"Yaochi Secret Realm, open!"

The spiritual power of Yaochi Supreme body rolled, and he played more than a dozen spells in a row. There was a roar and tremor in the void, and a door of light was abruptly split open. The vast spiritual energy escaped from the door of light. Changed the face of many people.

"What a rich spiritual energy, almost comparable to a first-grade blessed land, Yaochi is indeed one of the oldest holy places, and this heritage should not be underestimated."

"It's no wonder that the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers are hidden in such a secret realm. No wonder the breath has not been leaked."

Many of the powerhouses of the ancient great sects are greedy, like this level of heaven and paradise, you can meet but not ask for it. If you can retreat and practice in it, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

Emperor Ming, God of Liu and other ancient emperors all showed a dignified look. Extreme Dao Emperor soldiers were no trivial matter. Even when the battle in the middle ancient Ziwei Star Territory was at its most intense, there were only a few of them, and the birth of any one would be earth-shattering.

Yaochi Supreme took a deep breath and played two more spells. The immortal vine that was flying in the air suddenly burst into a bright green light, as if a divine sword was unsheathed. Ripped a huge hole.


Just when everyone was in shock, the immortal vine turned into a streamer and escaped into the secret realm of Yaochi. 52 Novels www.52xs.cc

Emperor Ming frowned and said, "Older Yaochi, what do you mean?"

The Saintess of Yaochi stepped forward and said: "Since ancient times, the treasures have been destined to live there. Although this immortal vine is very magical, it consumes too much. With the current heritage of Yaochi, it is difficult to nourish, so I plan to find a new owner for it. Regardless of the cultivation level, you can enter the secret realm of Yaochi and try it, as long as you can get the approval of Xianpanteng and bring it out, it means that you have a fate with Yaochi, and you will be gifted by the emperor."


Everyone thought that they had heard it wrong, and no one would have thought that Yaochi was so generous, and even offered a buy-one-get-one-free deal. Although this immortal vine is a bit strange, it is dead after all, so can it stop the great emperors?

Such a generous manner has made many people hesitate. They have lived for too long and know that caution is the way to save their lives.

The Great Emperor Yin-Yang originally held a demonic face, but his face suddenly changed, and he said in a low voice: "Elder Yan, you go and try."

The God Emperor elder who was named suddenly showed a look of horror, but he didn't dare to resist. The yin-yang acacia sect had a strict hierarchy of superiors and inferiors, which was even crueler than the cult of heaven, so he could only bite the bullet and fly into the secret realm of Yaochi.


Just as he entered, in less than a blink of an eye, a huge roar broke out in the secret realm, and then a figure flew out, and the volley exploded into blood mist.


Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath. A dignified god emperor died like this. What a terrible existence in the secret realm.

Thinking of this, everyone could not help but look at Yaochi Supreme.

"It seems that Elder Yan has no relationship with Xianpanteng." Supreme Yaochi said calmly, but he was very uneasy.

He knows that there is a strong will in this fairy vine, which is usually difficult to stimulate, but if he encounters a coveted person, he will take the initiative to attack and hide in the secret realm. Being able to be Yaochi also has a powerful ultimate move to hide.

But the trick presented by the saintess of Yaochi seems to be brilliant, but it is impossible to scare everyone away. Once someone really subdues the fairy vines, where will Yaochi get an imperial soldier.

"It's kind of interesting, this Emperor goes to see what's going on!"

A medieval emperor whistled to his feet, and the moment his voice fell, he rushed directly to the gate of light in the secret realm of Yaochi.

What a great temptation is the Jidao Emperor's soldiers, who doesn't want to take it for himself, under normal circumstances, this great emperor would never dare to compete with the Underworld Emperor and Liu Shen, but now it is different, and naturally he has to fight.

"Hmph." Emperor Hades sneered, as if he didn't care.


There was another huge explosion, as if the thunder of the sky stirred the fire and swayed endless might. , , .

Chapter 812 This is the emperor's bell without beginning!

"Ahhh..." The Great Emperor roared violently, smashed into the center of the Holy Land, and was completely out of breath.

A great emperor was actually smashed to death, and the audience was as silent as ice for a moment, and even the Supreme Lord of Yaochi showed a surprised expression.

"It's interesting." The Emperor Ming showed an interested expression, stood up in awe, his wide black robe danced wildly in the wind, stepped out, his body disappeared in an instant, and appeared at the entrance of the Yaochi Secret Realm like a teleportation.

This time, the whole audience changed their faces. Emperor Hades is not an ordinary emperor, but an emperor of an era. He has even participated in the Star Wars several times. The secret realms and various dangerous places he has seen are far from being comparable to others, even if they come and go. The ancient life forbidden area also has a great chance of survival.

The indifferent expression on Yaochi Supreme's face could not be maintained anymore. Although he did not know who left the will in the fairy vine, he expected that even if the former fairy king existed, it would be difficult to fight against the emperor with only one will.

"Older Yaochi, this time, this emperor is looking at the face of Zhang Jiaozhu, following the rules of the game set by your Yaochi, and I hope you will abide by your promise. If this emperor takes out the fairy vine, you still don't hand over the emperor's soldiers. , then... hum!"

Emperor Ming gave Yaochi Supreme a cold look, and then flew into the secret realm.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

A series of explosions came from the secret realm of Yaochi, and the sound was endless. It was only the residual power that came out of the gate of light, which gave people a harsh and chilling atmosphere.

All the great emperors from the Middle Ages looked horrified and looked at the entrance of the secret realm uneasily, especially the people of the Xuanming Sect, they were even more shocked and terrified. Unexpectedly, the 'weird' in this secret realm would make the Hades also fall into a tired battle.

From this point alone, we can see the power of the Underworld Emperor. The medieval emperor who entered before was blasted out in an instant.

"What! It's impossible!"

"You are a quasi-immortal..."

Two voices of shock and anger came from the secret realm. Before they could finish speaking, the mighty body of Hades flew upside down, and the violent momentum even shattered the void along the way, and smashed it ruthlessly. on the ground,

"Lord Hades..."

The disciples of the Xuanming Sect exclaimed loudly, and they all gathered around.

"Go away!"

The Emperor Ming shouted angrily, and a fierce force erupted, sending all the disciples of the Xuanming Sect flying away. He broke free from the ruins. The black robe on his body had been soaked with blood and turned purple-black, but there was no trace of it. The blood spilled out, and the powerful life-saving ability of the Underworld Emperor's Immortal Seal made him instantly recover from his injuries.

"Older Yaochi, you are really a good trick, how dare you use the relics of the quasi-immortal emperor to frame this emperor!!"

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