This sentence is the voice of everyone present.

how can that be?how is this possible!

The people of Xuanming Sect are all stupid, and the people of Butian Sect are also stupid. The two most powerful sects in the Middle Ages are not the overlords who overwhelm one side at any time. Wherever the sect leader goes, it is worshipped by all ethnic groups, and they are in awe like gods. .

Now all of this is broken, and the invincible monument in my heart has cracks and even collapsed directly.

The Great Emperor Kuxuan looked complicated, and whispered softly: "In this recovery, Liu Shen's lifespan has almost dried up, and Emperor Underworld's cultivation has recovered at most [-]%. This Zhang Tian may really be like the rumors, he has the combat power of an unparalleled emperor in the Middle Ages, and it is the combat power of the heyday, which is terrifying."


This is everyone's opinion on Zhang Tian. He suppressed the two unparalleled medieval emperors by himself. Such a record is unprecedented, and no one will dare to question the current status of the Three Gods Religion.


The wind and smoke swept up into the sky, swaying countless sandstorms, and the gravel splashed, buried deep in the rubble, and the Underworld Emperor and Liu Shen flew out at the same time, but they lived up to the unparalleled world before. A bloody mess.

"A good Three Gods sect advocates the sky. This emperor has never suffered such a heavy blow in his entire life. Today's hatred, this emperor has written down."

Emperor Hades said in a chaotic manner, looking at Zhang Tian with vigilance in his eyes, the previous silver light pierced through his heart, shattering his entire heart, and replacing it with another great emperor, early I don't know if he died hundreds of times. Although he hanged his life with the exquisite law of immortality, his vitality was severely damaged and he was unable to fight again.

Zhang Tian drank a cup of tea indifferently, squinted at Emperor Ming and Liu Shen, and said calmly: "You should be lucky, this is Yaochi, this Emperor remembered some things from the past, and he does not want to kill again. Otherwise, with your strength, in In the eyes of this emperor, they are nothing but ants."


Emperor Hades roared loudly, and a terrifying magic power swayed from his body, just as Emperor Kuxuan had deduced that Emperor Hades has not fully recovered his true essence so far, and the strength he can exert is less than [-]%. Zhang Tian defeated, but he did not think Zhang Tian was invincible.

If he was really pushed to a desperate situation, he would have his own way to unleash ten percent of his combat power, but that would cause irreversible damage to him.Sansi Biquge

"The Underworld Emperor calms down his anger, he must not act impatiently, and it will not be too late to take revenge in the future."

An elder of the Xuanming Sect quickly dissuaded Emperor Ming through a sound transmission. Their Xuanming Sect had already lost a ghost master. If the Emperor Had another mistake, the status of Xuanming Sect would plummet and become an ordinary great sect. .


The dark fire in Emperor Hades' eyes swelled, but it didn't break out. He lived for tens of thousands of years, and his city was naturally very deep, and he would not go to extremes due to temporary setbacks. behind the table.

When this scene fell in the eyes of many people, they felt very incredible. In terms of the degree of brutality of the nine major forces in the Middle Ages, the Xuanming Sect was the number one, and the sect was destroyed at every turn. Location.

Although Emperor Hades still looked mad, everyone knew that he had already accepted it. At least today's Emperor Hades was by no means Zhang Tian's opponent.

"Hey, I've committed sins, I can't live, the number of days is so long, and the great sect of the Heaven Patching Sect will be destroyed by my hands." Liu Shen sighed very lonely, turned into an old man in green robes, and also took a seat after the table. The Hades face each other from a distance.

The trauma he suffered was close to that of the Underworld Emperor, but the background was far less profound than that of the Underworld Emperor. The Shouyuan that was about to be depleted already consumed more than half of it.

"Liu Shen..." Emperor Kuxuan looked sad. As a member of the Heaven-Mending Sect, he knew how powerful the enemies that the Heaven-Mending Sect had provoked in the Ziwei Star Territory back then. God Liu could still make those forces fearful when he was alive. Second, once the Liushen falls, no matter how great the foundation of the Heaven-Mending Sect is, it will collapse.

Zhang Tian glanced at the rest of the sect masters, and said indifferently: "Do you want this emperor to invite you to take a seat? Either sit down or get out!"

The moment the words fell, a terrifying emperor's might erupted from Zhang Tian, ​​causing the group of ancient emperors to shudder.

