The scene of a pilgrimage to the audience was unprecedented.

The Supreme Supreme of Yaochi was a little dazed, he just felt like he was back in the Middle Ages, when the three gods ruled the world, and all religions came to the dynasty!

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi gave a wink, and suddenly countless rays of light erupted from the holy land of Yaochi. The colors were multicolored, reflecting the sky, vaguely accompanied by bursts of fairy sounds, and the clear pool in the center of the holy land rose up a lot of white light. The fog contains a strong spiritual energy, so that the entire audience is wrapped in the dense spiritual fog, just like a real celestial jade pool.

The people on the side of the surviving Holy Land couldn't help but show their amazement. Even the Tantai Holy Land, the Fluctuating Light Holy Land, etc., never had such a profound background.

The Supreme Supreme Being was awakened by Xianle, he straightened his waist immediately, turned around everyone in front of him, and said solemnly: "The Yaochi event has officially begun!"


The sound of immortal music suddenly surged, and the clouds and mists rolled, revealing many palace maids who gave birth to pink dresses, all of them beautiful and refined.

They had serious expressions, and they shuttled through the crowd feasting with straight jade trays. Their dashing figure walking in the clouds and mist only gave people a sense of trance like a fairy in the fairyland, which seemed real and illusory, and it was difficult to distinguish.

"This is our Yaochi specialty Panling tea, which contains a ray of immortal rhythm. Please taste it, Master Zhang."

Ruoxi, the Saintess of Yaochi, placed the jade trays for Zhang Tian's table in person, and finally handed a cup of spiritual tea to Zhang Tian with both hands, hiding her eyes under the veil with a touch of nervousness.

Zhang Tian glanced at her and said plainly: "This emperor usually doesn't like others to hide in front of me."

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi suddenly felt a chill in her heart, and quickly said: "If Xi is rude, I hope Master Zhang forgives her sins."

After she finished speaking, the Holy Maiden of Yaochi vacated a hand, gently grabbed the corner of the veil, and took it off, revealing a beautiful face, her skin was like cream, her head was crooked and her eyebrows were like the most exquisite creation of heaven. Couldn't find any flaws, as if there were stars dancing in the beautiful eyes.

The guests at the left and right seats below saw the saintess of Yaochi take off her veil, and they couldn't help but look up, even the saints of Yanmo, the saints of Fanyin, and the godly emperor of Yaochi were no exception. Female beauty has reached a certain level, and both men and women are drawn by her to love beauty in their hearts.

It's a pity that the deeper the cloud and mist is, the thicker it is, and it has a peculiar shading effect. Even the quasi-emperor's soul cannot be probed. Everyone can only see a hazy outline of the face of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, which makes them even more obsessed. Instead of Zhang Tian, ​​you can see the fairy face of the Saintess of Yaochi.

"If... Ruoxi is disrespectful, please ask Master Zhang to taste Panling tea."

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi seems to rarely show her face in front of people, her pink cheeks were stained with a layer of blush, she once again served tea with both hands, and respectfully handed it to Zhang Tian.

Only then did Zhang Tian take the teacup made of divine jade, shake it slightly, and take a sip.

"How?" The Holy Maiden of Yaochi raised her head and asked, with seven points of nervousness and three points of pride in her eyes.Tenshin

The nervousness is because Zhang Tian's coercion is too strong, but it can easily destroy the current Yaochi Holy Land, making her feel like 'accompanying the king like a tiger'.

The pride is because she has absolute confidence in Panling tea. As one of the oldest holy places in the mainland, the Holy Maiden of Yaochi has not been strong, but many inheritances from the Ninth Mountains and Seas are well preserved, such as this brewing. The method of Lingcha, I am afraid that the entire continent can not find a second one.

When she thinks about it, Zhang Tian's strength may be on a par with the currently recognized as the strongest Xuanming Sect Hades and Liu Shen from the Heaven-Mending Sect, but there is no chance to drink such a good spirit tea.

Seeing to see through the careful thoughts of the Saintess of Yaochi, Zhang Tian smiled slightly, half tilted the teacup, and said leisurely: "Tea is good tea, it is made from the real branches and leaves of the fairy, so it has a lingering rhythm, which is great for Yu Wudao. Benefit. Even at the immortal peach event in the early antiquity, such a cup of spiritual tea is only suitable for true immortals to drink."

There was a look of surprise in the beautiful eyes of the Saintess of Yaochi. I didn't expect Zhang Tian to explain the origin of this spirit tea so thoroughly, as if it were a treasure.

