And the mountain and sea road fetus is crawling on the mountainside, hidden in the clouds and clouds, as if a giant dragon is sleeping.

The space shook slightly, and the first immortal existence appeared in this core space.

This is an Immortal King, and in terms of timeline, she should be the last fairyland character to be present.

Zhang Tian paused for a while and looked at the man, only to see that the man was tall, wearing dark golden armor, glowing all over, graceful curves, fluttering hair, and sharp eyes.

She held a bronze-colored magic spear in her left hand, exuding devastating power, and in her right hand held a simple shield, full of desolate and ancient aura, like a Valkyrie walking in the wilderness.

She is obviously not a human race, her racial talent is extremely powerful, as if she was born to fight, although she is only at the peak of the Immortal King realm, she can be called Ban Zhun Immortal Emperor, and her eyes are invincible.

The battle between her and the Dragon Corpse of the Mountains and Seas was very astonishing. At the end of the battle, an abyss vision manifested behind her. Countless people from different races recited a strange name to bless her with divine power, and the more she fought, the more courageous she became.

That name is translated into nine common languages ​​of mountains and seas, that is - An Lan.

"It turned out to be from the Anlan Imperial Clan."

Zhang Tian's pupils shrank slightly. This Anlan Imperial Clan is a very powerful alien race, with an almost indestructible body, born in the original Imperial City of Tianyuan.Small composition novel

In the early days of ancient times, Tianyuan was one of the most terrifying restricted areas in the nine mountains and seas, because there were many powerful aliens living there, among which the Anlan Emperor was the most powerful.

At that time, the ancestor of the Anlan Emperor Clan, known as the Immortal King, slaughtered the Heavenly Court powerhouses who had invaded Tianyuan countless times, and even in the final crusade, he carried Tianyuan on his back, held the Primitive Imperial City in one hand, and fought fiercely against two Heavenly Court quasi-immortals. The emperor did not fall behind, and his reputation shocked the nine mountains and seas.

That battle was comparable to the battle of mountains and seas. The ancient Heavenly Court dispatched four quasi-immortal emperor-level Heavenly Venerates at one time, and they were about to destroy Tianyuan, an alien entrenched restricted area, which shocked the world.

Because of the resistance of the Immortal King, the war lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. In the end, the Emperor Buried Heaven personally took action and slammed the Immortal King into serious injuries.

However, in the end, the Immortal King desperately dragged the two Heavenly Venerates, so that the Heavenly Court army could not form a siege, and many fish that slipped through the net ran away.

This incident happened tens of millions of years ago, and Zhang Tian almost forgot about it. Unexpectedly, he saw a descendant of the Anlan Imperial Clan today. She is a woman, but her background is no less than that of the Immortal King. She wanted to give her time. , sooner or later become the next alien queen.

This female fairy king of the Anlan imperial clan did not defeat the mountain and sea dragon corpse. At the critical moment, she seemed to have suffered some kind of repelling force and was directly blasted out.

She is already lucky. At the end of the ancient times, the mountain and sea dragon corpses were not enough. The few immortal kings who came before her were all beheaded by the mountain and sea dragon corpses. The crystal white bones are the proof .

Zhang Tian continued to let the time go back, and he saw more. It was a quasi-immortal emperor who came from the sky. The strength of these existences has already moved the sky and the earth, but he dare not easily touch the emperor's mausoleum Huatian Da laid by the Wushou Tiandi. array.

They came one by one, disappeared one by one, and finally came together to break through the Great Mausoleum of the Emperor's Mausoleum, and each took a flag.

When the time came to this step, it was exactly ten million years. Zhang Tian let out a sigh of relief, raised his hand and waved, and everything went back to ten million years later.

In fact, the higher the cultivator's realm, the more difficult it is to be targeted and calculated. When he reaches the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor, he has left a name for the emperor's mark, and he has already transcended this universe by half a step. Even the way of heaven cannot be completely restricted. It is almost impossible, even with Zhang Tian's strength, it is quite difficult to calculate so many quasi-immortal emperors at one time.

