"Buddha Amitabha, it seems that the benefactor has already entered the heart of the devil and refuses to turn back. That poor monk can only practice the method of subduing the devil and subduing the devil." The expression of the god monk Likong did not change, but suddenly thousands of golden springs appeared behind him, as if there was a Buddha. Sitting in it, there is a message of the world of purifying all beings, and the lotus flower on the tongue is like a terrifying supernatural power.

"Who dares to touch Senior Zhang's daughter!!"

At this moment, a cold and icy voice came through the layers of space, and a magnificent wave like a tsunami swelled in the sky above the hall.

"This is……"

Many quasi emperors watched this vision, and immediately showed shocked expressions, with a faint hint of retreat.

In the gate of water spirit, a woman in colorful clothes stepped out step by step, her whole body was shrouded in Shen Xi, her face could not be seen clearly, the moment she stepped out, the reckless and violent Emperor Might in the hall was completely subdued, as if she had met The natural enemy, dare not make it again.

Shen Xi restrained slightly, and it was vaguely seen that the woman's eyes were like stars, three thousand blue silk like waterfalls, although her expression was flat, neither happy nor angry, but she had an aura that looked down on the world, as if she was born supreme, with the heaven and the earth.

"It's the Goddess of Qianyu! We pay homage to the Goddess of Qianyu!"

The monks in Beihai all stood up excitedly. Whether it was the Beihai Alliance, the Sea God Academy, or the sea-monster powerhouses in the Wanhai-Monster Alliance, they all looked respectful and moved towards the woman standing across the sky. bye.

"The God of the North Sea has come."

Ancestor Tantai, Ancestor Yaoguang, and others were also shocked. Many years ago, a shrine suddenly appeared in Beihai, and a god named Qianyu appeared, threatening to protect the entire Beihai.At that time, the recovery of the Middle Ages had not yet recovered, the mainland was still filled, and the rest of the wasteland was not taken too seriously.

After the recovery of the Middle Ages, the great sects of the Middle Ages were born, and they continued to devour the territory of the Holy Land. The continent was filled with sorrow. Except for the Eastern Wasteland, which was suppressed by the Three Gods, only Beihai escaped the disaster. Suppressed by the goddess Qianyu, he slaughtered an unknown number of emperors and emperors. He was extremely tyrannical, and his prestige immediately spread throughout the continent.

That is to say, after this incident, all Beihai creatures are devout and respectful to the goddess Qianyu.

It's just that the goddess Qianyu is the incarnation of the spirit of the North Sea. She seldom leaves the realm of the North Sea. No one would have imagined that she would come to the Holy Land of Yaochi, and she would say she would protect the ruthless.

"Goddess of the Rain, do you have an old relationship with the Sun God Envoy?"

Ancestor Wanhai of Wanhai Monster League carefully interrogated him. He knew that Prince Wanhai had a disagreement with Zi Yan, the star god envoy of the Three Gods Sect, and he was extremely anxious at this time.

Under everyone's attention, Qian Yu said coldly: "This god can transform the sea, it is the help of senior Zhang, great kindness and great virtue, this life is hard to repay, whoever dares to target his daughter is my enemy Qianyu. !"

These remarks were loud and loud, causing the faces of all the middle-aged quasi emperors to change, which was obviously far beyond their calculations.

"Congratulations to the goddess Qianyu for making great progress, it's not far off to become a true god in the future." Yuxin stood up and bowed.

Qianyu hurriedly returned the salute and said respectfully, "I have seen Miss Yuxin, but Qianyu dare not accept your gift. I came here to meet Senior Zhang, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance to meet him. It's really a pity, and I asked Miss Yuxin to go back. The descendants are to convey Qianyu's admiration and longing."

Everyone in the hall was shocked for a while. They didn't expect the dignified God of the North Sea to respect Zhang Tian so much.

"How is this possible, how strong should Zhang Tian be in order for a god to respect him to such a degree?" Huang Mengyao muttered to herself, only to feel that Zhang Tian was becoming more and more mysterious in her heart.

After a ceremony, Qianyu stood up in awe, showing her peerless appearance, but her eyes were full of coldness. She looked at the Kong God Monk, and said coldly, "Emperor of Qianfo Temple, do you want to take Miss Zhang away?" , . . .

