"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The void collapsed into a black hole, and the big seal seemed to be able to absorb the power of chaos.

"What this emperor wants to do is unstoppable! Zhang Tian, ​​let this emperor see how you can take this move."

The Underworld Emperor said coldly, at this moment, although he was only nine feet tall, he was like a giant lifted up from the sky, giving people a sense of invincibility of the gods and mountains.

The Immortal Seal of the Underworld Emperor behind it turned into a size of [-] feet, covering the sky and pressing down fiercely, as if it was wrapped in the power of the entire world and pressed down.

Ruoxi cuddled in Zhang Tian's arms, feeling the terrifying seal that swept across the world, her face turned pale, and her pink lips trembled as she said, "Be careful, Master Zhang!!"

The fragrance of flowers in the Yaochi, lingering in the holy realm, full of guests, silky silk feathers, Zhang Tian's eyes could not help revealing a touch of reminiscence, such a scene reminded him of the unprecedented grand occasion of feasting the gods and gods in the Yaochi in the fairyland in ancient times.

At that time, millions of immortals came to worship, and the immortal feast spread from Yaochi all the way to Nantianmen. In the holy realm of Yaochi, the moon god and Chang'e danced together, and the immortal gods were intoxicated.

The deceased has passed away, and the vicissitudes of life have brought him back some memories.

Under this state of mind, the killing intent in Zhang Tian's heart was completely smoothed out, and the Emperor Hades was arrogant and domineering, and in his opinion, it was as worthless as the dust.


With a soft sigh, Zhang Tian picked up another silver stick and pressed it down slightly.


The dazzling silver light erupted from the silver chopstick, like the Milky Way rolling backwards into the sky, turning into a thousand-zhang training, and firmly withstood the immortal seal of the Emperor Hades.

The world seemed to stand still at this moment.

The blue veins on Emperor Hades' forehead burst out, bursts of low roars, and a terrifying red robbery light was projected in his eyes.Qiandu Chinese website www.qianduzw.com

However, no matter how powerful the Underworld Emperor was, the big seal could never drop an inch, and even began to crack faintly, breaking into tiny cracks.

"Crack! Kick! Kick!..."

In the quiet, ice-like Yaochi, this small cracking sound was as deafening as thunder, causing everyone to be stunned and amazed, and then set off a huge shock!

Emperor Hades' attack was actually blocked, and was blocked by the three gods' teaching, Zhang Tian, ​​with incomparable ease!

Everyone felt an indescribable horror. Although the confrontation with the magical powers in the sky was still hot and indistinguishable, there was a sharp contrast between the savage eyes of the Underworld Emperor and Zhang Tian's calmness.

Who is strong or weak, you can see at a glance.

"The teaching of the Three Gods Sect advocates the heavens, and it is actually terrifying Ruosi!"

"The surviving Holy Land said that he was the most powerful emperor in recent times, and he really deserved his reputation."

"Is this Zhang Tian even more powerful than Emperor Hades?"

Many people's minds have been shaken. Before today, Emperor Hades and God Liu were recognized as the two supreme beings in the world, but now I am afraid that Zhang Tian will be added.

"Ming Emperor, stop, today's affairs can be discussed in the long run." Liu Shen said slowly, Zhang Tian's strength was beyond his expectations, and he wanted to change his previous strategy.

The blood threads scattered in the eyes of Emperor Ming, as if two abyss of blood were flowing, as if he had entered a state of madness, and said incomparably cold: "Liu Shen, today is a confrontation between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age, you and I can temporarily let go of the grievances, and this Emperor Join forces to fight against the enemy and win this sky, I will take the imperial soldiers of the extreme way, and the fairy vines will be yours!"

Liu Shen's heart moved, and his eyes also sharpened. It is really that the immortal vine is too important to him, and it can give him a new life.And Zhang Tian's strength is unfathomable. If he fights alone, he has no certainty at all.

"Cult Master Zhang, I'm offended."

The willow god bowed slightly, and the only remaining crisp wicker suddenly became incomparably sharp, like an unsheathed divine sword, slashing the sky and breaking the ground, wrapping up the power he was looking at, and slashing towards Zhang Tian.

This blow, although there is no immortal cause of Emperor Underworld's mighty domineering, but it is more than three points sharp, like the sword of heaven's punishment, the void avoids where it passes, breaks the galaxy, and the heavens are trembling.

"Haha, if you can die under the cooperation of this emperor and Liu Shen, you can also rest your eyes!!" Emperor Ming's expression became more and more arrogant, but his eyes were full of icy cold. It is huge, as if it can crush the sky.

Underworld Emperor and Liu Shen have joined forces!

Everyone in the audience went crazy. The two great emperors of the Middle Ages joined forces. This was something that had never happened before, the first time in five million years.

As Zhang Tian, ​​who forced the two unparalleled emperors to join forces, he became the focus of the audience.

This is a suffocating battle at the pinnacle, which decides the battle of fate between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age.

"You... do you know where Yaochi is?"

Zhang Tian seemed to be muttering to himself, and the silver chopstick in his hand was instantly youthful.


The silver light poured down, the immortal seal of the Underworld Emperor was shattered, and the sword energy swayed by Liu Shen was also annihilated. , , .

Chapter 810 Rebuking the ancient emperor like ants!


Under everyone's incredible gazes, Emperor Ming and Liu Shen's bodies, which were as heavy as mountains, flew upside down and smashed on top of the two divine peaks.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two more explosions rang out, and the Shenfeng, which was thousands of meters tall, collapsed suddenly, and countless huge rolling stones fell, making a terrifying rumbling sound.

Time and space seemed to freeze at this moment, and everyone's expressions were frozen on their faces.

The two most recognized supreme beings in the mainland today, the unparalleled emperors of the Middle Ages, were defeated by a single move, and they were completely defeated, and there was no room for resistance.

"How, how is this possible?"

I don't know how long it took before someone said something hesitantly. Although the sound was not loud, it rang in everyone's ears like thunder at this quiet moment, causing countless resonances.

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