportunity to obtain the Jidao Emperor's soldiers.

"It is indeed the Holy Land of Yaochi. When you turn your hands, you turn passive into active, admire, admire." Xue Sanren squinted his eyes, and his thoughts kept rolling over in his heart. Right now, the forces of Xuanming Sect, Butian Sect, and Three Gods Sect did not yet exist. It was most beneficial to the Heavenly cult he belonged to. Once it was delayed to the Yaochi event in three days, the variables would be huge.

After thinking about it, just when the blood scattered people were about to speak out to force Yaochi again, a roaring sound suddenly spread from the sky, a huge crack smashed into the void, and a chariot full of the ancient spirit came out of the sky, as if cast in gold, all over the body. Engraved with dense dao lines, it made the sound of gusts of wind and thunder, crushing the sky, rolling in, and a powerful fighting spirit rushed like a sea tide.

"This chariot is from the Holy Ancestor Dynasty."

Many people on the side of the surviving Holy Land shouted out excitedly. Their momentum is too weak, far inferior to the side of the medieval great sect, and they need the support of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty.

However, there are also many people who show disappointment. The help they hope to get is the Three Gods Religion and Zhang Tian!

Recognized by all the surviving holy places, he is the only emperor of the Eastern Wilderness who can compete with the sect master of the Middle Ages! , , .

Chapter 795 The battle of the pinnacle across the era!

"Haha... Since the Holy Maiden of Yaochi said that the grand meeting will be held in three days, I will naturally obey. If anyone dares to set foot in the field of Yaochi within three days, I will be the first to let him go on Zhou Tian!"

A heroic and majestic voice rumbled from the chariot, accompanied by a heroic young man in a four-clawed python robe, wearing an emperor's crown, and just one stop in the sky, it gave people the feeling that the sky is full of mountains and the mountains are broken. Invincible power, against the blood scattered people of the cult.

"This is Zhou Tian, ​​the eldest prince of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty!"

Many old monsters in the surviving Holy Land were so excited that they all felt that they had found their backbone.

"Thank you for your kindness, Prince Zhou, and see you in three days."

The Saintess of Yaochi Yingying bowed, and the whole person disappeared out of thin air, turning into a ball of spiritual rain and falling down, as if everything just happened was just a dream.

Zhou Tian squinted his eyes and said in his heart, "I'm afraid Yaochi Immortal Technique is even better than Tantai Miaofa. This time I chose to make friends with Yaochi Holy Land, it should be right."

On the other side, the Middle Ancient Great Sect glared angrily.

A woman dressed in a semi-transparent black gauze stepped out, with a slender waist like a willow, swaying non-stop, and said charmingly, "The First Prince Zhou is so majestic, I wonder if Meier wants to go in, will you punish me?"

This black gauze woman's face is like a peach and plum, very beautiful and moving, and she dresses arbitrarily. The black gauze dress seems to be completely transparent, and a large area of ​​white fat skin can be vaguely seen. Beauty, like the looming bright moon hidden behind Qingyun, and Saintess of Yaochi seem to be two extremes.

Zhou Tian stared straight ahead, unmoved at all, and just said plainly: "I have heard for a long time that the ancient Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect specializes in magic tricks, and the Demonic God Sovereign is the best among them, but if you want to use it on this prince, I'm afraid you have to I let you down."

As the voice fell, Zhou Tian suddenly erupted with a mighty imperial power, and a phantom of a five-clawed golden dragon rose up behind him, sending out dragon roars towards the black gauze woman.This is not the power of the powerful god emperor, but the power of the human emperor who dominates the vastness. In the world, is it the emperor, the most domineering, can suppress any evil power.

The rest of the powerhouses in the surviving Holy Land heard these words, and they all raised their vigilance, and did not dare to look at the black veil girl any more. Because this great religion was very famous in the Middle Ages, it was not because of its high combat power, but The "Beautiful Girl Dafa" that he is good at is too domineering, and when you practice it to a high level, it can capture the soul in an instant, making people fall into the boundless charm, and it is difficult to break free, and even the emperor has been tricked.

"Hehe, as expected of a descendant of the royal family, with this emperor's aura, it will not be difficult to inherit the throne in the future. Yaomei will congratulate Prince Zhou first."

The black gauze woman let out a smirk like a silver bell and retreated to the main formation.

Only at this time did those experts in the Holy Land realize that the black gauze dress on this demonic god emperor is clearly very conservative, not even an inch of excess skin is exposed, and his person is even more cold and noble, with all kinds of talents just now, all of them It was an illusion, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Including the white-haired ancestors of the Holy Land, they all felt ashamed and fearful at this time. If the Demonic God Emperor was targeting them just now, I am afraid that they would not be able to resist at all.

"Hmph, what is the eldest prince of the ancestral dynasty, the descendant of a thief who steals the country, and wants to use his own strength to stop me and other ancient great sects, and he is not afraid of killing himself first!"

A bald man scolded coldly, not paying any attention to the emperor's dynasty.

Zhou Tianning looked at him, and saw that he was tall, with a bright forehead, and looked very burly. In those copper bell-like eyes, there seemed to be many black thunderbolts, and he looked very strange and powerful.

"It turned out to be the Yin Lei God Emperor of the Five Thunder Orthodox Sect. You seem to have a lot of opinions on my Holy Ancestor Dynasty. Would you like to enlighten me?" Zhou Tian responded coldly.

"Young man, don't be too arrogant. When the God Emperor Yin Lei became famous, your ancestors didn't know where they were. Even if your father came over, he would not dare to be so scornful of the God Emperor Yin Lei."

A sloppy old man with gray hair from the Spiritual Sect spoke slowly, seemingly helping the God Emperor Yin Lei, but in fact he was fanning the flames. Many great sects have never been monolithic.

"Amitabha..." The god emperor sent by the Thousand Buddhists held a Buddha bead in one hand and a Buddha staff in the other, and only announced the Buddha's name, obviously intending to stand on the wall.

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