Emperor Ming glared at Supreme Yaochi, and if his eyes were about to burst into flames, if it wasn't for his strong life-saving ability just now, even if a real immortal went in, it would be difficult for him to survive.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience suddenly burst into an uproar!

The will in that immortal vine turned out to belong to a quasi-immortal emperor, no wonder it gave people the invincible power that was unshakable like the ancient sacred mountain.

Yaochi Supreme looked bewildered, and quickly said: "The Underworld Emperor has misunderstood, and I have no intention of plotting against the Underworld Emperor."

"Hmph, these words, let's go to hell!" The breath of the emperor's body became stronger and stronger, and he suddenly raised his two fingers to condense a seven-foot-long black sword, like the blade of death, exuding incomparable terror. of power.

The scene was instantly chilling!

"The Underworld Emperor can't do it!!" The Saintess of Yaochi exclaimed.

Zhang Tian frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "If you dare to do something, this emperor will kill you."

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Everyone's heartbeats speeded up involuntarily, their eyes didn't dare to blink, time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Emperor Ming's right hand trembled violently, and the Xuanming sword energy condensed out was terrifying, but he never dared to fire it. His eyes were filled with anger, hesitation, and a touch of fear.

"Humph!" After thinking about it again and again, the Underworld Emperor finally dissipated his magical powers and returned to the seat of the Xuanming Sect with a gloomy expression.

When all the guests saw this scene, they couldn't help showing strange expressions. The dignified Emperor Ming was so jealous of Zhang Tian that he didn't dare to attack at all. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it.

"Thank you Master Zhang for your help." The Saintess of Yaochi hurriedly thanked Zhang Tian.

"Thank you, Master Zhang." Yaochi Supreme had an expression of escaping death, and thanked Zhang Tian again and again. The underworld emperor in anger, even an ordinary emperor, may have only one way to die. He has walked through the gate of hell. what.

Zhang Tian looked calm, took a sip of spirit tea, and said calmly: "Nannan, you go in and take out the fairy vine."

When the Saintess of Yaochi heard this, she immediately said in shock: "Master Zhang is not allowed, that Immortal Panteng will attack everyone outside of Yaochi."

"As ordered." The ruthless man stood up in awe, his light blue robe rippled, his right hand was slightly raised, and he held the Shuiyun Emperor Sword, with the unique temperament of a sword immortal, and firmly stepped into the secret realm of Yaochi.

"Come on, big sister!" Zi Yan shook her small fist and shouted to cheer.

The rest of the people showed their expressions of surprise. No one understood what Zhang Tian was doing. No matter how strong the Sun God Envoy was, could it be better than the Hades Emperor?

"Looking for death." Emperor Hades narrowed his eyes and spit out these two words coldly.

In the secret realm of Yaochi, it was covered with gray, and the ruthless people looked around, only to see that this space was only the size of a room, and there was a spring in the center, which constantly spewed out the vast and pure spiritual energy, and the immortal vine was suspended above the spring. .

"Dare to come in... Get out!"

The ruthless man just took a step forward, and the dazzling white light erupted from the immortal vine, which condensed a huge mountain, like the sky, and pressed down heavily towards the ruthless man.

The ruthless man was already prepared, and Emperor Shuiyun's sword Qing Yin pulled out of its sheath and swayed a dazzling sword light.

Eternal sword!

However, when the eternal sword qi, which has always been unfavorable, was directly crushed when it hit the white mountain, it was torn apart, and the mountain continued to be crushed towards her.


The ruthless man's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly took out the Demon Suppression Pagoda, blocking the top of his head, and hanging down countless rays of light.


As far as the white mountain came, the Demon Suppressing Tower shattered a dozen huge cracks, smashed into pieces, and an imperial soldier was destroyed.

At this critical moment, the ruthless man finally resorted to his ultimate move, and the golden bell turned into a gauze to cover her body, and at the same time a power of flying immortals rose.


The golden light emitted by the golden beginningless bell collided with the white mountains, as if two giant dragons, one gold and one white, were fighting each other. In the end, the golden light exploded, smashing the white mountains into pieces.

The ruthless man breathed a sigh of relief, but found that the immortal vine was trembling violently, turning into an unparalleled emperor shadow, with his back facing the vastness, as vast as a mountain.

"This is this emperor's bell without beginning!"

The back figure sighed softly, but like an emperor scolding Fang Qiu, he stepped on the heavens and the world under his feet. , , .

Chapter 813: The Emperor Burying the Heavens Performs the Law of Heaven!

The ruthless man was shocked, only to feel that the back of this road was like an ancient sacred mountain, majestic and heavy, and it could not be surpassed and shaken.

"This is this emperor's bell without beginning!"

These words lingered in his ears, and the ruthless man could not help but frown slightly. This golden bell was given to her by her future body when she entered the future with the power of reincarnation. .

"It is said that the real owner of the Wu Shi Zhong is the previous life of the Wu Shi Great Emperor, that is, the famous Wu Shi Tiandi. Could it be that he is..."

Thinking of this, the eyes of the ruthless man suddenly burst into infinite splendor. The Unbeginning Heavenly Emperor, one of the strongest Heavenly Emperors of the human race in ancient times, swept across the nine mountains and seas, and actually appeared here. His will resides in the celestial vine middle.

"You and Yaochi have no cause and effect, so you shouldn't have this bell, just leave the bell without beginning."

The back of the Beginning Heavenly Emperor spoke again, his voice rumbled like thunder.

At the same time, he slowly turned around, and his whole body was covered with golden glow, like a god king, a god emperor, invisible.

He seemed to be in the midst of divine fire, high above, looking down at the common people, seemingly slowly raising his palms, clenched them into fists, and slammed them out.


Suddenly, as if divine thunder came into the world, the void directly smashed a huge hole, and a golden fist rolled over the endless void, rolling in.

"Good... so strong!"

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