All eyes are focused on Liu Shen. This strong man formed by the willow tree is the only foreign emperor among the nine ancient emperors, but he is not disgusted by people. The most important point is that Liu Shen is one of the nine ancient emperors. The most merciful one, rarely suppresses with killing methods, and rarely even shoots.

Under everyone's attention, Liu Shenyou said: "To tell the truth, although the seal is lifted this time, my origin is almost exhausted. I have heard for a long time that Yaochi Xianyu has an ancient heritage and there are many magical methods, so I want to use the extreme way. The imperial soldier looks at it, if it is effective for my lifespan gain, I am willing to exchange it for something of the same value. If it is not effective for me, I will turn around and leave immediately."

"Hmph, after all, it's not because of my coveted Yaochi treasure, what's the difference between it and Xuanming Sect!" The Yaochi disciple scolded angrily.

"A mere ants, dare to question me and other great emperors, courting death!"

A black-robed emperor stepped out behind the Underworld Emperor and Liu Shen, and the terrifying coercion rose into the sky, and the sound shook the world.

"Don't!!" The Holy Maiden of Yaochi stopped her, but it was too late.

The black-robed emperor's eyes were like electricity, and he shot a black light, directly killing the Yaochi disciple to slag, and the audience was as silent as ice.

Liu Shen said in a low voice: "In the past, in order to protect the Shengyuan world, the Heaven Patching Sect committed murders in many Daqian worlds in the Ziwei star field, and provoked many powerful enemies. Once these people count me down, they will definitely come to Shengyuan. World, destroy my Heaven-Mending Religion, so I can't die yet, sorry..."

"Haha, you can't destroy the Heaven-Mending Religion, so can our Yaochi Holy Land be trampled on at will? In the end, it's not the law of the weak, and you want to force my Yaochi Holy Land!!"

Several more disciples of Yaochi stepped out, and they were full of heroism. They all had the cultivation of a half-step god emperor. Lingtai exuded divine light, and they were the arrogance of Yaochi.

"How courageous, this emperor wants to see today, how many Yaochi disciples are not afraid of death!"

The black-robed emperor was very angry, the black robe danced wildly, the tyrannical killing intent penetrated the vast universe, and the heavens and the earth rumbled loudly. This is the real power of the emperor.

"don't want!!"

A celestial spirit swayed from the Saintess of Yaochi, and she directly moved the space to block in front of the disciples. With her hands, a huge lotus pod was formed, and the dense water mist rose up.Save the book


With a burst of explosions, the lotus pod was smashed to pieces, and Yu Wei rolled back, blasting the Holy Maiden of Yaochi hundreds of feet away, her body like a tumbler.

All the guests present changed their expressions. As a descendant of the Yaochi lineage, the Yaochi Saintess has a deep cultivation base and is also a Yaochi immortal. Even among the peerless emperors, she is considered to be at the top level, and she can't even stop the emperor's casual blow.

"Hmph, the mantis arm is the car, I see who else will come to the rescue."

The black-robed emperor became more and more arrogant, and there was a ferocious flash in his eyes. He pressed his right hand down, and transformed into a large hand with a hundred feet long, and grabbed fiercely at the few Yaochi disciples who were fighting against each other.

"Stop, who dares to deceive me from Yaochi!"

The Supreme Supreme of Yaochi finally stood up. He was no longer obedient, but straightened his waist and looked straight at the Emperor of the Heavens like a sharp sword.


As his voice fell, a fairy vine that was only seven feet long stretched across the sky, blooming with thousands of rays of light. Although it was tiny, it was as thick as a mountain, as if it contained a ray of ancient will. The recovery exudes a long and vast atmosphere.


Immortal vines swayed slightly, emitting a ray of sunshine, fast as lightning, and went straight to the big hand of aura.


As if the Divine Sword passed through the sky, the rays of light flashed, directly smashing the big hand of Reiki, and it was torn apart.


The Great Emperor Heipao let out a shrill cry, and the blood on the palm of his right hand was like a column. Obviously, this was a divine power that had hurt his origin.


Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but take a deep breath. The existence of an ancient emperor was seriously injured.

"Okay, good baby!" The Underworld Emperor of Xuanming Sect's eyes lit up, emitting a terrifying divine light.

Liu Shen also said with great surprise: "As expected of the ancient Yaochi, there are not only Supreme Dao Emperor soldiers, but also such life sources. As long as they are integrated, I can at least increase the ten thousand years of life."

Yaochi Taishang Supreme looked solemn, and the immortal vines suspended above his head hung down thousands of rays of light to cover him, freeing him from the coercion of the emperors of the heavens.

"Yaochi Holy Land, inherited from ancient times, can't be buried in the hands of the old man. If you dare to make it again, don't blame me for suppressing it!" The voice of the Supreme Supreme was indifferent as ice.

The voice fell, and the fairy vines suddenly burst into a dazzling white light, straight into the sky, and a supreme being wearing an emperor's robe was vaguely manifested, with his back to the common people.

Who is the peak at the end of the immortal road, the beginningless Dao becomes empty at first sight!

At this moment, the will of the Unbeginning Heavenly Emperor descended on Yaochi and conquered the world.

Zhang Tian, ​​who was sitting in the first seat, looked calm, the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, raised his hand to hold the bottle, and drank the Xianpanling tea in one go. , , .

Chapter 808 Zhang Tian's blow, shocking the audience!

"What a strong will!"

For the first time, the Underworld Emperor of the Xuanming Sect showed a dignified expression, with a sharp edge in his eyes, like a sharp sword poised to draw out its scabbard, giving people a sharp-edged feeling.

"It's kind of interesting." The Willow God of the Heaven-Mending Sect swayed slightly, and on the only remaining green willow, every leaf stood up, obviously feeling the overwhelming pressure contained in this will.

"Could this back be the name of Yaochi that has existed since ancient times... Heavenly Emperor?" On the Tantai seat, the eyes of the Tantai Holy Master shone with infinite brilliance, as if thinking of something terrible, if it is the one, I am afraid that one hand Can overturn the continent.

"Masters, my Yaochi Holy Land has a long heritage. If you want to use brute force to rob and trample on the majesty of my Holy Land, then the old man can only pull you masters and bury Huangquan together!"

The Supreme Supreme of Yaochi said in a buoyant voice, a mighty power erupted from him, the aura of a quasi-emperor was close to the Tao, and it was possible to sublimate to the extreme and become the existence of the great emperor of ancient times with just one footstep. .

Under everyone's attention, his skin became smooth and smooth at a speed visible to the naked eye, all the wrinkles on his face disappeared, his white hair turned black, and his eyes were bright, showing surging vitality.

This is consuming the source to support the peak combat power. The emperor's power is above the sky, and the imperial envoy Xianpanteng is becoming stronger and stronger.

Emperor Hades and God Liu couldn't help frowning slightly. They were able to leave a prestige in the long history of Shengyuan Continent, and even left a strong and colorful stroke in the entire Ziwei star field. Naturally, they have their own advantages. Zhuxian Panteng can bury them all.

But the will contained in the back is too strong, even if it is just an illusory shadow, it gives people the supreme power to suppress the heavens and the world. Even their lives are in danger.

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