"Qianyu, I have always scolded the ghost master for annihilation. This is something that the entire Ziwei star field knows. Today, let alone you, even if the Three Gods Sect advocates that the heavens should be close, I will invite a teacher to ask for guilt. I finally advise you to get out of the way. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless." The voice of the ghost master was cold and biting.

Qianyu also showed a peerless demeanor, Shen Xi's eyes flashed, and she replied coldly, "Then I will also warn the ghost master one last time, Senior Zhang, you can't afford to offend you!" , . . .

Chapter 804 The woman and daughter of this emperor, you dare to move!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The ghost master of silence laughed loudly, as if he heard the funniest joke in the world, but the cold meaning in that smile made everyone in the audience shudder, like falling into an ice abyss.

Suddenly, the ghost master stopped laughing, and looked at Qianyu coldly: "Little girl, you are the first person who dares to talk to this emperor like this. I can tell you very clearly, there is no such thing in this world. This emperor can't afford to offend people, this is the case in the Middle Ages, and it is the same now!"

Qianyu shook his head and sighed softly: "You have committed sins, you can't live. Qianyu's words are all here, and the ghost master insists on not listening, so it's no wonder that you get into a catastrophe."

"Murder? Little girl, you really made this emperor amused. Do you know how many people wanted to kill this emperor in the Middle Ages? But this emperor was still alive and well, but they all turned into loess." The Ghost Slayer seems to be talking about a trivial matter, but it can make everyone feel the terrifying sight of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

"It's useless to talk too much. Senior Zhang is very kind to this god. Since he is not there, his daughter will have the protection of the god. If you want to hurt them, you can go through me first."

Qianyu put on an incomparably dignified posture, this was not Beihai, and she could not rely on the power of the temple to face such a powerful killing emperor as the ghost master, and she did not have much confidence.

"it is good!"

The ghost master Jijie gave a loud shout, with unparalleled power, raised his right hand behind him, clenched his fist lightly, and the surrounding space was immediately twisted and shattered, turning into a billowing airflow.

This scene shocked everyone. They could see that the ghost master did not transfer his true essence. He could break through the void with just the power of the flesh. Such means are simply appalling.

"This emperor has long wanted to see the real divine power, so let's fulfill his wish today."

The ghost master silently spoke coldly, and the fist suddenly blasted out towards Qianyu.

Qianyu was not afraid, and a layer of water mist under her feet swept away quickly, covering her whole body, mixed with Shenxia, ​​and instantly turned into thousands of layers of space light doors. The rain poured down like a curtain of rain.

Soon, Qianyu's figure was swallowed up by the thousands of layers of space light door, as if she was in an endlessly distant place, it was her strongest magic "Thousand Rains and Ten Thousand Layers of Doors"!

Combining the way of rain with the way of space, it is the most mysterious method of transformation. It seems that the body does not move, but it folds the space into countless layers. Any force that escapes into it will be quickly decomposed. .

boom!boom!boom!boom! ...

The power of the ghost master's fists is full of all phenomena, as if it is wrapped in the weight of a hell of a ghost, and it smashes through heavy water gates. Wherever it goes, everything is invincible, as if no force can stop it.

However, although the ghost master's fist was strong and shattered countless water gates, the distance between him and Qianyu was not narrowed in the slightest.

This is an extremely mysterious scene. Onlookers can see that Qianyu is standing opposite the ghost master of silence. The fist is also fierce and domineering to the extreme, but it is unable to achieve any results until the energy is exhausted and the bottom is sinking by Qianzhong. Watergate devours.

Emperor Kuxuan watched with a dignified expression. This battle was called the peak duel of the Emperor Realm, and it was of great reference value to him.

"Is this the gate of thousands of rains and thousands of layers? Sure enough, there are some ways. But there is no indestructible method in the world. This emperor wants to see whether you create the water gate faster, or this emperor destroys it faster!"

The Ghost Lord of Nirvana looked solemn, and an extremely terrifying power erupted from him, turning the sky against the sky, as if the ghost realm had descended, the heaven and earth were completely silent, and everyone could hear the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling.

Li Gui, who was behind the silent ghost master, also showed an extremely ferocious expression at this time, and he slammed into his heavenly cover, and a black rune was engraved between his eyebrows.

"Give me another punch and see!"

The ghost master of silence roared loudly, five varicoses, a power that destroyed the sky and the earth brewed in the palm of his hand, clenched his fists violently, and slammed the thousands of rains in front of him.

Boom boom boom boom... I love novel network www.5ilrcxs.com

As the black fist reached, the water gate in front of him was directly smashed, and the speed was obviously several times faster than before.

Qianyu showed a strenuous expression. Her ten thousand layers of water gates are extremely mysterious, but they are not really invincible. Once the strength breaks through that critical value, even the layers of space can be exploded.

That's a one-size-fits-all approach.

"Hey, I got you."

The ghost master of silence revealed a ferocious look, there were only a few water gates left in front of him, and he could even see a hint of panic in Qian Yu’s eyes full of Shen Xi.


Boom, boom, boom!

A voice seemed to come from outside the sky, crushing countless voids and coming down, ringing in everyone's ears, indifferent and cold, like an aloof emperor, ruling Cang Ming, with divine might like a prison.

With this voice alone, it directly shattered the fist of the ghost master, and it was majestic!

"Is this the voice of the little witch's father?"

Huang Mengyao sat up straight, and looked at the sky, the rest of the powerhouses in the Holy Land also showed extremely excited expressions.

"The leader of the Three Gods?"

The quasi emperors such as Emperor Necromancer, Saint Princess Yanmo, and God Monk Liaokong also moved in their hearts and held their breath unconsciously.For these ancient powerhouses, the name Zhang Tian is both familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiarity is because Zhang Tian was known as the first emperor of the mainland before their recovery. Since his birth, he has been unparalleled in suppressing the Eight Desolations and Liuhe, and even has a record of killing the powerful emperors. His name is even known to women and children.

It is strange because, since the recovery of the Middle Ages, Zhang Tian has never appeared in any historical sites except for the battle in the underground palace of the Three Gods Religion, and no one from the Middle Ages Great Sect has seen him make a move, and has absolutely no idea of ​​his true strength.

It is precisely because of this that heroes such as the ghost master of the annihilation completely ignore Zhang Tian, ​​and only regard it as an invincible myth fabricated by the Holy Land in the world for self-protection.

Now, this person is finally about to appear.

Long Yu said excitedly, she recognized the owner of this voice, the elegant man who always accompanied Zi Yan with a doting look, a big man who made the ancient fairy king also awe.

"Hmph, the mice who hide their heads and show their tails have the courage to show up to see you!"

The ghost master's eyes flickered with suspicion, and the ghost lines on the eyebrows became more and more solid.

"You can't even capture the figure of this emperor, how dare you touch this emperor's woman and daughter?"

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