"However, Xian Panzhi is a rare treasure, and it is extremely difficult to survive without the immortal land. Even with the background of the Ninth Mountain, Sea and Jade Lake Immortal Region, it can't support a few branches, not to mention this Jade Pool Holy Land. If the emperor guessed correctly, You Yaochi don't have any imperial soldiers at all, and the aura of Xiaguang before was emitted by that fairy vine, right?"

Zhang Tian looked into the eyes of Saintess of Yaochi and said lightly.

But these words fell into the ears of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, but it was nothing short of shocking, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and it took a long time to calm down the Heart Sutra, and she really showed a submissive look from the bottom of her heart, and said softly: "Senior Zhang's eyes are like Ju, our Holy Land does not have Jidao Emperor soldiers. Although the immortal vine has the power of the Jidao Emperor soldiers, it consumes a huge amount of resources every time it is activated. It’s hard to push it a few more times.”

Zhang Tian said meaningfully: "There are not many immortal vines that have been passed down from the fairy world. You all have one plant in the holy land, which is a big chance. Since it can't be used easily, why did you specially stimulate its essence to make this cup of spiritual tea. ?"

Yaochi Holy Land only felt that Zhang Tian's eyes were full of wisdom, as if his whole body was clearly seen, he did not dare to hide it, and respectfully said: "Master Zhang is wise, Ruoxi dare not hide it, I really want to ask Master Zhang ."

After a pause, there was a trace of Qiuhong in the beautiful eyes of the Saintess of Yaochi, and she said softly: "The ancient masters coveted my Yaochi heritage for a long time. Daodi soldiers, they will take the opportunity to attack, join forces to destroy my Yaochi, and take my inheritance. For today, only the leader Zhang can save the Yaochi, so Ruoxi is willing to offer the fairy vine to the leader Zhang, in order to ask the leader Zhang for protection ."

"I'm afraid you can't be the master of this matter." Zhang Tian glanced sideways, which was the direction of the Supreme Supreme.

The Saintess of Yaochi hurriedly said: "Master Zhang, don't worry, if Ruoxi will persuade the Supreme Supreme, he will definitely let him voluntarily give up the fairy vine."

"I'm afraid you won't have this chance." Zhang Tian said lightly, staring at the sky.

boom!boom!boom!boom! ...

A series of explosions resounded through the sky, and the entire sky seemed to collapse, shattering the doors of countless spaces, and the breath of countless ancient emperors pressed down.

Headed by two people, one person is in Yama Emperor robe, and the momentum is like a demon!One person incarnates as a willow, with dead branches and leaves, only a green wicker swaying slightly, as if it can pierce the divine sword of Jiuxiao.

Xuanming Sect Emperor!

God Blessing Heaven! , , .

Chapter 807 The Beginning Emperor Comes to Yaochi!

Most of the people in the Yaochi Holy Land stood up. The Underworld Emperor of the Xuanming Sect and the Liushen of the Mending Heaven Sect were both recognized as the supreme rulers of the continent when the five emperors were not yet born.

Thinking back to the Middle Ages, these two great sects dominated the continent, suppressing all the voices of opposition, and the terrifying power pervaded the Ziwei Star Territory, which was by no means comparable to any emperor in the world.

Not to mention, behind the two, there are also the leaders of the various great sects, all of whom are emperor-level figures, with cold eyes and contemptuous expressions, as if at this moment, these medieval great sects reached some kind of agreement.

The saintess of Yaochi seemed a little flustered, and hurriedly flew forward and said: "I, Yaochi, are very honored, all the sect masters, please take a seat."


The Emperor Underworld of Xuanming Sect snorted coldly and said indifferently: "This emperor is not here to participate in any Yaochi event, and immediately hand over the Emperor's soldiers."

The Yaochi saint's face was even more ugly, and she could only bite the bullet and said: "The Emperor of the Underworld calms down. Regarding the extreme emperor's soldiers, I, Yaochi, have my own plans, and will be the finale in the future..."

"Little girl."

Liu Shen, who was hidden in the dazzling blue light, interrupted the words of the Yaochi saint, and his voice rumbled: "I waited for all the sect masters to come together, I have already given you enough face to Yaochi, don't play with these little tricks, take that one Take out the Jade Emperor soldiers."

The disciples of the medieval great sect below are all joking, waiting to see the jokes of the Yaochi Holy Land and the ancient side. All the forces of the ancient great sect united, enough to push the entire continent, and no one can stop it.

The Yaochi disciples all showed resentment, and one of the disciples wearing a green robe stepped out and said boldly: "Liu Shen, you have always been fair and prudent, and you are calm, do you want to rob me like a robber this time? Is Yaochi a treasure?"

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