But inside the hall, the atmosphere was extremely depressing and heavy.

I don't know if Yaochi is really short of people. There are less than ten disciples of Yaochi serving in the temple, and four separate seats are taken care of by the Three Gods Religion, which makes other places very empty.

This time, the various medieval great sects came for the emperor's soldiers, and the teams they sent were also extremely elite. It can be said that this place is full of gods and emperors. Where have they been so slighted, there are many voices of dissatisfaction.

"I've heard for a long time that the holy land of Yaochi is so beautiful and full of aura, and countless spiritual trees have grown. I didn't expect that even a cup of tea would be bitter. Could it be that I was stingy with spiritual tea and deceived the emperor to not know the treasures?"

An elder of the god emperor of the cult scolded coldly, and threw the teacup on the table to the ground.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi on the first seat said softly: "My Yaochi Holy Land has been sealed for a long time, and those spiritual trees have long stopped growing. Even if you want to pick new spiritual leaves to make tea, it will take some time, so the grand event will be held in three days. For the rough tea at the moment, please ask fellow Daoists to take care of it first."

"Humph! Since you know it's rough tea, how dare you serve it? If there really isn't any new tea, what's the Three Gods Sect drinking? Is that how your Yaochi receives guests?"

Zi Yan frowned and said angrily: "You old ghost, they didn't invite you, you came to the door yourself, what kind of guest are you? You want to drink my tea, right, then I'll give it to you!"

After speaking, Zi Yan threw the teacup in her hand directly, like a dragon, with bursts of roar.Tiantianshuba www.tiantianshuba.com

This scene made everyone look stupid. Yaochi is such an ancient holy place, how could it be possible to actually serve rough tea? The god emperor of the cult was just taking the opportunity to provoke a few words. If you say you do it, you will do it. This is too tiger.

That day, the god emperor of the cult also had a livid face. He was called an old ghost by a little guy in public, and he openly gave things to him. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't stand it. He immediately raised his hand and grabbed the teacup.

Xue Sanren sat silently, but when the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of the teacup, his color suddenly changed, and he exclaimed, "Get out of the way!"

However, it was already too late. The emperor raised his hand and touched the teacup, and suddenly felt an unparalleled terrifying force, as if the ancient dragon was arrogant and exploded with a bang.

When everyone looked sideways, they couldn't help but take a deep breath. One of the God Emperor's arms was completely blown to pieces, his flesh was blurred, and he was even splattered with red blood, making a shrill scream.

A teacup thrown at random contains such power, how terrifying the power of this little girl should be?

"Who else wants to drink new tea? I have here, old monk, do you want to drink it?"

Old God Zi Yan poured another cup of tea, raised it to face the crowd, and specifically asked the old monk of the Thousand Buddha Temple.

"Amitabha...Thank you for the kindness of the little benefactor. Old man, I am not thirsty."

Venerable Huiming hurriedly pushed it back, kept twisting the Buddha beads, and said to himself, "Drinking other people's tea will cost you the most money, but drinking yours will kill you."


The blood scattered people stood up and said angrily: "People of the Three Gods, you are provoking the My Heaven cult!"

The ruthless man sat calmly in the first place on the left, put down the teacup, and said in a low voice, "How are you doing?"

"Good! Good! Good! Then let me see the inheritance of the Three Gods Religion!"

The blood scattered people screamed and turned into a huge blood bat, flying towards the ruthless man.

"Well, it's a bit stronger than the evil spirit old ghost, but it's nothing more than that."

Ruthless Man commented, his body remained motionless, he only raised his hand and pressed it down.

Suddenly, a big ancient hand broke through the blood mist and rolled out of the void, which was hundreds of feet in size. Visions of Buddha, gods and demons, giant dragons, ghosts, etc. flashed in the palm, exuding an extremely heavy breath, and brazenly grabbed it. The blood-colored bat seemed to be pressed together by the power of the whole world.

Xue Sanren suddenly showed panic, and said loudly: "Elder Taishang save me!!"


The sound of rushing thunder exploded in the void, as if hundreds of fierce tigers were roaring, but it did not let the ruthless man be shaken.

"court death!!"

The sky shattered into an abyss, revealing a majestic old man in a black robe of Yama, who was clearly still far away, but projected his will directly, with a suffocating oppression, wanting to smash the ruthless into pieces. .

"This is the quasi emperor of the cult!" Yu Xin exclaimed, her eyes flashing solemnly.

The ruthless man said indifferently: "Oh, I was waiting for me here. But what about the Emperor?" ,, . . .

Chapter 799 Kill the King Kong Ghost Emperor!

"Bad words!"

The words were like thunder, rumbled in the void, and in the abyss, the incarnation of the quasi-emperor's will solidified at an extremely fast speed, stepping on the void, as if to break through the eternal space and come.

"The King Kong Ghost Emperor of the Heavenly Evil Sect? This is a ruthless character who is immortal and immortal. Let's see how she can fight?"

Many powerhouses of the ancient great sects showed excitement. Although the powerhouses of the quasi-emperor were not as detached as the real emperors of ancient times, they still had the word 'emperor'. The strength of resistance, not to mention the ruthless man only has the cultivation of the holy realm.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of the explosion was getting louder and louder, deafening, and the mountains shook. The figure in the black robe of Yama also rushed to the front. It was only seven feet tall, but it gave people the unshakable power of a mountain of ten thousand mountains.

"What a strong Buddha's meaning, could it be that the word King Kong in the King Kong Ghost Emperor is taken from the 'Angry Eye King Kong' from my Buddhist school?" a young monk from Qian Buddhism exclaimed. Xuanzang is very knowledgeable about Buddhism. In his opinion, the domineering aura of this King Kong Ghost Emperor clearly carries a bit of Buddhist meaning.

"Amitabha..." Venerable Huiming softly announced the Buddha's name, looked at the imposing King Kong Ghost Emperor, and whispered: "It is said that this King Kong Ghost Emperor was a Buddhist King Kong in his early years, but he was expelled from the sect for violating the precepts. , Only then did his personality change drastically, he fell into the evil way, and after joining the Heavenly Cult, he became even more out of control.

The Holy Maiden of Sanskrit said with a smile: "This King Kong Ghost Emperor is highly appreciated by the Evil Emperor. He taught the Dharma personally, and even protected the Dao and became the Emperor. His love is no less than that of a teacher. Is it true that the Evil Emperor once Secretly sneaking into the four major Buddhist temples to steal Buddhist scriptures, and combining the two ways of Buddhism and demons, is this the reason why the King Kong Ghost Emperor who turned to the Heavenly cult is so important?"

This is a secret from the Middle Ages, and it is related to a very fierce battle between the Buddha and the devil, and the devil seems to win in the end, and many people can't help but prick up their ears to listen.

"Amitabha... I can't remember the things of the past. If Shengji is really interested, you might as well ask the King Kong Ghost Emperor in person." Venerable Huiming calmly resolved the crisis.

Sanskrit Saint Ji snorted softly, and was about to speak to each other again, when the coercion had already slammed down like the top of Mount Tai.

"Who is it! Killed the god emperor of my cult?"

The King Kong reggae stood in the air, his majesty stunned the audience, the pair of copper bell-like glaring eyes glanced down, no matter who it fell on, it made the other party's heart stunned and dared not look at him.

"Elder Taishang, it's these two sluts!"

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