However, this time retrospective is obviously a huge harvest. Zhang Tian seems to be standing in the perspective of God, and he has a panoramic view of everyone's layout. All plans are useless in front of him.

The array flags that formed the Great Mausoleum of the Emperor's Mausoleum and Heaven Transformation had clearly been taken away by several quasi-immortal emperors, but later appeared in the hands of the Nine Emperors of the Middle Ages to assist them in dividing the mountain and sea roads.

From this, it can be seen that the so-called Jiulong Fengtian plan is basically the chess game set up by the few quasi-immortal emperors, the medieval nine emperors in the Shengyuan world, but they are just chess pieces controlled by them.

And in this terrifying chess game, the roles of those few immortal kings who survived by chance could only be determined until the day they debut.

"Interesting, let this Emperor see how you guys will end this game."

The corner of Zhang Tian's mouth curled up with a slight arc, and he took a step forward, and his body disappeared without a trace.

In the abyss of raging flames, the remnant flags were torn to the ground, the bones were thick, and everything was the same as before. , , .

Chapter 818 This Heavenly Burial Emperor is too shameless

In the Three Gods Religion, Zhang Tian once again called his three daughters to the Temple of the Gods.

As soon as the ruthless man entered, he bowed: "Father, the Saintess of Yaochi has been in the church for a few days. Because you did not give specific instructions, I will let her follow the high priest as a follower first."

Zi Yan bowed wisely, then took out her small bench and sat down, and said with a smile: "I see that there is no Jade Emperor soldier on the holy girl of Yaochi at all, just let my father take her as a concubine. , we can't suffer a big loss in vain."

"Third sister, don't talk nonsense!" Yuxin flicked Zi Yan angrily, and then she bowed to Zhang Tianyingying: "I have seen my father."

Zhang Tian waved his hand and said, "The matter of the Saintess of Yaochi, Nan Nan, you can just watch and decide, but it's just a trivial matter."

The ruthless man blinked and said, "Since my father doesn't care about Saintess of Yaochi, why did he go all out to protect Yaochi in the first place, the ordinary imperial soldiers of the extreme path, should my father dislike it?"

"That's right, my father is clearly interested in the Saintess of Yaochi, but I'm too embarrassed to speak, sigh, since I am my father's daughter, I will tell Saintess of Yaochi about this matter, and she doesn't dare to refuse. ." Zi Yan said shaking her head.


Zhang Tian popped a finger in the sky and directly hit Zi Yan upside down. This girl is simply lawless. Even he dares to be angry and must teach him a lesson.


"Ha ha……"

Zi Yan's cries of pain and the laughter of the two sisters intertwined, making the hall very lively.

Zhang Tian shook his head angrily, and after watching Zi Yan sit down again, he said solemnly: "I have a little affection with that Yaochi, and I don't want to see it destroyed, so I help me out, that's all. It's just, don't speculate at will. I called you here today because I have a serious explanation, so listen carefully."

"As ordered." Yu Xin said softly.

"Understood." Zi Yan replied crisply, her big eyes turned and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The ruthless said: "Since my father and Yaochi are old, I will ask people to take care of Yaochi and help them restore the Taoist lineage as soon as possible. As for the holy girl of Yaochi, the whole continent knows that she has the emperor's soldiers hidden in her body, but it is not easy to put it back immediately. , let her follow the high priest first, and she can learn a lot." Miaobige Novel

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, and did not dwell on this issue, but told the inside story of the Nine Dragons Sealing Heaven Great Array and what he saw in the core of the mainland.


After listening to Zhang Tian's words, the three daughters really looked shocked and exclaimed.

"My father said that the world of Shengyuan is a mountain and sea world that can be compared with the nine great mountains and seas?" The ruthless man asked incredulously. You know, compared with the mountain and sea world that includes hundreds of stars, the world of Shengyuan is like dust. Not worth mentioning.

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