"Interesting, God Emperor Yin Lei, Ben Sheng Ji will personally play music and cheer for you, don't fall into the prestige of our ancient great sect."

The Sanskrit Saint Ji of the Nine Heavens Saint Ji of the Magic Sound Sect smiled lightly, took out a simple and elegant pipa, sat in the air, and fiddled with the strings.

But in an instant, the gods and emperors who led the team of the ancient great sects, such as Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect, Wulei Orthodox Sect, Kuling Sect, Qian Buddhism, and Huanyin Sect, expressed their positions one after another, which immediately raised a chilling trend.

"The eldest prince just lets go and fights, if they dare to bully the less, our Holy Land will do our best to help!"

The god emperor ancestors of the powerful holy places such as Tantai Holy Land, Yaoguang Holy Land, and Tianlan Holy Land also cheered loudly.

The Yin Lei God Emperor's face was ashen, and he said coldly: "Evil spirit old ghost, Sanskrit Saint Princess, you two don't have to say anything to each other, what about this emperor's shot today!"

The voice fell, the Yin Lei God Emperor grabbed the void with his big hand, and a large bronze axe appeared in his palm. The axe body was surrounded by a large number of black thunderbolts, full of destructive aura.

"Boy, complain only, you shouldn't provoke me!"

The Yin Lei God Emperor burst into a drink, and slammed into Zhou Tian with the thunder giant axe, with the terrifying might to crush the void.

"Oh, the so-called middle-aged god emperor has only this ability. I am so disappointed by this prince. Today, this prince will let you see what the power of an emperor is."

Zhou Tian said proudly, not sacrificing any magic weapon, only blasting golden fist shadows to fight against the giant axe and thunder.

This is a peak duel that spans the Middle Ages and the Modern Age, and everyone is fascinated by it.

No one noticed, just not far from the battlefield, a group of people were hiding in the void mezzanine, watching the battlefield.

"Big sister, why don't we go out?" Zi Yan looked at the battle of the emperor below, and felt her blood boil, and couldn't help but ask.

The ruthless man stepped on the void and chuckled: "No hurry, let's observe it first. Only by holding your breath can you sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. If you look ahead, it's not just our family who are secretly watching."

The voice fell, and the ruthless man moved his broken fingers and moved forward a little, and the void energy in front of him suddenly dissipated like a tide, revealing another dimension, and there really was a woman in palace dress standing there.

"This is the Saintess of Yaochi." Yu Xin recognized the woman in the palace dress at a glance, with a bit of surprise in her eyes. She thought that the other party had returned to the Holy Land, but she did not expect Jing to hide and watch.

When the trace was discovered, Saintess of Yaochi was also shocked, and immediately bowed slightly to the ruthless man to show respect.

PS: There is one more chapter at Zero. , , .

Chapter 796 The Heavenly Emperor's Divine Might Breaks Chaos!




The battle below was extremely fierce. Whether it was the Yin Lei God Emperor or Zhou Tian, ​​they all took the path of being stubborn and domineering. At this time, the supernatural powers slammed into each other, and the thunder struck the golden fist marks. The God Peak under his feet was knocked down thousands of feet.

Old Ancestor Tantai, Old Ancestor Yaoguang, and others were all shocked. The god emperors sent by these great medieval sects to lead the team were indeed extraordinary. This god emperor of Yinlei was not well-known, but he possessed the combat power of an almost peerless emperor. And the thunder method used is ancient and domineering.

If it wasn't for Zhou Tian's peerless inheritance of the ancestral dynasty, he would have already fallen.It can also be seen from this point that the Holy Ancestor Dynasty was called the first force in the mainland at the beginning, which was worthy of the name, and its real heritage was comparable to that of the great religions of the Middle Ages.

But in the eyes of the God of Yin Lei, this is nothing short of a great disgrace. The elder of his dignified middle-aged great sect, who has lived for an unknown number of years, is inextricably indistinguishable from a younger generation in the modern era. Where does this put his face? .

Not to mention that there are still the powerhouses of the ancient great sects such as the Kuling Sect, the Thousand Buddhism, and the Huan Yin Sect, watching on the sidelines. After this battle, his face will be completely lost.

Thinking of this, the Yin Lei God Emperor's breath became extremely violent, and he shouted sharply: "Boy, you actually forced me to this point, this is a great sin, leaving me with eternal shame, only with your blood can I wash it away. .I want you to survive, not to die!"

As the voice fell, the purgatory divine axe in the hands of the Yin Lei God Emperor suddenly glowed brightly, but it emitted black light, like a huge black hole, swallowing the surrounding void, condensing a very threatening and terrifying aura.

"The divine axe of the Emperor Yin Lei was forged from meteorites from outside the sky. It possesses a trace of chaotic power. This is a trick to fight!"

The bewitching God Emperor's beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance, as if he was only interested at this point.

"Fight, fight!"

Sanskrit Saint Ji laughed again and again, played the pipa faster and faster, and played an incomparably passionate movement, which made people's blood boil and the fighting spirit surged.

"Boy, you are the first person who is fortunate enough to bear the true power of the purgatory divine axe, die in peace!"

The Yin Lei Shenhuang roared fiercely, holding the handle of the axe with both hands, and slashed with force, like opening up the world, the tyrannical force blocked the time and space, and slashed straight towards Zhou Tian.

"Oh, you don't have a magic weapon when you are the prince? You just don't want to use it. If you kill you, why do you need a weapon!"

Zhou Tian looked arrogant, the emperor's power surging all over his body, and he threw a punch with all his strength.

In an instant, the void suddenly shattered into a huge crack, revealing a large golden hand, about ten feet in size, with very clear golden lines on the surface.

This big golden hand was so powerful that it directly broke through the space, and its five fingers curled up into a huge golden fist.


A huge explosion resounded through the audience, and everyone's eyes widened. The bronze giant axe, which contained the power of chaos and thunder, was torn apart by the blast, and the remaining power was undiminished. .


The crisp sound of bone cracks resounded throughout the audience, and the Emperor Yin Lei flew upside down, a big hole in his heart shattered, and countless emperor blood rushed out.

"This is the inheritance of the ancient Tang Emperor? Emperor Tang Xuri Fist?"

Sanskrit Saint Ji's piano sound stopped abruptly, and she couldn't help exclaiming.

The rest of the powerhouses of the ancient great sects also changed their colors one after another. Their news was lagging behind, and they still didn't know that the emperor not only had the inheritance of Emperor Tang, but also the inheritance of Emperor Yao, as well as a pair of ink paintings containing the will of Emperor Yu Tian.

"Hmph, it really is just an ant, vulnerable." 113 Novels www.113xs.com

Zhou Tian sneered, then turned his eyes to the gray-haired elder of the Kuling Sect, and said in a gloomy voice: "Evil spirit old ghost, you have just insulted my father, are you ready to lead to death?"

"Boy is presumptuous!"

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