"Master Zhang is joking, how dare I spoil the interest of Master Zhang, then take a seat, and then take a seat."

The leader of the Lingling Sect squeezed out a flattering smile, cupped his hands again and again, and fell behind the seat of the Lingling Sect.

"Haha (giggle), Master Zhang's style is unparalleled, the emperor (the empress) admires him extremely, and he will be the leader of the three gods in the future."

Two voices, a man and a woman, sounded at the same time, and each byte was exactly the same, giving people a sense of magic and evil.

As the voice fell, a figure wearing a demonic robe flew out and landed on a seat. It was the Yin-Yang Emperor of the Yin-Yang Hehuan Sect.

Shuiyun Diji, the leader of the Huanyin Sect, had a cold expression, as if there was a magic spear in his spine, straight up to the sky. At this time, he also bowed slightly to Zhang Tian and said, "Huanyin Sect Diji Shuiyun, I have seen you before. Master Zhang."

After speaking, she straightened up, stepped out, her body disappeared in an instant, and the next moment she appeared in front of the seat of the Phantom Music Sect.

"See the Empress." Saint Ji of Yanmo and Saint Ji of Sanskrit bowed together with respectful expressions. The Master of Magic Yin was also well-known in the Middle Ages. Among the Empresses, he could rank in the top three, even in front of Emperor Hades and God Liu. Not much demeanor.

The rest, such as the Evil Emperor of the Heavenly Cult, the Thousand Buddhist Buddhas, etc. also took their seats one by one, and the tense atmosphere of the Yaochi Holy Land was swept away.

The surviving holy place all showed excitement, looking at Zhang Tian, ​​like a god, what a graceful appearance, scolding Fang Qiu, and reprimanding the ancient emperor like an ant.

With such a great emperor in charge, what is there to fear in the Middle Ages! , , .

Chapter 811 Give Master Zhang a face

Until then, Zhang Tian's expression softened, and he said softly, "The Yaochi event, let's continue."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and no one could have imagined that things would develop to this point. In the middle and modern times, hundreds of great sects and holy places were actually subdued by one person, but the facts were in front of them, and they could not tolerate them not believing.

"Follow the order of the leader Zhang."

The Supreme Supreme of Yaochi breathed a sigh of relief and stopped instilling spiritual energy into the ivy. He was extremely grateful to Zhang Tian. If Zhang Tian had not taken action, Yaochi would have been destroyed today.

Emperor Ming said gloomily: "Old Yaochi, this emperor will give Master Zhang a face, sit down and participate in your Yaochi event. I said before that there are rare treasures to appreciate. If you can't show it, this emperor will not forgive you lightly. you."

"Haha, what Emperor Underworld said is very true." The Great Emperor Yin Yang let out a hearty laugh, and immediately became feminine and charming, and said in a feminine voice: "Old Yaochi, all the great emperors of all sects are present today, which one is not. It wasn't because of you. Master Zhang protects you for a while, but he won't protect you for the rest of your life. Those who are sensible should obediently hand over the imperial soldiers, and don't play tricks."

"That's right, this sect master has never seen what the Jidao emperor's soldiers look like in his life. Older Yaochi, you can take it out for everyone to see. With Sect Master Zhang present, no one will embarrass you Yaochi." The leader of the church is also fanning the flames.

The faces of the Yaochi disciples were ashen, but they were helpless. With Zhang Tian here today, these ancient emperors naturally dared not do anything, but when Zhang Tian is gone, who can save Yaochi? So simple.

Some Yaochi disciples began to waver and persuaded: "Supreme Supreme, leave the green hills here, don't be afraid of running out of firewood, then let them fight for the Supreme Dao Emperor, wait until the Holy Maiden breaks through the Emperor Realm, and then snatch it back! "

Yaochi Supreme has a bitter face. How many years he has lived, how can he not understand these truths, the key is that Yaochi does not have a pole emperor at all, so how can he take it out?But at this time, he said no, let alone Emperor Ming and others, I am afraid that many Yaochi disciples would not believe it.

At this moment, the Holy Maiden of Yaochi stepped out, her face was covered with a veil, and she sent a voice transmission to Yaochi Supreme.

Yaochi Supreme's complexion changed slightly, but there was no other way at the moment. He could only follow the advice of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi and raise the ivy in his hand towards the sky.

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