The ghost king spit out unknown bytes, and they shot together. In an instant, more than a dozen attacks shook the void, connected together, and pressed towards Qianyu.

"This old ghost is so shameless. It would be great if Dad was here, and he would know how powerful he is." Zi Yan said angrily.

The little phoenix of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan also rarely stood on the united front, and said indignantly: "It's too shameless, where is this attack."

"The method of the Lingling Sect's method of sending generals is really powerful. I am afraid that this blow is infinitely close to the level of a great emperor."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The crackling sound didn't stop, the entire void was shattered, and I saw a stream of black magic flow across the sky.

However, Qianyu, who was standing in it, seemed to be unaware, and even had a sneering look on his face. When the ghosts attacked him, he coldly reprimanded: "The gods cannot be shamed! Do not retreat!"

As the voice came out, the infinite Shen Xia burst out from her body, and Shen Xi spurted out from those beautiful eyes. Wherever she passed, she swept away all attacks, and the killing formation of the ghost king under her feet shattered with a bang.


The undead emperor spit out a mouthful of blood again, his face full of horror, his strongest supernatural power, even Qianyu's aura can't be broken, how is this possible.

"Hehe, the undead emperor has a good plan, but he doesn't know anything about the power of the gods. Goddess Qianyu is the sea god transformed by the spirit of the North Sea, and she controls the divine power, which is definitely not comparable to an ordinary emperor. The power of evil is against the gods, and death is not a pity."

The ruthless man said with a chuckle, which made the face of the undead emperor blushed, and he was so ashamed that he was too embarrassed.

"With this little strength, you dare to provoke this god? Don't retreat!" Goddess Qianyu scolded mercilessly.

Suddenly, her complexion changed, and she suddenly raised her head to look at the sky, where an unimaginably tyrannical aura was rapidly approaching.

This breath is already extremely powerful, far surpassing that of ordinary emperors, but the next breath is even more powerful, as if the power of the sky and the earth is pressing together.

Before the people arrived, two brilliant atmospheres had already filled the world! , , .

Chapter 803 Slaughter a powerhouse of a thousand worlds!

The two auras are getting closer and closer, as if they are fighting for each other in the air, shaking the peaks of Yaochi and shaking, shaking the landslide.

Soon, the people in the entire Yaochi Holy Land sensed two terrifying auras, and they all quieted down and watched.


Just like a silver bottle was broken, the void shattered two huge holes at the same time, and two figures appeared in the reflection, as if the king who reigned over the world, walking with dragons and tigers, stepping out like a mountain, stepping out step by step, just one figure, it gave people the impression. Infinite oppression, like the back against the sky, like the support of the mountains and seas, the vast and mighty, all-powerful.

"Quiet the ghost master!"

"The Great Emperor Kuxuan!"

The knowledgeable people present immediately exclaimed, causing waves of terror. The two of them are both ancient emperors who have fully sublimated, and they are also heroes of ancient emperors. They belong to Xuanming Sect and tonic. Tianjiao, in their era, suppressed the great emperors of the same generation, swallowed the eight wastes, and was on the top of the continent under one person.

"Ghost Lord, in the past two years, your strength has recovered by [-]%. I am afraid that in a few years, I will not be your opponent." Emperor Kuxuan said with a smile, he was a great man with broad shoulders and thin waist. Thin, elegant temperament, more elegant feeling of green spirit, at a glance, like a forest sea swaying in the mountain wind.

"You guys are best at the art of cultivating life and nourishing life, and you have been cultivated by Liu Shen, I'm afraid you haven't even used the five successes this time." The ghost master said indifferently, and he was dressed in black. Wearing clothes, the head is wearing the Yama crown, and in those eyes, it seems to contain the hell of Senluo, and there are countless ghosts and ghosts struggling in it.

When it comes to the depth of his breath, the ghost of silence is mainly inferior to Emperor Kuxuan, but the evil spirit on his body is extremely strong. It is a terrifying demon that can only be condensed by killing all living beings in the world. scattered.

"You are killing me." Emperor Kuxuan smiled, but his eyes were full of vigilance.