Chapter 802 The gods cannot be humiliated!

The expression of the god monk Liaokong finally showed some fluctuations. Qianyu's power is too strong. He is a real god, comparable to the emperor, but not something he can resist.

"Amitabha, the god of the sun is too eager to kill. When he first arrived in Yaochi, he killed two great god emperors and a quasi emperor. These people have practiced for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. It is not easy to obtain the Tao. The poor monk asked the Japanese envoy to go to the Qianfo Temple to listen to Zen, just to get rid of the demons in her heart, and there is no offense." The monk Likong has the world in his heart and compassion. said.

"That's right, this girl has such a strong will to kill at such a young age, and she will be able to do it when she grows up? It must be removed immediately. This is the will of all the great sects of the Middle Ages. The goddess of Qianyu has a noble status, and it is best to visit this time. Muddy waters." The necromancer of the Spiritual Sect said in a subtle way, full of threats.

"Dao Zhengfeng, if you die, your skills are not as good as others. Today I put my words here, whoever dares to touch the hair of Senior Zhang's daughter will be my enemy Qianyu!"

The goddess Qianyu said coldly, with an invincible might that looked down upon the world.

All the quasi emperors felt horrified. In the past five years, in order to protect the Beihai, Qianyu has shot down several times to suppress the resurgent medieval great sects. Among them, there are many powerful sects with ancient great emperors, but they are still wiped out by her.

Although at the time of the recovery, even if the Great Emperor retained at most seven points of combat power, it was still not comparable to the quasi-Emperor and his likes, which still showed the strength of the goddess Qianyu.

"Amitabha..." Monk Liaokong proclaimed the Buddha's name again, feeling very troubled in his heart.

If he knew that Qianyu would intervene, he would not come forward to be a villain. If he retreats now, he will definitely leave a reputation of bullying the soft and fearing the hard, which is unacceptable to him.

After all, Qian Buddhism is different from sects such as Tian Xiejiao and Kulingjiao, and its own teachings are upright and bright, and they still have to face the face.

After thinking for a while, the god monk Liekong suddenly came up with an idea, put his hands together, and solemnly said: "When will the grievances be reported since ancient times? Killing is not in harmony with the Buddhist concept of saving sentient beings."

The meaning of these words is very clear. This is a matter for you to restrain the spiritual religion. Now that Zhang Ruren's backer is here, if you continue to tangle, it will violate the teachings of my thousand Buddhists, and I will not help. .

The undead emperor naturally listened to the deep meaning of it, and felt contempt in his heart, and asked: "This ruthless man has already stepped into the abyss, doesn't the priest plan to bring her back to Qian Buddhism?"

"Amitabha, there is a person who is destined to cross the Buddha, and the donor Zhang has the goddess Qianyu to persuade him. I believe that he will stop in the abyss, and the poor monk will do nothing more than this." The god monk Lekong made up his mind not to take action, and took a few steps back.

"it is good!"

The undead emperor smiled in anger, looked at Qianyu and said: "The evil spirit ghost emperor is my beloved disciple, Zhang Ruren killed her, the sin is unforgivable, since the goddess Qianyu insists on standing up for her, then wait She has been through it. As long as the goddess can pick me up without a single move, I will no longer pursue this matter."

"Take a move from you?" Qian Yu raised her eyebrows and sneered: "You can take action. If I move, I won't care about this."

"A word is settled!"

There was a gloomy look in the eyes of the undead emperor, and an incomparably cold aura erupted from his body.

salsa salsa...

A tragic gloomy wind blew out, and black shadows flew out from the Huangquan Ghost Road, and unexpectedly stepped out a dozen ghosts in one breath, all of which were powerful ghost kings arrested by the undead emperor.Aizw.net www.aizw.net

"Ghost King Killing Heaven Array!"

The undead emperor shouted loudly, and there was a small black flag in his right hand. His face flushed, and a large mouthful of blood was ejected. It landed on the small flag and pointed at Qianyu Goddess.

"Hey! Sigh! Sigh!..."

As if they had received some kind of order, the ghost kings immediately acted, swaying gusts of gloomy wind, surrounding the Thousand Rain Goddess, the magic lines under their feet swayed, and a huge magic formation was drawn, with violent killing intent reaching the sky.


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