The god emperor of the cult who had his arm blown up by Zi Yan climbed up from the pool of blood, pointed at the seat of the three gods and roared angrily.

Zi Yan stared at her big black eyes and said innocently: "You said you wanted my new tea, I gave you the tea, you didn't catch it yourself, blame me?"

"You, you..." The god emperor angrily pointed at Zi Yan, said two words 'you', and spit out a mouthful of black blood.

"Ha ha……"

A burst of light laughter came from the mouth of the Demonic God Emperor, but seeing her reclining on the seat, one foot was placed on the table, revealing a seductive meaning.The Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect pays the most attention to acting at will, even in front of the King Kong Ghost Emperor, she has no fear.

This light laughter also brought the atmosphere, and many figures of the ancient great sect laughed along, and the Holy Land in the world even more exaggeratedly held grievances for Zi Yan.

"Bull me, cultists, die!"

The King Kong Ghost Emperor burst into a powerful power, and suddenly stuck out a finger and pointed to Zi Yan.

This finger contains infinite strength, shatters the void, and condenses a pure gold finger that is more than ten feet long. Every trace of the texture is clearly visible, like a golden mountain, smashing towards Zi Yan.

Swish! 17 Biquge

At this moment, an incomparably fierce sword light burst into the air, swiftly like lightning, and slashed ruthlessly on the pure gold finger.


The explosion sounded from the ground, and the sword qi and the finger light disappeared at the same time, but the residual power radiated made the entire Yaochi Hall tremble, and countless bricks and stones fell.

"Oh? What a sharp sword. I can't imagine that there are such powerful saints in the world."

The King Kong Ghost Emperor seemed to be startled by the power of this sword, he was stunned for a moment, then he came back to his senses and looked at the ruthless man coldly: "Because of this, you can't leave you today, or else it will be a disaster in the future! "

The words fell, and the violent killing intent was vented, like a river sea bursting, and the mighty pressure was on the ruthless man, causing many god emperors beside him to change color.

However, the ruthless man who faced the killing intent was not moved at all. He stood up calmly and looked at the King Kong Ghost Emperor: "There is one thing you have made a mistake. The person who is going to die today... is you!"


Without any more words, the figure of the King Kong Ghost Emperor suddenly disappeared, turning into a golden rainbow and rushing towards the ruthless man.

At the same time, the ruthless man also burst into the sky with immortal power, and a golden bell turned into a golden gauze draped over her body.

The two figures collided fiercely!

Six years ago, in the battle of the underground palace of the Three Gods Religion, Ruthless and two younger sisters joined forces to kill a quasi-emperor-level soldier demon god, and today she is going to try to fight the quasi-emperor alone!

In the past six years, Ruthless Man has only done one thing, and that is to refine the heart of the East Desolate with the "Secret Law of the Nine Refinements of the Divine Kingdom". Provided her with a huge amount of True Yuan.

These True Essences are enough to support her to use the Quasi-immortal Emperor Armament and Quasi-immortal Emperor Technique without any scruples within half an hour.




In the sky above Yaochi, two golden figures battled into a ball, without any supernatural power intertwined, just competing for pure fist power!

This is the most domineering collision. Every move and every style has the power to open up the world and overturn mountains and rivers. The [-] sacred peaks in the entire Yaochi Holy Land are shaken at the same time.

"Venerable Huiming, this god of the sun is really powerful, and he can actually use his physical strength to compete with the King Kong Ghost Emperor without falling behind. Is this the secret method of body refining?" The young monk Xuanzang asked in shock as he watched the battle in the sky.

"Amitabha." Venerable Huiming's eyes were full of complexity, and he said softly: "Xuanzang, you are wrong, not only is the Japanese envoy not falling behind, but... will be victorious."

Just when the word "le" was spoken, the King Kong Ghost Emperor's figure flew upside down and smashed hard on a divine peak.


Wanrenshen Peak collapsed suddenly under this tremendous force, and the entire earth trembled violently. , , .

Chapter 800 The Great Emperor of the Heavens Come Together


The fall of the King Kong Ghost Emperor in the Jade Pool Hall caused a huge wave of rhetoric. Countless god emperors were shocked and looked at the ruthless man standing across the sky in disbelief.

With the body of a great sage, he will behead the quasi emperor!

This kind of achievement has never been heard of in ancient times. Everyone trembled in horror, and a feeling was born in their hearts: they may be witnessing the birth of an extraordinary man. A Wudi!

"Big sister is mighty!" Zi Yan jumped to the table and cheered the ruthless man loudly.

Suddenly, Zi Yan frowned, and her figure rose into the sky, jumping to the area of ​​the cult team like a giant eagle, which immediately caused a panic.

"You...what do you want to do?"

The elder of the god emperor, who was seriously injured by Zi Yan, was planning to leave silently, but he was blocked by Zi Yan, so he fell to the ground in fright and stepped back again and again.

Zi Yan stood vigorously, raised her hand, and held Qinglong's halberd in her hand, angrily said: "You old ghost, you don't know what's wrong! You said that tea is not good, I kindly give you tea, but you still If you don't appreciate it, you sue Diao, do you think I can spare you?"


That day, the cult elder pointed at Zi Yan, the veins on his forehead burst out, and he spit out a mouthful of blood from time to time.

"Hey, you can't speak, right? If you can't speak, then go to hell!"

Zi Yan carried the Qinglong halberd, and a majestic and vast power erupted from her, like a young god, and like a roaring dragon, slamming to the cult elder that day.


This power shook the heavens and the earth, shattered all defenses and directly smashed the god emperor into slag.

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