He is well aware of the power of the mysterious ghost master of the Xuanming Sect. When the Xuanming Sect swept across the mainland, a war broke out in the Ziwei Star Territory, and several Great Thousand Worlds joined forces to force the Shengyuan World.

On the verge of danger, the ghost master of annihilation entered one of the great worlds alone, and with the supreme annihilation supernatural power, he slaughtered all the creatures in that world, and shocked the entire Ziwei star field. crisis.

Caused by so many murders, the ferocity on the ghost master of the annihilation was so intense that it covered the sky and the sun, and even the emperor of the Xuanming Sect at that time felt very difficult and could not remove it for him.Who would have thought that this annihilated ghost master has great luck around him, not only did he not die from being eaten by the evil spirit, but instead turned the evil spirit into a magical power, integrating attack and defense, extremely overbearing.

The ghost master of the annihilation cast his gaze on the sacred realm of Yaochi, and saw Qianyu at a glance, and said in surprise: "Goddess Qianyu, why are you here, this emperor thought you couldn't get out of the North Sea."

Qianyu said softly, "I am the god of the North Sea, not a prisoner of the North Sea. I can go anywhere, I just don't want to be born."

The ghost master silently nodded and said: "So it turns out that this emperor knows too little about the gods. I have heard for a long time that the goddess of Qianyu is powerful, and there are two great emperors who died in your hands. If you have time, please give me some advice. "

Qianyu said: "At the level of a great emperor, every step of the way, there is a world of difference in combat power. Everyone in the world says that I am close to you, or even comparable to your strength, but it is actually a fallacy, and the ghost master of the annihilation does not need to be taken seriously." Heyuanshu Bar

Her words were not polite, but she really felt a terrifying coercion from the ghost master of the annihilation. With this person's strength, I am afraid that the ordinary emperor can be killed with a finger, even if she is not sure that she can defeat it.

"This emperor's vision is not bad, I can see that you have a battle with this emperor. This is not a compliment, this emperor has not yet reached the point of complimenting others." The ghost master of the annihilation said leisurely, with a domineering momentum. However, this is a terrible emperor who slaughtered a thousand worlds. In the history of the entire Ziwei star field, there are not many such killing emperors.

Many people couldn't help gasping for breath. They didn't expect Qianyu Goddess to get such a high evaluation from the ghost master.

Emperor Kuxuan said with a smile: "Since the goddess Qianyu hasn't been in Beihai for a long time, why did she come to Yaochi this time? Could it be that she's also interested in that piece of the Extreme Dao Emperor Armament?"

Qianyu shook her head and said in a low voice, "This Yaochi event has attracted worldwide attention. I thought that Senior Zhang would also be there, so I wanted to come and see you, but unfortunately I didn't get it."

The ghost master frowned and said coldly, "Senior Zhang? Could it be that the goddess is referring to the Three Gods Sect, Zhang Tian?"

"Exactly." Qianyu heard the strangeness in the words of the ghost master, and her tone became cold.

The ghost master took a deep breath and said coldly, "Then we shouldn't be friends anymore. When this emperor comes over this time, he will ask someone from the Three Gods Sect to ask him the guilt."

After speaking, the ghost master of the annihilation looked sideways at the seat of the Three Gods Religion, and said coldly: "The last time the Tailuo Religion monument was born, the person who killed my Xuanming Religion Yuan Sheng Yan Jun and destroyed his body was the one who killed him. Who?"

In an instant, everyone looked over at the seats of the Three Gods Religion, secretly shocked. The five major Yanjuns of the Xuanming Religion all have the terrifying strength of the peerless God Sovereign. so bold?

"It's me, what?"

Zi Yan put her hands in front of her and said imposingly.

Everyone couldn't help staggering. This little witch is indeed a master who is not afraid of the sky and the earth. Even Yan Jun of the Xuanming Sect dares to kill it. This is a hole in the sky.

"Okay, you'll be fine if you admit it." The ghost master sneered, the vicious aura on his body turned from emptiness to reality, as if a hideous evil ghost was crouching behind him.

Qianyu turned to block the ghost master of silence, frowning and said: "You Xuanming Sect have always acted domineeringly, you were killed, and you can't blame others, the dignified ghost master, don't you even have this kind of energy?"

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